Are they woth playing?

Are they woth playing?

Which is better?

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i liked seasons better but ages had a sexy tree

and everyone is going to disagree with me

Seasons is better. My favorite childhood game.

Ofc. They're the best Zelda games, following LA.


They're probably among the strongest 2D Zelda titles: if you liked LA or even ALTTP, then you'll like these game.

Seasons is the better game in my opinion, but if you're playing one there's no reason not to play the other - especially if you're looking for the true Linked Game ending.

Both are great and prove that capcom can make a better Zelda title than Nintendo.

I disagree about me disagreeing with you.

it seems like everyone agreed with you itt
congrats! ^^

Yes, they're both great.
Ages had a better villain and puzzles, but I still enjoy Seasons more.

If you read into the games' development, apparently Seasons was designed more with pure action in mind while Ages was for puzzles.

I liked Ages more personally, the puzzles are way better than most Zelda games and it introduces those cool color flipping blocks pretty early on.

I liked ages more but I did get stuck on opening the mermaid cave

Seasons for more action because of higher focus on combat and superior items (magnetic gloves and cape shenanigans anyone?)
Ages for a more puzzle based approach and a more interesting core feature (time travelling vs changing between seasons)

Very strong games. Can't go wrong with either

Either I joined bizarro thread or Sup Forums has developed a taste

Nah, that's the popular opinion
Everyone calls me a contrarian hipster for liking ages more

>Are they woth playing?
They are the only zelda games that one MUST play in order to understand what a good Zelda really is. Every other game is optional and redundant, Ages+Seasons is the definitive Zelda experience.

Seasons is better because it doesn't have a huge chunk of the overworld dedicated to water.

Ages>Seasons but that's opinions, they are both great.
>dat sea of no return tho
>dat music

>we will never get a full orchestra rendition of queen ambi's palace
Thank you for reminding me of this pain OP

Yes. Seasons.

to be fair, both games clearly take after the framework laid out by Link's Awakening and that isn't a Capcom game. The games DO expand on the gameplay in pretty much every possible way though.

Gonna tune in here for all my Ages bros, the game does have the hardest room to deal with in any 2D Zelda game (pic related, inside Hero's cave, you gotta link up for that)

I like ages better because I love me some good puzzling and time travel shenanigans.

Both are great and a must play though.

Now for the real opinions that matter, who is best animal companion and why is it Moosh?

A Link to the Past embodies the series more than the Oracle games.
I only played Seasons. I liked it, but I always dropped it because of how obtrusive and irritating certain things were--like the Subrosia shit, the animal buddy stuff. Exploring the map was an annoyance.

Seasons feels more like a sequel to original LoZ (as it started as a remake) and can be more difficult and navigating the overworld might be the biggest challenge. Ages feels more like LttP/Awakening.

My favorite 2D Zelda games. Too bad we didn't get the 3rd.

See, whatever game we are talking about, you gotta Wait at least 5 years for the shitposters to dispearse

Ages is much better. People who preferred Seasons are retarded. It's marginal but Seasons puzzles don't even need to be thought about to complete.

Boils down to Need to cross a river = freeze in winter, need to climb a slope = vines in summer etc.


Switch Ages and Seasons

Yes, I like Seasons more game play wise but I like Labrynna more than Holodrum. Seasons is more action focused, Ages more puzzles.

Play both.

I think I played seasons way back in the day but if I remember seasons is more "combat" focused since it was originally going to be a remake of the NES game, while ages is more focused on puzzles.

You'll need both to unlock the full story.

I had Seasons as a kid while my brother had Ages and both then and now I've always preferred Ages. Other than a few cool items like the Magic Boomerang and the Rocs cape, Ages has the cool shit. The Switch Hook and the Seed Shooter are really neat items. Will agree that the Power Gauntlet is shit and useless.

The season changing ability is shit and there is fuck all to do in Subrosia. The dungeons in Seasons have no complex puzzles in them and most of the bosses are rehashes from the first Zelda game. Also Onyx sits on his ass and doesn't have any real involvement other than capturing Din and goes down like a chump, while Veran makes many appearances during the story and is actually a challenging boss fight.

There are some parts in Seasons that are cool and some things in Ages that are shit. The quest to get to the Tarm ruins is great while the Mermaid swimming controls in Ages are ass.

So while I can see arguments for both, if they weren't made with the linked feature in mind and released as seperate stand alones, I think Ages would be the more complete game while Seasons is a shitty faceroll. I don't understand where the notion of the combat being better comes from either. None of the bosses are hard in either game (except maybe Head Thwomp if your timing is shit).

I liked the seasons overworld a lot more, but the ages dungeons and items were way better. The seed shooter alone made the items in ages better.

I still like them both, but the dungeons in Ages all felt too simple to me.

Trick question, link the games like they were meant to. I'm only upset we didn't get a third game.

Oracle of Seasons>Oracle of Text Boxes

Are you my brother?
I had Ages and my little brother had Seasons.
I liked both games, but Ages still has a solid place in my favourite games of all time.
It's also one of the few games that frustrated me beyond belief because of the final fight against Veran kicked my ass until I got gud.
At least I remember it being hard. It's probably really fucking easy
Beat Seasons afterwards by linking the games and getting a ton of cool shit.

Link's awakening blows and most of the challenge is just navigating the retarded maze of an overworld

these games are 50% off on eShop
Are they worth it? Or just emulate?

You need to link the games to get the true ending.

That said, Seasons to Age > Age to Seasons. I like how calm and comfier Seasons is while shit goes down in Ages

well i'm not so sure about now. And besides, don't call them "capcom" it was flagship studios, the people who created platinum games

Who else hated the bear? Fucking bear made traveling a pain in the ass.

Ages for gameplay, but Seasons has an undeniable swagger about it. Best of you play both.

I'll be just another user to say that he liked Seasons more, because I liked the colorful seasons-changing theme and the the overworld map was I think better. Obviously, you want to link the adventures to get to the real final boss, instead of wasting your time with Ganon's hard-gay thugs.

Ages is, palette-wise, a lot darker game (as I remember it). Colors seemed a bit more muted (outside of some areas like Zora's domain or Tokai isle - wait, was this in Ages?). The plot is a little bit more involved in Ages as the supporting cast is more active ... but to be honest it's a Zelda game so you're not on the edge of your seat for the story.

Even though I haven't played either in years, I have very fond memories about them.

Play both.
Ages>That third game we were supposed to get but never got with the third goddess in it>Seasons

Don't mind me. I'm just gonna keep rotating faces

I dont even really see them as separate games so I have no preferred one

Seasons is way better due to Subrosia, the overworld felt more fun to me at least, and the animal helper areas were way more fun than the ones in Ages. You also have more fun combat and you don't have annoying dungeons or gimmicks like Ages brought. The dungeons might not be as technical as in Ages, but they're still fun to go through.

Ages is okay, but it suffers immensely once you get the Mermaid's Tail and then have to do the dungeon with it. It also has that one dungeon with the spinning platforms that requires you to go around the entirety of the dungeon once or twice which got annoying really quick since you just ended up running through rooms. The time travel is cool, but you're quite limited until you get the Tune of Ages, and I personally thought the entire overworld wasn't as fun as Seasons. You also had to deal with that entire trading sequence like 3 dungeons in which was really annoying.

Seasons is better. Bettr soundtrack imo and dat underworld subrosia

>Downloading both now
>Have to decide which to start first

Once you beat one game you can transfer your profile over to the other. Pick which ever one sounds the best to you.

iirc if you play Ages first there's one tile on the overworld map you'll never be able to access.

that's not true in the slightest

How does this work on 3DS?

>That one Ages dungeon where you have to leave and come back in another time
That took me forever as a kid.

the same way it worked originally, you type in a password.
the link never worked in the original

It blew my mind when I finally figured out how to use codes between the two games. Also: which companion is best? At first I thought you always ended up with the kangaroo but then I realized you got to oick and i always grinded subrosia dance to get the lizard bro.

Alright mother fuckers it's time to dance

Awakening > Seasons > Ages

Ages is still a great game though.

Same way it worked on GBC. Once you beat the game you get a 20 or so digit code. When you start the other game you enter that code. It brings your name over and allows you to get access to certain items that cant be unlocked on the first play through (bombchus for instance) plus additional dialogue. From what I understand, this feature was the reason why a third game was never made, as the code would have been to large for the cartridge.

We love to dance!

I could never get past this part

Seasons, replayed Ages the other day and it's stupidly designed. The puzzle themselves are repetitive (those colour tile ones are so bad), the time travel is inconsistent and inferior to season changing, Ralph is a moron, and not much in the game is really that challenging, but more of a chore. Also the Goron Dance is needlessly difficult (being one of the few things that is), and is repeated TWICE. Dungeons themselves were annoying - Mermaid Cave and Jabu Jabu being the worst offenders. Underwater dungeons can go fuck off. Bosses are a pain because most require very specific timing (like that stupid head spinning one). Replaying the harp over and over really grated on me after a while. Ages has the better story and made me want to stick my dick into a tree, but it can't make up for all the problems in the game.

Seasons felt more interesting to explore, Subrosia was unique, fun dungeons, quests like the Subrosian date and the pirate ship felt much more memorable, better items, and I felt like it didn't pander so much to the franchise, being devoid of Tingle, zoras, etc.

I'll never know why it was parroted for so long that Ages was better, it's not fun to play at all unless you love tedious puzzles.

Awakening is better than both.

>Go into the past and go to the sea of no return
>Get on the pirate ship
>Later on realize that you didn't explore the whole area and have one grey square on your world map

As a kid that was pretty upsetting

>Goron Dance

Couldn't manage to beat it until i tried closing my eyes and only used my ears.

I fucking hated Subrosia because the dancing thing took me forever. I was better at it when i played Ages, but damn.

>Put in Hero's secret
>Hero's Cave is now a big ass dungeon instead of where you get the sword at the start
>Make it to the end
>All you get is a shitty ring

The secret system was cool, if only because how it linked the two games together with the references and fighting Ganon

However it giving you additional items (Master Sword, Mirror Shield, Max Satchel, Big Goron's Sword) was pointless because iirc you couldn't get them until you cleared the game anyway heres the full info for folks.

I slightly prefer Seasons, but mostly due because I played it first.

Seasons focuses more on combat while Ages is more about puzzles, and a sexy tree.

Fuck that place and all those stupid minigames. That was the worst part in the game.


Same way it worked originally, you use a password. The problem comes when you want to get the GBA rings, those you have to edit your password to add them in properly.

Seasons has best Oracle.

>that one dungeon that requires the goron dancing minigame to complete

I literally couldnt figure out how to beat this guy as a child.

Ages has best villain.

i remember getting Oracle of Ages and not being able to beat the pumpkin boss in the first dungeon. i kept hitting him till the body disappeared and the pumpkin falls to the ground, but i was too retarded to figure out to use the curly baguette to pick up the pumpkin and hit the ghost hiding inside.

I played through these back-to-back in a single sitting with my brother a few weeks back.
Seasons has an almost Mario-like excuse plot where the generic evil guy kidnaps the oracle, then literally nothing happens for 8 dungeons. I'm not saying the plot is especially important in Zelda, but in Seasons there is just no draw or flow.
Ages is infinitely superior and more memorable.
Both of the games do suffer from very un-Nintendo design, such as rng-based heart pieces and rings, as well as at times bad hitboxes. The games also don't have much of a personality, which, granted, is an overarching problem with most of the series, sans Link's Awakening and Majora's Mask.
They're still great and you should play both.

>Jabu Jabu's Belly

What a shitfest of a dungeon

Jabu Jabu's Belly is literally hell

They're talking about Mermaid's cave, not Jabu Jabu's belly

Jabu Jabu's belly is a good challenge. Felt so great when it was over.
>that dungeon half in the past and half in the present
man, ages is good. but time travel is always fun

Mermaid Cave was much worse due to having to switch between time periods to finish it along with all the BS to even enter the damn place.

What's under his mask?

His face

Jabu Jabu is Backtracking: The Dungeon. It's not even difficult, it's just tedious and takes a bunch of your time.
And this is coming from a person that likes the Water Temple.

dragon face

>Awakening is better than both.
my nigga

He's a big general.

Which is more difficult, Ages or Seasons? First time player here deciding which to play first.

whatever face it's on when the bomb lands in him will be the result


>Play ages
>That one grandma who tries to call out to her grandson who has been frozen thanks to Veran

I thought seasons was pretty disorganized compared to Ages but I also like puzzles

Jabu isn't challenging at all, it's just constant backtracking while having to live with the hell that is mashing on the D-Pad to move anywhere.

Ages first gives you the better items for the true final boss in Seasons

Ages had a better story Seasons has better combat. They're both great

A challenging puzzle, I meant

>Are they woth playing?
>Which is better?
Both in A Linked Game you faggot.

I love this bit

Rolling Ridge and Jabu-Jabu are some of the worst places in the series.

Just start playing both and when you get stuck start move over to the other one. That's what I did as a kid. Played them simultaneously.

never completed either because they get too hard at the end