>Scheduled for the same time as Ubisoft
WHO THE FUCK APPROVED THIS and which one should I watch
>Scheduled for the same time as Ubisoft
WHO THE FUCK APPROVED THIS and which one should I watch
>caring what Ubisoft has to show or say
It starts one hour before Ubi
I only care for the memes
And they usually bring the memes
this desu
PC gamer will probably be fairly dry and boring
I think they even have a grand strategy dev show stuff
Ubisoft will be filled with shit memes and bullshots
One will give you nothing but indieshit.
The other will give you the worst AAA games have to offer.
Pick your poison.
PC Gamer:
Bohemia Interactive
Borealys Games
Boss Key Studios / Nexon
Digital Extremes
New World Interactive
Other Ocean Interactive
Paradox Interactive
Relic Entertainment / SEGA
Square Enix / Square Enix Collective
Studio Wildcard
TaleWorlds Entertainment
Torn Banner Studios
Tripwire Interactive
but it's not
You don't know what the indieshit will be exactly, but you can just watch any of Ubisoft's conferences from the last 3 years to see what this one is going to be like.
PC gaming one isn't that amazing but it's still better than Aisha Taylor and the Downgrade Show
I guess realistically I'm more interested in what this will show
Ubisoft are almost always disappointing.
This is a fair point. If you can stomach endless AMD commercials the PC conference might be the way to go.
Neither, they are both utter shit. The whole of E3 has been a huge disappointment and I didn't even expect anything.
>Overlaps with Apple WWDC Keynote
who made these schedules?
The PC show will have Rising Storm 2 and probably Mountain Blade 2.
I don't care about Ubisoft's show. I'll watch this, then find out what all the meme highlights are the following morning, courtesy of Aisha Tyler, a cosplayer who definitely doesn't work for Ubisoft, and those four actors who dub over scripted co-op or competitive multiplayer gameplay to make it come off as authentic.
What? They're 90 minutes apart.
PC gamers got Banerlord, so...
Bruh, the memes.
As if you watch E3 for anything else
>quick, go round the side, then we can shoot them!
>wow! Sarah, this is so intense!
shilling graphics card
>Bohemia Interactive
dayz, arma dlc
>Borealys Games
>Boss Key Studios / Nexon
>Digital Extremes
forza horizon 3, recore, halo forge, halo wars
>New World Interactive
insurgency 2
vr trash
>Other Ocean Interactive
>Paradox Interactive
>Relic Entertainment / SEGA
dawn of war 3
>Square Enix / Square Enix Collective
deus ex
>Studio Wildcard
>TaleWorlds Entertainment
mount and blade
>Torn Banner Studios
chivalry 2
>Tripwire Interactive
rising storm 2: vietnam coming to steam early access. this time were going to do early access right, we promise.
There you go. Saved you all an hour.
Meh, it's just going to be some devs who aren't even going to show anything and hardware devs wanking to cards I'll not buy for at least 4 years.
I'm watching PCGamer just for that sweet Serious Sam 4 reveal.
PC gaming show will be the worst thing there, it's going to mostly show stuff that will already get shown at other conferences
they know ubi will be a shitshow so might as well run something relevant alongside it
But they're not a t the same time.
Remember this?
I remember it live and the rollercoaster of emotions of Sup Forums
They're literally an hour and a half apart and who the fuck gives a shit about Ubisoft anyway.
I'm watching PC show because ubisoft doesn't make much good. I will have ubi it playing on mute next to me in case BG&E shows up.
>tfw you trusted Tripwire
>Implying Ubishit is worth watching
>PC gaming show
Pretty boring, more boring than cringey, with indie games and early access shit.
Fun and full of memes and cringe. Plus they might announce Beyond Good and evil 2 and new Rayman, so at least something.
I'll watch first hour of PC gaming show. Then switch to Ubisoft.
Apparently it will be longer than 1 hour
IIRC last years was 2 hours
>new Rayman
Not at this point. The last one sold literally nothing.
Which makes me sad as fuck.
>and new Rayman
Any basis to this, or just speculation?
Croteam is revealing Sam4
Last year was fucking three
It went on and on and on and on and on
Is that even a question? Who the fuck gives a shit about anything Ubishit will shit out in the next year?
I'll watch PC Gaming until the SS4 reveal and then I'll switch to Ubisoft.
I actually don't care about Ubisoft, but it'll be more fun to watch the cringe and memes than it would be to watch the vast wasteland that is the PC Gaming show.
Did that come out?
Ass Creed
Divison DLC
that hacker shit
Ass Creed movie
etc etc
Which one will be streamed on the comfytheater if there is an overlap?
Nigga it's 2016 watch them both shit you ain't got two monitors or summat?
Shit or garbage...
tough call
>Last year was fucking three
Fuck now i remember
Last years PC was garbage. I'm surprised they're even trying again.
But I have lots of fun with KF2.
thats what improvement is
thats why Steve Jobs is a legend and you shitpost on Sup Forums
Amd had confirmed they're showing Zen running Doom
I fail to see your point, that's a whole lot of nothing.
IMHO host was great
Throwing all my money in AMD stock if this is true
>mfw every game shown is powered by the RX490.
Bannerlord is literally the only reason I'm watching this
>Caring about a presentation that's going to be nothing but video card shilling and indieshit circlejerk
I'll probably still watch it if absolutely nothing else E3 related is on at the same time but it's going to be awfully boring.
Day[9] is based
Do you honestly think Ubisoft has anything worth paying attention to? I mean their only good recent game was Rainbow Six Siege and that got murdered by Ubisoft not taking hacking seriously.
Its 2 hours before ubisoft u fucking shitface. Its RIGHT FUCKING THERE ON THE SCHEDULE
490 is still months away.
If they show a new card it's going to be the RX 470 or R9 480 or however their naming scheme works now
Other Ocean was making a really neat VR game earlier this year, thats probably what its going to be.
Watch Ubisoft for the memes.
That is about it.
Literally who cares? They'll just show a new iOS update that looks exactly the same as the last one but makes older phones unusable, The NEW iWatch and some macbooks that have no improvements.
Isn't Ubisoft's conference the one wit the negress? Why would you watch that? Not to mention the shit games themselves.
They're both generally awful but ubisoft has meme potential so there you go
A whole lot of nothing but MEMES
Think about all the memes.
New Bridge Commander
so when is rockstar supposed to do their thing
>there will never be a space type MMORPG where you play as individual members of a Starship crew instead of everyone being the caption of one
It starts at 11:30 AM proper, and lasts for 90 minutes. It doesn't actually overlap.
who is hyped for bannerlord
Watching the ubi conference with Sup Forums is one of the best parts of E3.
Yeah that's true, the shitposting is the best really.
PC Gaming has Half Life 3.
I just want to make Vlandia great again
>A wonderful display of fuck ups and cringe
>PC Gaming show
>A dull, lifeless, "Our hobby is for big grown ups such as ourselves" snoozefest
I know which one I'm watching.
I know why they did this, but damn the ship designs of JJverse are fucking awful. The JJ Constitution is like 2x the size of the fucking Enterprise-D, looks goofy as fuck and has a terrible colour palliate (Grey and blue)
>That feel when Axanar, a fucking fan film, has better design aesthetics than fucking a 150 million dollar movie
These schedules are incorrect. PC Gaming show kicks off 2 hours before Ubisoft, but actually starts 90 minutes before Ubisoft. It lasts for 90 minutes. People tuning in 1 hour before Ubisoft will miss on third of it.
My plan is to see how bad the PC gaming show is, and then switch to Ubisoft for the stupid memes while keeping a eye on the PC show in case something good gets announced.
If the PC gaming show will be anything like last years where it is "talk show version" with a couch and boring shit. I am watching Ubisoft for sure. I can just watch all the trailers for PC gaming show later.
>wanting to watch Ubisoft garbage
Wtf m8?
the host was absolutely terrible. I hope we get someone new
>Bannerlord will actually be shown
>The AMD shilling hours
No thanks, last year was awful.
>Blatantly says that it's sponsered by AMD
Last year droned on and on
>You have a six core monitor?
PC gaming somehow managed to beat EA last year for worst conference by being 3 hours of ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING.
Shit was more boring than watching the senile huemonkey retell his entire life in immaculate detail.
I don't think I'll even watch it in between Microsoft and Ubisoft.
>Mountain Blade 2.
Further shows that Nvidia gives 0 fucks about us except for our money.
I can't tell if these posts are supposed to be ironic.
The worst part is all AMD has to show is their budget meme cared, and maybe Zen. They won't be showing off anything high-end, that's next year, so we won't get anything amazing like "4K! 144FPS! LOOK AT THESE FUCKING GRAPHICS!" All the footage will still be in 1080p.
I'm sure AMD loves you as a person, user
If this is anything like last year's it'll be a fucking snore. Leave it to the mustards to have the most utterly boring and uneventful conference.