All versions Destiny is 50% off right now on Xbox Live. Should I get it? Is it good right now?
All versions Destiny is 50% off right now on Xbox Live. Should I get it? Is it good right now?
No, if you want a grindfest, play Warframe. It's better.
What do you even end up doing in Destiny? I don't know anything about it
It's ok
Really, it's fun if you have somebody to play it with. The original "story" is shit, Year 1 DLC is okay. If you play by yourself, you'll be bored after 3-4 hours.
You play through the story first to level and get basic loot
Then you move on to strikes which are 10-20min missions that you do with 2 other people (Matchmaking enabled)
If you want to go for bigger and better loot you have two options.
PVP: Theres trials of osiris which is a weekly competitive map and gamemode, Iron Banner which is a week long event where the loot is better and gear stats are enabled making people with better loot have a better chance, but its not completely unfair
Raids: Raids require 6 people in total and dont have matchmaking in game, but you can find sites to get members. Raids have raid exclusive loot and multiple stages to get through them, they can take 1-3hrs depending on your communication and your teamates
If you like the gameplay at its core, you wont really get bored of its until you've experienced everything
So if I'm a solo player it's garbage?
You CAN play it by yourself but it's a much better game with friends. It's advertised as an MMO
You can play solo and have fun, but endgame activities such as raids require other people you can just find an lfg site for that
Friends are not required to play and have fun, but they will probably keep you more engaged in the game if you have someone to play with
If you buy it, buy it with all the dlc
It's not complete garbage. The story is garbage. Huge let down of a game. For 25$ right now, at least here in Canada, it's worth it. But I would never pay full price again for this. Maybe my hopes were too high as I'm a huge Halo 1/2/3 fan..
I'm going to say this because my friend suckered me into buying it, I thought it was going to be fun like Halo but its so fucking bad.
Theres almost no fucking content left when you beat the game
bungie doesn't know whats broken and whats not because they don't listen to anyone at all (Shotguns)
This game is super shit overall, the story is also pretty bad aswell.
Gameplay/graphics/lore is good though. Source material is okay. They fucked it cause of Activishit,.
Maybe if there was a good fucking story in the game it would be good
its been that way since launch and even with taken king its still shit
Also theres shit out there saying its bungies fault for pulling alot of the content out not activision.
Is the pc version half off, too?
Either way, Source material was interesting, Gameplay is still good, graphics too.
The gameplay would be good if they actually balanced their weapons like everyones been asking for since house of wolves
do not buy this game its a sinking ship
I played exclusively solo for a quite a while, and played for about 40 or 50 hours until I started getting bored. That was year 1 vanilla, mind you. There's been a shitload more stuff added since then.
That said, you'll definitely get a lot more out of it if you're playing with some friends. Once you hit higher light levels, you'll start getting invites from randoms just by walking around the tower looking cool, so you can kind of make friends organically by playing the game if you choose to. There's also the option of going the LFG route if you want to raid too.
1k hours played here.
+ 10/10 gunplay. Every other shooter you play next will feel awful.
+Very replayable.
+Tons of Unique guns.
+Very fun raids.
- Very grindy.
-Very little story.
-Impossible to see everything if you are a solo player.
-Some balance issues.
For me, a solid 8/10. Room for improvment for sure, but a very solid experience all around.
>10/10 gunplay
Hell no
>very replayable
after you do raids a few times that shit gets boring as hell
>10/10 gunplay