Is it back?

Is it back?

Absolutely not nothing has changed unfortunately.

The skill trees have changed.
The guy who pushed the microtransactions and whatnot has left.

In a perfect world they would remove the microtransactions.


>remove the microtransactions
Didn't they though?

>In a perfect world they would remove the microtransactions.

They just did that.

Nigger, the big problem with the game is that TOO much has changed.

it never went anywhere, the game remains fun even if the devs tried to go full jew (apparently under pressure of their publishers).

They need to remove all skill trees and perks, and focus on the more arcadey mission structure in Payday 1.
Level designs were so watered down by their pathetic attempt to be deus ex level inclusive with game mechanics.

Notice how most heists they've been adding are loud only or stealth only, with only a few exceptions?

Uninstalled when they released the Jew mode. Not worth reinstalling 50GB.

I quit when they introduced a bunch of shitty out if place characters and weapons.
I would return if I had the option to not see those garbage characters. Then again I hear they went all in with the shit weapons, introduced more characters and even microtransactions.

Great game around Hotline Miami dlc/Hoxton Breakout. After The Diamond it was downhill and fast. Damn shame that incompetent devs lost the sight of the game

But the new character being added is fucking Ron Perlman.

I also like the promo characters making the implication that Payday, the first Hotline Miami, Point Break, John Wick, and Hardcore Henry all take place in the same ultraviolent universe.

Have they shown Darryl dixon heister yet

They're dead jim. Skins are still a thing, but all cases are completely free to open.

No. It's gonna be constantly resuscitated like that one episode of Morel Orel.

-No Safehouse Customization
-No Animations for interacting with ANYTHING
-Watered down design to make room for passive ability skills
-Little to no variation in map scripts/ No map layout variation
-Terrible mask customization
-No gun color customization
-Number-Based Weapon Customization:
Min-Maxing really ruins the spirit of the game. It encourages making Frankenstein guns in order to kill everything in one hit which makes Deathwish difficulty way easier
-Saturated Character Pool with no real depth to anyone
-Shameless Cash-Ins like Jimmy,John Wick, and now Ron Perlman
-Latency is still an issue without things like Pocohud

The Big Ones:
-No real core improvements to gameplay
Despite all the changes, the gunplay has remained the same where you shoot endless cops. They keep adding things and adding things but it still feels like I'm shooting air at targets across the hall
-Insane amount of DLC's that offer less and less as time goes on but cost more and more.
-Infamy still doesn't offer much after the new update other than allowing you to grind faster.
This game could be so much better. It's a shame it's the only decent heisting game.

I could appreciate that more if it wasn't a series of money-grubbing cash-ins that brought almost nothing to the table instead of more sameness.

>Shameless Cash-Ins like the two free guys

>implying the Hotline Miami, Point Break and Hardcore Henry heists aren't great

Ye, it's Ron Perlman

>implying they are just billboards

bohdi was an ad for point break and was FREE BECAUSE OF MTS LOOK HOW GOOD THEY ARE which was a statemtent they took down after a day when it pissed everyone off
Jimmy was also an ad for hardcore henry and just happened to be free during a free week

The problem for people with half a brain is that adding a dozen characters ruins the dialogue, banter and most importantly the sense of a tight knit group of criminals which was there in Payday 2.
If you look at Vermintide they have done an excellent job in that region, the characters have great banter and there's a sense of camaraderie.
There was a bit of it in the beginning and if OyVeyShill hadn't gone retarded they could have improved it.
Instead they added meme characters like Jacket to appease short-sighted idiots, who then wonder "wow where did the heat atmosphere suddenly vanish?" while shooting fucking bows, swinging swords and playing mute characters wearing meme beards.

Fuck you

*which was there in PD1 I meant to write of course

this and this
Quit after microtrashactions and point break was added.
Fuck this.
It was fun during diamond heist but it went so downhill. Fuck minmaxing guns on parts you need DLC for and there only being 1 viable build out of 100 different possible combinations.
Fuck lack of characters since PD1, which was one of the main drawing points
Fuck "heisting" which consists of careful planning and flawless execution to get most money out with less attention turned into a lazy, simple shooty-wavy-of-copsy garbage.
IT would be good if that was done well, like L4D, but it's not.
It was a good mediocre game before. now it's a mediocre shitty game.
Fuck overshit and starfuck