Game has "AND YOU" in the end credits

>Game has "AND YOU" in the end credits

Other urls found in this thread:

>Game has furries in it

They meant me though. Not you.

>tfw you pirated the game

So a Disney movie?

>Game has anthropomorphic characters in it

>credit roll
>they're unskippable
>you go do something while they go on
>you miss the final cutscene



>Donkey Kong

>game detects that you've pirated the game and just tells you to have fun even if you don't buy it

>special thanks: Jesus

Yiff in hell, furfag.

Do you know what anthropomorphic means

>totally changing the theme of the thread until someone posts porn and everyone go bat-shit crazy

>Not just posting the porn yourself


Kill yourselves.

>Special thanks: Kāne, Kū, Lono and Kanaloa

Cute navel

enjoy your ban furnigger


You know, I really liked what Neptunia Rebirth 1 did. Finish the game and all the main characters come out to congratulate and thank you for finishing the game.

Finish true ending and EVERYONE comes out, even minor characters you've completely forgotten about.

Personally I thought it was very sweet and I liked it a lot.

Skip to 18:00 if you don't want to see the entire video.

fucking dropped

>Game thanks you for playing

>special thanks: Kāne

you first

>Credits are done rolling
>Game keeps you frozen on the screen until you reset the system

>Game thanks me for playing
>I pirated it.
Completely unaware of my scheme, it still expresses gratitude.

>Wild Arms ending
>after special thanks
>Screen goes "and..."
>Main charakters turn and stare at you

>watching credits

>Seeing things

this so much
>oh man there's gonna be a FUCKING EPIC easter egg at the end, just like in my favorite Marvel movies!

>game knows you pirated it

>Game makes the credits into a minigame that you get scored on

I wish more games did this

that comic is shit

>credits roll
>input bizarre code, receive disgruntled rant

>tfw you pirated the game and the credits acknowgledge that you did and don't thank you

>game has Totaka's song hidden somewhere

I really, really like the design of Donkey Kong.


If the game was good, why not?

>credits shows developer's children


I always watch the credits,even if the game is terrible.
It's a form of respect in my opinion.

Why haven't you killed youself yet?

I bet you enjoyed Assassin's Creed then

Crossed is so edgy. The only reason to read it is for the one panel of hot porn per page.

name one game that does this

Me too! Save it, it's all yours, my friend :)

>wait for credits to end hoping that i can save
>it just stands at the end screen


I haven't played that game.

>snuggling a piece of wood

fuckin mad man


If you somehow did finish it the credits are literally forty minutes long. That's not an exaggeration.

I've been playing the pirate one lately. Postponed it for a Bloodborne runthrough, but I'm going to go back.
It's actually pretty fun. The assassin stuff is kind of meh, but all the pirate stuff is great. Whoever made this game needs to just make a straight up pirate game.

>Skidrow is in the opening credits

which wild arms was this

I bet her vag smells like musty piss, mildew, vinegar, scabs and dog farts. I've just got a hunch.

If I enjoy the game,I watch the credits.
The time I scripped the credits was Fallout 3.

>Adding hot milk to your coffee

>special thanks: Kane


>Drinking coffee in general

>Game thanks you by name

is that a doujinshi?

Why is it that bald men with goatees look so repulsive and un-fun to be around? Dude looks like he'd yell at me for jaywalking.

No, it's illustration for Donald Trump's biography

Zootopia was both insufferable and boring

>...and you, ZELDA

>not drinking coffee
You may only pick one.

Furries have low standards.

Doubt it but there are some like it.

Just a illustration.
IQDB button is your friend user.
IQDB>Danbooru>Source>There you have it.

Coffee increases estrogen

the first on ps1.

>tfw I just beat dragon quest 1
>It did this
The worst kind of feel

>Curse you Sages! Curse you Zelda! Curse you lunk!

Well i fap to feminine penis and put stuff up my butt on occasion

You are very kind. Thank you based user.

From personal experience that would hurt like a motherfucker

>"You" is replaced by the name of the guy who did the fan translation

>not just fucking your couch like a real man

What, did you shove a rough pencil up in there?

>romhacker makes himself part of the opening credits


Random Japanese game. Dude found some extra space on the cartridge and hid his grievances in there.

>watch entire credits without skipping
>special thanks: You for making it all the way to the bottom

I mean getting a footlong erection in tight pants

I wouldn't smile as smug as her

I think he is reference the detachable animu log jammer

All of this is small compared to the literally 10 minutes Neptunia Rebirth 1 spends congratulating you for finishing the game.
