Get this skin in a box

>get this skin in a box
>next box get the winter skin
>still like the default look best

someone help me

then use the default

>Get Mariachi as my first Legendary
>Get Le Blank as my second
>Get Nevermore as my third

I don't even use Reaper.

>Sharkbait roadhog first. Start playing Roadhog.
>Moa second legendary. Keep playing roadhog.
>Islander roadhog. Stop playing roadhog.

You like the default better because it shows her tits.

The outfit in OP also hides her ass from your team mates.

Be considerate teammate and don't use that skin.

Default skins look best for multiple characters, like Mercy, Mei, and Reinhardt.

guilty as charged

Where the fuck are the bikini skins?

Widow's legandary skins are garbage since they don't showcase her butt

I like the edgy Reinhardt one.

>Use the default
>Everytime you join a match first thing you do is tell everyone that you have those skins

What the fuck is even the point of some of her skins though?
She's a sniper and she fucking gets a white dress that you can spot from a mile away.

Can you still unlock Noire from loot boxes?
Or did they patch that?

If only the edgy skins kept his hammer

It's criminal.

Winter is her best skin though. The white and turquiose contrast to her blueberry skin is GOAT

What does he have instead?

An axe which i personally prefer


Noire skin is literally the only skin I wanted from the Origins edition.

Nah, being black doesn't make something edgy. Those skins just turn him into a sweet-ass mecha with shades on his shoulders. The red one looks more like Gurren Lagann but I feel like it's lacking other colors so I use the black one which looks a bit nicer with a uniform color

>still playing Overwatch
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This. Widow is the sex appeal character so she should be oozing it.

I am a big boy who plays big games like Dark Souls and anime games. :)

I've seen way less Widow fanboyism compare to other operators.

Who /nevergotLegendarydupes/ here?
>level 83
>dropped legendary all different, never get the same Legendary I bought for 1000 funbux
Already got all the skins I want: Nevermore and Bloodhardt

>Got a legendary and several epics getting to level 15 in beta
>Just hit 15 in real game
>Every single box has been three whites and a blue, except one that had two blues (WOW!)

>It's a 3 white one blue all sprays and voices episode
At least you're guranteed a Legendary every 10 box or so thanks to the pity timer.

>Playing Reaper

>Buy Mech Queen skin despite being paranoid about just pulling one randomly later
>Whatever, best skin for best girl, worth it
>20 ranks later
>Pull it, get the 200 credits from a duplicate legendary
>Feel cheated as fuck

Well, at least it puts me that much closer to buying the Ra or Sunyatta skins...

Reaper takes skill
>shotgun pellet become cotton candy at 10+ meter
>teleport use for flanking not gap closer
>ult easily countered by stun, shield, or deflect
The team is retarded or unaware of flank if they get caught by a raw death blossom.

> widowmaker
> tits

> anyone in overwatch
> tits

Come on, blizzard are far too numale for that

Even that has no ass.

>pity timer
You fucking what.
I'm level 20 now and havent seen a single legendary, hell I've only opened 3 skins with the rarest being golden currybitch.
In the beta I got to 30 with legendaries and poses out the ass.

Skins that are better than any of that character's legendaries:

Paragon Reinhardt
Posh Tracer
Patina Widowmaker
Utopaea Symmetra
Anubis Pharah

I desperately want to play Overwatch, but god damn my toaster of a laptop.

Are there any good recommendations for desktops? I'm too retarded to build.

a gun or a noose

If you buy a prebuild you are always gonna be fucked in the ass.
Just make a part list on Logical Increments and learn how to put it together from youtube.

We already know it's you Reaper, no need to be edgy.

Let's not leave out Auditiva for Lucio