So... Where's ME: Andromenda going to fit? In the timeline, I mean.
Is this after the reapers? It has to be, right?
How did we manage to leave the Milky Way?
Ugh, this is so fucking confusing, man.
Other urls found in this thread:
I chose synthesis.
come on, guys
oh, ffs, no answers?
I'd imagine a few hundred years after the Reaper invasion.
so, if you chose synthesis/control, the reapers will still be around, right?
>choosing worst endings
Anyway I sincerely doubt this game will reference the original 3 at all. I imagine the Ark was a secret project built to evacuate the more important members of galactic society once ours was wiped out.
Remember, the Council knew about the Reapers when Sovereign first attacked.
it was set into motion before Eden Prime was attacked. Obviously the Systems Alliance has a hand in its creation, plus the Turian military and at least one Asari consortium.
Was there an E3 trailer? I haven't seen yet. Really could have used those Ark resources for the Crucible...
Synthesis is the best in my opinion.
But like... They kinda HAVE to reference ME3.
Everything changed. They have no way around it.
shut up you fucking obnoxious nigger
i was going to post but then i saw you whining like a little faggot
I'm guessing it'll start before the final assault on Earth. World leaders will think all is lost and send off a ship loaded with Humans (and possibly other species) to continue the survival of the human race.
the only possibly way for them to travel to another galaxy that I see is using reaper tech (such as the mass relays).
What is the ark? I don't remeber any mentions of any ark.
Bioware has already hinted that it takes place several hundred years in the future from the mass effect we know, just based on time it'd take to travel that far.
My guess is they kinda hand-wave which ending of 3 you chose, and say that you used reaper tech (salvaged from dead reapers or adapted from tame ones) to develop trans-galactic travel methods.
Motivation for the exploration is probably going to be colonization based on the premise that the entire milky way was a target before, it can be again. The further citadel space spreads, the harder it is for them to be wiped out.
They built a giant ark with a whole bunch of different species, like the council races and Krogan (probably not the Quarians, Geth, or Batarians) in secret leading up to the invasion. When shit got shitty in the war with the Reapers, they launched it and everyone went into cryosleep for 300ish years. They arrive at Andromeda and then the game starts.
Yea, but by the time Earth rolls around every system is controlled by the Reapers, most, if not all the Mass Relays are locked down.
Bethesda did some community interviews to see what people felt was iconic to the franchise (theme of exploration, N7) and to test their new storyline (Andromeda) for reactions. The Ark was first mentioned then.
Destroy (Good/Best) I forget how it's listed internally, requires the most EMS or what points, whatever. Besides, thematically, it's the most fitting ending.
New trailer for those that haven't seen it. No important info, just a dev diary with some interesting pictures and clips
I chose Revelation Space, the superior material.
Is this Ark thing confirme?
Because I want to see how things went after synthesis.
Everyone got those cool green eyes, and the reapers were helping.
I wanna see that shit
Then development would've had to start before then. Probably after Sovereign's attack? Although the council didn't believe in the reaper threat though
What timeline? It was all a dream.
They're completely done with the Reapers (at least with the original trilogy's plot line). They won't give an aftermath of the reaper threat since they're going to Andromeda
Yeaaaah... There was that!
It was the retelling of the shepard story...
Uhm... Interesting.
I loved the Reapers :(
It's been awhile but the Council knew about the Reapers, and their capabilites. It's revealed in the Citadel DLC.
This is the end result of Mass Effect in the Milky Way galaxy, whether the two beings standing there have glowing green bits or are completely new species, the end result is the same. They are safe and the Reapers are gone. No IT, no story conflicts.
I think there was also something about Reapers not being able to traverse too far into the dark space in between galaxies. Their mass effect cores expended too much energy that couldn't be replaced in DS. So, theoretically, another Galaxy is safe from Reapers, but there's this new Alien Empire and pirates that plague Andromeda. And we're going to have to freedom the shit out of them.
Any word that Andromeda isn't just a standalone?
I'm sure they'll deliver a quality product
>ranking three identical endings
>It's been awhile but the Council knew about the Reapers, and their capabilites. It's revealed in the Citadel DLC.
What? Is it? I played it and I don't remember.
>but there's this new Alien Empire and pirates that plague Andromeda. And we're going to have to freedom the shit out of them.
That's fucking lame, man.
fucking hell, what a mess.
Daily reminder.
If they sent the Ark to Andromeda before Sheppard chose blue, green or red, they don't have to refference anything.
Mass Effect is fucking shit, and has been since ME2.
Not a single game from Bioware after the first one is worth playing.
>Remember, the Council knew about the Reapers when Sovereign first attacked.
What are you talking about? That was just a big Geth ship. Nobody ever collected evidence to the contrary. Like, that big ship in the citadel... Never mind that, we cleaned that up and threw it in a sun.
What? Suit recordings? What the bajeebus are you talking about? We dismissed that in a throw-away line, don't you remember?
Haha, Shepard, you're so silly. Reapers..I mean, really.
>canon ending destroy, of course
>just before the reapers came in, plans for an andromeda expedition ever since sovereign died
>reapers roll in just after the Ark sent away
>will get a message at the end of the game
>small debate about if a reaper trick or something
what the fuck. deosn't make sense.
how come there are humans in andromeda in 2148?
That's fake
Unfortunately, this is not.
Not identical under the lens of the indoctrination theory.
It's in the Citadel vault or database. I can't remember, when you're chasing the clone I think? I played through that DLC once. Maybe someone remembers better?
Don't you mean Bioware?
This isn't Canon
Don't listen to this image.
BioWare touched on the BIoWare forums and in a interview.
The Ark was Plan B if Shepards plan between 2 and 3 didn't work. The Ark was sent to another Universe in hopes of the races surviving if the Reapers took everyone out.
There aren't? The right hand side is just the events leading up to the ark going to Andromeda.
OHHHH! Now I got it!
I'm a bit slow, sorry.
But i'm still pissed because I wanna see the milky way.
Bowie/man who fell to earth reference in other sci-fi when?
Did no one watch this?
I haven't read this thread so if this has already been said boohoo cry some more.
I expect the timeline of this game begins around the end, if not immediately following the end (give or take a timespan of a few years) of ME3. I expect that prolonged FTL travel will create a sort of "time hiccup" like what Orson Scott-Card describes in his Ender's Game series (which Mass Effect was more than certainly inspired by in parts). So, where the game begins with Shepherd being still alive (destroy ending is canon fuck you) the actual events of the game will likely take place dozens if not hundreds of years later (though only seeming like maybe a few months for the crew) once the team reaches their destination.
this one was shit
>time hiccup
Do ME fans seriously not know what time dilation is?
So was the new one.
what the hell are you talking about?
Familiarize yourself with the term I indicated in my post.
Different words, same thing.
I think the ark theory is more likely to be the case because of this video:
Since Mass Relay travel is near instantaneous, I don't know. We have to know who the creators of the Ark are before we can decide how it works. If it's Reaper tech, it may be like the Relays. If it's Prothean or older, we can assume there's going to be a time gap.
I guarantee the game is going to open with the Ark crew listening to the radio reports we here before Shepard gets up.
After the Reapers. The story couldn't be continued in any way so they just decided to move the game to a whole new galaxy.
Good thing too, I hope the Dark matter plot gets used for real here though. Also I hope the Rachni came with the Milk Way survivors
That's fair enough.
Who cares.
Mass Effect was like having a great gf/bf of 5 years break up with you completely out of nowhere, giving you bull shit reasons that you know for a fact don't make any sense.
Would you trust that person if the called you up a few years later and asked you to get back together?
I wouldn't get back with her but I'd definitely fuck her.
i'm gay
I'd fuck her multiple times then dump her.
I'm I the only one who wishes for a spess murine companion? I'm talking a Xeno hating, ex-cerberus big dude in power armor with a big ass fucking rifle.
no, you wouldn't. you're all virgins
> I'd fuck her
So pirate?
I wanna believe the old storyteller is the new main character telling old stories to his grandchild
Is she a big dude in power armor with a bigass fucking rifle?
Didn't think so.
Give her a Revenant or that N7 Rifle.
She's manly enough, honestly.
EDI was so cute on the synthesis ending
Nothing was cute in that ending. Really loved how it made you feel like you did something good though.
it fucking was.
edi almost cried.
i love synthesis;
Cerberus realized that you can't have human supremacy in the milky way galaxy with all these filthy xenos, so they funded the ship to Andromeda before shit got down.
Enjoy three more games of cerberus bullshit.
>Cerberus bullshit
How fucking pleb can you be that you do not want more Cerberus? Cerberus was the best organization in the series.
Are you that guy from the Bio forums that was pissed because his Shepard couldn't join up with Cerberus?
it always bothered me how the three endings on the top of being an insult to the fans and a complete disaster also seem like they were a ripoff from the situation at the end of Foundation's Edge by Asimov.
I have no hope whatsoever for Andromeda desu
Writers and their audience are retards with no sense of scale. They think the only way to make things seem bigger and fresher is to set it a thousand years a part and in a new galaxy.
Did none of them consider just how huge the Milky Way is?
You really need to go back to gamefaqs or reddit. Im not even trying to be mean here. Your posting style is nauseating.
to be honest that's pretty good facial animation
It's been explained by Bioware a hundred ot times.
>Is this after the reapers? It has to be, right?
ME: A starts while the Reapers are attacking the Milky Way
>How did we manage to leave the Milky Way?
The Protheans left planes of the Ark and a portal that sends the Ark out of the galaxy.
When Hacked thought Shepard died during the London assault they send the Ark to the portal. Then the citadel blast destroyed the portal and the Ark gets isolated of the milky way.
There was a picture explaining the whole timeline.