What do you want in my game?

So I was surprised that people are still talking about my video game even though you all gave me hate for it at first. I just saw a thread with a picture of my character so maybe you do like my character? Remember the trip.

So what advice do you have for my game moving forth? Is there anything you would want to see in it?

Don't say thicc

Fuck off


It needs thiqq

Who cares

what is this gamemaker shit

Hahaha oh wow


i want you to take all of the ideas you get from Sup Forums, move to reddit, clame all the ideas came from you and that you never been to Sup Forums before, and make it a Stream Meme game.


It absolutely must have inflation and beastiality in it, no question.

i'm not falling for this bait, i'm not HELL NAW MOTHERFUCKER HEELLLLL NAWWW

pixel porn bestiality

This, we don't have enough politically incorrect spriteporn nowadays.

Lynch mobs

>asking people for ideas

The public doesnt know what they want, if you fail let it be by your own hand, same if you succeed.

The moment you start listening they'll think they are entitled to remove or add anything they want and down the line you'll find censoring yourself to please them.

Gender bending

thats what spriteporn consists of the most. vanilla spriteporn is harder to find



If Undertale did it then anyone can!

>So I was surprised that people are still talking about my video game
>only you shill for your own, no one cares, now fuck off, go to /agdg/ or kill yourself

J for Jew lo|||||||||

I meant to work on this more after the first thread but never did.

And after all this time I still don't know what type of game your game is.


He's not actually here for help and ideas

this, is support the supporter of my post

Cool image, the game is a side-scroller but not a platformer and it's turn based but you can't level like in RPGs each character has their own levels that stay the same throughout the game.
This is the main character "Jennifer Zemblini" who doesn't fight at all during the game. It's the only character that doesn't fight or kill since they are peaceful

>hit her?

[Glass Her]

Monster rape.

Why not something pratical, like Smliplefloge?

They want to fuck her, you chode.

May as well make a VN with a puzzle minigame. Or keep her in pixels and make it to where you get to talking to her and it turns out she likes some classic videogames and, in a plot twist, you play as her in single parody levels of SMB1, etc. Whatever gets you maximum profit from this forum full of children and still-children.

Her dad is a magician.


Are you trying to rape her?


I want to see MEMES, loaded with MEMES

No offense OP but that sounds like a really good idea


So what's this game called. Need a new game to fap to.

Mm, nearly forgot, be sure to break the fourth wall at the end about how she doesn't exist in the real world but that it's magically okay because they can come back and start new files to date over and over again, like a relationship where the magic doesn't end. Some half-truth that's as dystopian as it is intoxicatingly numbing/comforting (your fanbase will THINK it's the latter).

Working title is "The Hallway" if it isn't already taknen. Made by me "J !!j77K0RKGK0n"

Most of it takes place in a hallway ;)


Jew lolis if you please?

hahaha oh wow

hahahaha man just fuck off and learn how to draw first hahaha

I second this.

nicea dvice

nicer than your fucking attempts at pixel art at least

Make it play like mega man battle network


nicer than ur face

Make it a spiritual successor to mega man.

>So what advice do you have for my game
>not posting a link

what was it? Why was it delet?

There should be an ENF themed stage where, instead of taking damage, each attack causes the character to lose an article of clothing. The more she loses the harder it gets to move freely(because she's preoccupied trying to cover herself).

It was him asking what game this is

>she doesn't hurt people at ALL, 'cause she's a PACIFIST!
Dear god this sounds awful already. Narrative based games are complete garbage if there's no intriguing gameplay to back it up.
>that screenshot


haha good one that'll make your attempts at shitting on a pixel art canvas better haha nice

>most of it takes place in a hallway

nah nah nah, the other characters will fight, just not this one.

>PT: Indie Game Edition

the excitement comes from the good music and the beautiful scenery as well as the humble feelings of kindness

You posted that image you shill, no one wants this indie pixel simulator and nobody wants you here.

FUck off

Give it a weight gain segment

no it wasn't me other people are posting threads with my OC I swear i was very surprised haha


do you have a website?




Give her a loving black boyfriend she flirts with and fucks at every opportunity.


just curious for laughs


That's nice, OP. Been writing up the story of a game and slowly designing characters. Even meeting people who could help with music and programming. Best of luck

thats a cute character

Have tons more, but it will have to wait until I have something to really show I want this to happen. I've seen people like YandereDev go to shit fast.

I want you to drop the lazy fucking pixel "art" style.

i want you to drop your life

Comedic nudity.

come on nigger everyone can do better pixel art than that

>the excitement comes from the good music and the beautiful scenery as well as the humble feelings of kindness

This doesn't sound like a video game.

more thick

it's not, it's indie