>half the price of the Fallout 4 season pass
>twice the content
Muh boi
>half the price of the Fallout 4 season pass
>twice the content
Muh boi
Other urls found in this thread:
>still manages to be just as shitty
Wew lad
Except no. Kill yourself faggot.
Playing through Hearts of Stone right now, better expansion pack than many full price games coming out.
>it's another Fallout 4 bait episode
it was a good game desu
here's your (You)
When Bethesda loses GOTY titles and can't even compete with a no name Polish product then you know Bethesda is fucking up. They get these awards for name, not even by merit; but they slipped too hard with this one.
Never said it was a bad game, the season pass is just a bad deal.
Hey witcherfags how about that QUALITY combat you got there?
Heart of stone dlc is the best I have played add on wise.
>complains about W3 combat
>Bethesda games have the worst combat of any RPG
How do you justify that?
Hey summerfag how about those SHITTY posts you're making here. Fuck off.
As bland as it is, it's better than anything Bethesda has made. They're basically still using 1st person dungeon crawler combat that was mind-blowing in the early 90s, acceptable in the early 2000s, and a complete embarrassment today.
I started playing the witcher 3 the other day after hearing about how bad the combat is from Sup Forums. I don't get it? Combat is pretty good.
Except Fallout 4 is twice more fun due to better gameplay design than the Witcher 3.
You get what you pay for I guess, trash content for trash prices.
I know this is bait but
Its better than anything Bethesda pumps out. People who complain about the combat tend to forgot what their alternatives are. The only thing I dislike about it at this point though is that difficulty in combat doesn't translate well into Witcher 3s combat. Geralt seems to have I-Frames on his rolls, but they aren't reliable at all. Fighting against Griffins for example is a fucking chore because your dodge doesn't work properly, and there's even a golem that will drain 1/3rd of your health by literally pounding on the floor and releasing a shockwave that will still hurt you mid-air.
>half the price of Fallout 4
>half the gameplay too
Seems about right.
When you can say "bethesda has a better combat system" you know you're looking at a shit series.
Make no mistake user, the real problem with TW3 is its popularity, because Sup Forums's number one rule is braindead contrarianism.
>falling for the same troll post for MONTHS STRAIGHT
thanks for your (you)s
Both FO4 and Skyrim are more popular than Witcher and the vast majority agree both those shitty games have better combat than Witcher
So your "LOL SO CONTWEWIAN" argument has no merit.
It's not bad. Witcher 3 just attracts jealous shitposters who are mad the game was successful. Most those people were set on hating it before it even came out.
I have fun even post-endgame with level scaling.
>He bought a game 1/100th as good as TW3 for 3x the price
xD what a shit eater
yeah but witcher 3 is a trash game and fallout 4 is a decent game, it's worth paying the extra money for content for a game that is actually good
>paying for DRM free games
They are literally asking you to pirate it.
>Fallout 4
>Good Gameplay
Pick one.
>Witcher has become like RDR
Fuck you people. Ruining this series with your bullshit and pettiness. Turning it into a shitposting fest because you are so insecure you have to defend every purchase like anyone fucking knows or cares what the fuck you think.
No one gives a flying fuck. Shut the fuck up and fuck off.
You forgot twice the quality as well.
>neo-Sup Forums
I think the biggest problem is that you have a lot of shit that just doesn't have much purpose. For example, there's little reason to use a heavy attack over a light attack, and most enemies can be dealt with by using a sign to stun them and hitting them a couple times. Because of the way Geralt fights, combat doesn't feel weighty and needing to switch between signs/bombs/crossbow or hard-pause to go into your inventory to use oil is clunky at best.
That said, at least it's trying. TES these days is offering combat that is only acceptable in something like Minecraft.
Nig they can literally purchase it right now
How the fuck is any of this shit jealousy? I personally shitpost in witcher threads because none of you ever make an argument back to that one guy that keeps posting webms of your content and this has made all of you easily triggered. It's hilarious.
I personally like the witcher 3, you guys are just funny to watch reply.
You should be over 18 to post here.
Yeah I agree, anyone who falls for bait that obviously is underage.
Is this some kind of joke? Have you even played The Witcher 3? I can't remember the last time I played a game this well made that the devs clearly loved and wanted to be the best it could be.
>You can buy dogshit for half the price of that other piece of shit!
Wow, that is so nice. I'm sure tempted. Wanna recommend some more shit? How much is Dragon Age 2 nowadays?
>How the fuck is any of this shit jealousy?
There are so many salty Bethesda/Bioware fanboys and you know it. I personally find it hilarious how one game made those two fanbases so incredibly assmad and jealous.
>I personally like the witcher 3
You'd have to be crazy not to.
>So your "LOL SO CONTWEWIAN" argument has no merit.
Except plenty of games with questionable combat and gameplay have had relatively unchallenged cult status here (DX, Morro, VTMB and TW2 just off the top of my head). It's simply that large shitposter population here on Sup Forums just can't handle liking something that dirty pleb also plays.
You mean
>bait that obvious
You should be over 18 to post here, stop making it obvious.
>Wow, that is so nice. I'm sure tempted.
Do you eat shit all day and night so much that all you see when you look at anything is shit? We're discussing video games here user. Get the shit off your brain.
>playing an RPG for the combat
That was your first mistake
>Geralt seems to have I-Frames on his rolls, but they aren't reliable at all.
You need a talent for i-frames on your dodge.
I pirated it and quit after 1 hour and saw how ridiculously small the world map is and so much CINEMATIC CUTSCENE I had to skip through just to get a game that plays so poorly that you can barely control your character and being a shitty premade character that offers no customization whatsoever. Then I saw how they sell more open world maps through the season pass and I quit and was disgusted at such a terrible game that makes EA look good.
Compared to Fallout 4 where the gameplay is fantastic from the get go and allows you to explore and have fun in the world within an hour and it marks a huge difference in developer competency and people who actually give a shit about making a good game.
When the fuck is the EE with bug fixes and all the DLCs coming out?
Nah but if you'd ever even consider calling TW3 good, you must eat so much that you don't even notice the taste anymore. Cleanse your palate.
Compared to any bethesda rpg, witcher combat is solid gold
>1 hour
>world map
I'd rather play fallout 4 than this casualized action adventure garbage hack and slash "muh cinematic" garbage.
>i cant talk about the merits of witcher without being a complete fucking hipster and doing nothing but shit on bethesda because its more popular and better
nigger, witcher 3 combat is shit, its button mashing and terrible, so are all the skills and every aspect of the game
>you must eat so much that you don't even notice the taste anymore
I have never tasted shit user, but I imagine you know all about how to keep shit eating interesting and flavorful by filling your mouth with the raunchiest sloppiest diarrhea you can find. You are the King of Shit Eaters after all, shit eating seems to be all you talk about.
I still insist, we are talking about video games. Take your shitty habits to another thread where there are more shit eaters like you who share your interests.
He was just butthurt witcher doesn't treat you like a special snowflake compared to fallout 4
>CDPRdrones in full damage control because Skyrim HD is going to bury Witcher 3
You would still recommed TW3 without having played it? Embarrassing.
Damn this is some quality. Makes me look back at the Dragon Age 2 / Witcher2 threads with nostalgic glee.
>look at the Dragon Age 2 / Witcher2 threads with nostalgic glee
Those were the days.
Just go eat your shit, bud. A guy who eats as much shit as you do doesn't really have a lot of room to talk about what I do
Both games are complete shit, meanwhile dragon age inquisition actually has a ton of great DLC
Just wait till Cyberpunk 2077 comes out.
>this thread
>These are the people that now inhabit Sup Forums
I know you want me to eat shit with a smile on my face like you do, but I don't want to. Not everyone swallows it as easily as you, some people have taste.
I was really hoping they'd fix the terrible combat for the last DLC, but I guess not, and since TW3 mods are non-existent it will always be poor.
DA:I might have the best DLC ever made, but you have to play the base game to play it, so I'll never know.
>some people have taste.
So you only eat the gourmet shit from the fattest of asses you say.
>bludborne 19
No, user. This might come as a surprise to someone with no standards like you but I prefer not to eat shit at all.
In the same boat. Clearly too many kids and Soulsfags on this board.
>but I prefer not to eat shit at all.
All you talk about is eating shit and how the shit you eat is better than anyone elses.
You can't stop talking about how much shit you eat in video game threads so I don't think eating shit is a preference for you, its a passion.
you think you are too good to eat shit or something?
>make a thread about shit
>surprised people express disinterest in eating it
>thinking this means they eat shit, or want to
You might have brain problems there, user. Maybe eating all that shit has adversely affected your mental health, or maybe you were just born this way.
We didn't make a thread about shit, you just can't stop seeing shit everywhere ago because you're hungry and need to fill yourself with some more shit.
They dont call you the Biggest Shit Eater in All Sup Forums for no reason.
Only thing that truly sucks in W3 is the horse riding
shits undefendable
Is this not a Witcher 3 thread, little shiteater? Is it your eyes or the brain? I'm guessing it's the brain like I said above. You should stand down with eating shit. Play a good game. Just once. Maybe it will help.
Do you masturbate to the thought of Todd only or is anyone on the Bethesda payroll fine
Are you taking the piss or is this actually a real argument? I can't even tell with this place anymore
I know you're trying to be humble about all the shit you eat but you'll always be the biggest shit eater I've ever met.
I play good games though, thanks for the concern, should try out Witches 3 it has 250 got awards and may be running 2 years straight as GOTY champion, back to back. It is a champion of games in the way you are of eating massive piles of shit
>little shit eater
I don't eat shit at all like you do, champ. You're the Big Shit Eater on Campus. No need to challenge me to a shit eating competition or anything, you win.
My guess is samefag literally shitposting.
I can't complain.
im on my first playthrough, im level 16 doing stuff in novigrad still, haven't been to skellige yet. can you go to kaer morhen now? there's a treasure quest for the wolf gear, but i'm not sure how to get there, or if it's possible this early in the game.
yeah it's unreal how good cdred is compared to others.
honestly don't even compare. cdred is on another level of greatness.
so glad I didn't buy FO4. what a fucking joke. i literally pity the faggots that play that vanilla.
Oh yeah, I bet you play all the amazing award winning games like Gone Home, Firewatch, Skyrim and Witcher 3 all day every day and either pretend they're not utter shit or worse, you just lack the mental capacity to even comprehend that they are. It's sad either way.
Man I hate that fucking guy, worst fucking super hero.
lol fo4 is sof cuking bad
Here's your (you) but Im starting to think there's actual retards on Sup Forums who think this.
I played both games and actually enjoyed Fallout 4, but objectively the Witcher 3 is a far better made game with more content and a more competent developer.
W3 map is substantially larger even without the DLC. The different provinces are diverse and large enough on they each feel rewarding to explore for their unique quests and events. Fallout 4 doesnt feel finished; Building settlements barely works and players had to find ways to trick the game into working correctly so they could place objects correctly and even then the exercise is pointless because nothing attacks your settlements that poses even the slightest threat. Quests consist of clearing the same areas over and over again, fetch quests and after the main quest is finished there is zero endgame content. I explored the entire map, hit endgame and was completely unstoppable after 56 hours of extremely casual gametime including a disgusting amount of autistic base building for no reason.
Im in NG+ of the Witcher 3 and finding Blood and Wine to be one of the best releases of the year despite being DLC.
Console-fag absolutely do not apply, both games look and play like arse in 30FPS.
Spam fast attack to win: the game
>tfw really enjoyed combat in TW3
>never had any problems with it
>if anything went bad I just thought of a different approach and eventually succeeded
>mfw people can't adapt to combat in video games and just call it shit right on the spot when it doesn't look just like they expected
Your bait was way too obvious
Atleast Witcher 3 runs at a constant 30 fps on console, something Fallout 4 can't handle.
I only play on Easy: the post
Spam fast attack only works on normal human enemies with no shield. Sometimes drowners but they often attack in group.
Once you get good at weaving behind enemies and parrying the combat looks extremely nice. Spamming attacks and using that stupid spin move seems to be what people think the Witcher 3 combat consists of which is funny because it becomes a useless strategy even early in the game or above normal difficulty, and even then.
lol i bet you're too big of a cunt to even name off your 3 favorite games. stay mad buttboi, enjoy bumping the witcher bread for me
...and most bosses and most monsters. Drowners actually step back and you can't constantly spam fast attack on them.
>I pirated it and quit after 1 hour and saw how ridiculously small the world map
I like when I can stop reading b8 just one sentence in. try harder next time m8. you didn't even see the world map 1 hour in.
Honestly the spin thingy can sometimes be useful but more often when you use it, you get hit in the back and lose health easily.
TW3 is spam combat even on the highest difficulty, this was already proven a year ago.
Most bosses will easily counter you or block/stun if you just spam light attack without movement.
Arachnomorphs also move rather quickly.
Blood & broken bones actually. The game starts hard but always gets trivial after a couple of levels because of how shit the balancing is.
game of the decade. there isn't a single rpg nor any other single player experience that even sniff witcher 3 gooch