What are some games where I can defeat my enemy without killing them?

What are some games where I can defeat my enemy without killing them?

metal gear solid

Fallout 1
Planescape Torment


MGS to a certain degree, but some bosses force you to kill them

>Not going full genocide

They can't do anything against you if literally all your enemies are dead.

Civilization series


Fallout 2. At least until the oil rig

Corruption of Champions

fallout 1, pump ag and speech and you're set

Wouldn't it follow that if they kill us, we win?

Doos Ex.

>that quote
if they are dead then they have lost by default

If you kill him you'll become just like him!

portal 1 and 2

but they've won the moral victory and in a world of liberal moralizing thats all that truly counts.

>moral victory
from a bunch of towel heads, fucking kek

Just nick their stuff.

Modded Skyrim

What if I convince them to an hero?


Batman Arkham series

they already use their an hero vests on a daily basis

if you put out the fire it wins

Then they've killed themselves, in which case they have both lost and won.

Depends on how you look at it. From the view point of a security and military industrial complex total elimination of the enemy invalidates the existence of the super structure which will cause it to collapse.

However with regards to culture the enemies of that culture need to be eliminated in order for it to thrive.

Civ 5

I've still never seen the source for this quote

You mean Do Sex?

Renowned Explorers