Fire Blast

>Fire Blast
>Fire Spin
What is the modern day equivalent of this?

Other urls found in this thread:

>3 of 4 same type moves
>Fire spin
>hyperbeam on charizard
The equivalent? Autist's shit.

except autists min/max, so they'd have actually good movelists

>it's another 'its gen one so it's fine on Sup Forums thread

autists wouldn't use charizard to begin with, and if you are using him, fire spin is the only move you need.

I'm sorry Gen 2 was an abortion and that hgss didn't fix it's glaring flaws.

this, fire spin was op as fuck in gen I
Looking back on gen I it had some serious flaws balance wise, like they barely tested the game and let it out

>mfw frozen

Might as well be dead if that happens

I used to do that as a kid but with ember instead of hyperbeam

Trust me, an autist would use Charizard.
>tfw you find out you're an autist

genwun was ruled by ground and dragon type pokemans. fire spin was great but you could also use Wrap with Dragonite and he didn't have as many weaknesses.

>didn't have as many weaknesses
k buddy :-3

if you didn't have a pokemon with ice beam then you better hope you have a dragonite of your own, or he's going to steamroll through your party.

If you didn't have a pokemon with ice beam or the tm by the elite four you deserved what was coming to you for being a shitter

i'm just saying, Charizard has more weaknesses than Dragonite.

Only thing Dragonite had to worry about were Ice and Rocks. Dragon didn't mean shit in Gen I because Dragon Rage was the only Dragon type move and it always did 40 damage.

Fire Spin was good in gen 1 since it acted like Wrap; the enemy couldn't do anything during it.

>ice beam
Blizzard was better in evey way.

>Blast Burn
>Dragon Claw
>Fire Blast

I've encountered too many of these on Battle Spot Singles.

If this is an "autistic" moveset, then Einstein would love this moveset. Bill Gates would love this moveset. Mark Zuckerberg (creator of Facebook) would love this moveset. Hell, with the "autistic" logiv, EVEN THE CREATOR OF POKÉMON HIMSELF, SATOSHI TAJIRI, would love this moveset.

The creator of Pokémon is actually diagnosed with the medical diagnosis of autism.
Source :

>then you better hope you have a dragonite of your own
There were no actual dragon moves in genwun. The only way to take out Dragonite was with Blizzard, Ice Beam, or maybe STAB Rock Slide.

>what is psychic: the post
>half the gen is poison type
>one decent bug technique (Twinneedle), only learned by a below average mon (Beedrill)
>ghost types are part poison too
>and if that wasn't enough ghost type moves were bugged and weren't effective against psychic either

hyper beam and fire spin were really useful in gen 1, and I'm not sure what else you could give Charizard as a fourth move back then. It couldn't even learn fly before Yellow.

nigga, i hope you arent *that* guy that picks bulbasaur

Slash mite be gud
Charizard is fast and crits are based on speed

>Slash mite be gud
might be?
nigga, slash pretty much destroys anything that isnt rock.

plus its a literal death sentence for psychic types

>gen 1
>ruled by anything but normal
your wrap and psychic won't do you any good when you get instantly get disintegrated by a tauros's hyper beam
especially when he doesn't have to recharge after killing a target with hyperbeam because gen1 bugs

>genwun was ruled by ground and dragon type pokemans
Swing and a miss

I did. What now, bitch nigga?

There are plenty of pkmn threads on Sup Forums. You're free to talk about why there isn't a pokemon MMO if you would, or whatever.

Is there not a contemporary pkmn game without all the grinding poppycock?

Daily reminder that Pokemon is just a shitty Shin Megami Tensei ripoff which succeeded because it was fun and color and appealed to children.

To your defense this is easy to forget as Shin Megmai Tensei is utterly shit now.

that's what i was implying, he had very few weaknesses.

>a marketable thing stole market share

Well duh

Cyberpunk Elric-inspired cosmic battle between Law and Chaos is way cooler IMO. Publishers were just afraid of Christfags and Mooslims.

>Pick Squirtle
>Blastoise with Surf for accurate powerful STAB, and HM usefulness
>Ice Beam or Blizzard for covering main weakness
>Dig or Earthquake for more coverage, Dig being useful in dungeons
>Final move either Hydro Miss, Body Slam, Hyper Beam or whatever
The ultimate bro

>about why there isn't a pokemon MMO
user do i have a surprise for you..

Fact: only autists ever give their pokemon non-attack moves

I hope they get rid of HMs in Gen7.
They add nothing to the games and have plagued the series for years

Yes slash and earthquake as 3rd and 4th move. Better prepare your anus.

do you really not know how OP Agility is? at least it was in gen 1.

>he doesn't Swords Dance

>not using Amnesia in gen1 when Sp. Def and Sp. Atk were the same stat

>Toxic + Wrap
This sounds incredible but did Toxic work like that in gen 1?

just use Slash with its near guaranteed crit

Try Toxic + Leech Seed + Wrap

yeah and i bet you used your starter and nothing but your starter all throughout the game too

That's how I beat the Elite Four with level 30s. A Tentacruel with Wrap and Toxic, loaded up with Carbos.

>yfw No Guard / Fissure Machamp soon


Just take a look at pic related. I never really knew why somethings worked like they did, looking back on it this knowledge would have ended worlds back then.

>give Vaporeon Acid Armor and Aqua Ring
>tank everything

It's not the same, as SMT has more default FF style battle system. PKMN is a turn based game per character which is also team based.

>fucked censored
fucking ledditors

>Just started replaying gen 1 on 3ds
>Decided to only catch 6 pokemon for my team and go with it
>Eventually going to get eevee for jolteon

Rate my team aside from lol no fire moves. I could go fireblast on geo but lol no SpA, and I don't really need the type coverage anyway

Kudos for not being a Pidgey pleb

>Gust is a normal type
>No flying attack until like 30

Anybody that likes pidgey wasn't born or was too young to think critically during gen 1


This. Bulbasaur was capable of that crazy shit.

>hating on Pidgeot

Have fun with Graveler.

Actually I was too lazy to plug in my harddrive and just pulled one off of google, ironically enough the one from the reddit link wasn't censored.


Don't worry, my imouto has a 3ds too

The entire Fire-type family remained arguably the weakest type (in terms of move-pools, movesets and Pokémon able to utilise these correctly) until rectified in Gen III/IV.


You're forgetting about Meganium

Which is actually a Pokemon I really like

>Playing vidya with your cute imouto
I hate you, user.

I want a ghost-type with Flame Body, Poison Point, Effect Spore, or Static so it can be paired with Hex.

I was such a scrub I had no idea what I was doing when I was 8 playing pokemon.

I had put cut on my beloved Charizard, and despite that being a great filler move with 40p, and one shotting pretty much anything, I would've gave my left nut to have replaced that with Slash or something back in the day.

I was 8 and barely knew English when I beat Pokemon Red. Why bother when the game is so easy?

>mfw doing the Mew glitch

>mfw gen IV comes and we get the physical/special split
>mfw Pidgey doesn't a usable flying move until wing attack


But I do agree Fire-types have always been pretty lack luster since Water types and Gound types have almost always had a great movepool and type matchup. I thought that it wouldn't be as bad when they introduced steel types, but even with steel types it's better to just have an off type ability like fire punch on someone who isn't a fire type to avoid shit typing.

Pidgey is actually the casual trap

>tfw being 8 and move visuals matter to you more than numbers

You could still beat the game with just Pidgey.

Well yeah, pokemon is made for casuals, doesn't mean I can't feel superior to them

And now it's Ice.
Poison was a possible contender for weakest, but then Fairy (i.e. the balance type) came with its' weird combinations of interactions.

>had Yellow as a kid
>friends all had Red/Blue so access to super high level Pokemon infinite Master Balls/Rare Candies thanks to Missingno
>upset because can't join in on glitchfest
>start Yellow on 3ds other day
>read up on all the Yellow-version glitches, break the game over my knee
>20 minutes in, L100 Gengar
>early Mew
>Ditto glitching a Missingno
>finally 128 Master Balls
>underflow my items
>teleporting everywhere
>pulling Rare Candies directly out of memory into my inventory


it's only saving grace over spearow is that it has enough bulk that it will probably survive non-supereffective hits that would kill a spearow

>weak to the most common attacking types
>only resists itself
>hail hurts almost everything
>every other water type can learn Ice Beam/Blizzard anyway
At least give it resistence to Dragon or Water or fucking something

Outspeed and don't get hit kouhai

>Fire Spin
Are you underage, or have you really not played these?

>catch the rarest pokemon in the world
>make it an hm slave


You're in the club with your GF, and this guy comes up to her and Psybeams her ass.

What do you do back? Keep in mind he knows Recover, and will definitely use it like a huge faggot.

>rarest pokemon
Yeah, and charizord is teh strongest too.

agreed though that newer sprites make pokemon look less threatening

one shot with mewtwo's psychic

>hyper fang
>crits, crits fucking everywhere

What the fuck, these things are scary as hell early on in Nuzlocke runs

How so, fampai?

If you mean about not knowing about how broken Yellow is, I played Yellow on release - all this glitch research happened years afterwards.

>one shot with a NFE move
Maybe if it had 2 or 3 Amnesia boosts

body slam your fragile ass into oblivion


>Amnesia 3 times

charizard was for normies.

Meganium wasn't totally awful when introduced though.

>Pre-Gen III

Agreed with the rest of your post though.

Main point was that, prior to Gen III (and certain symptoms persisted into it until Gen IV) half of all Fire Pokémon had their stats distributed to favour the Attack stat, and a lot of those who did have a healthy Special Attack to play with, had truncated move-pools (Flareon and Entei being the perfect examples).

This wasn't to say it was completely useless as a type, you just had more limited options when it came to the meta-game.

having a Gengar early in my party and a Mew in my pc felt so right.

special stat both gives attack and defense