Why is nobody talking about NEW BERSERK GAME ANNOUNCED?
Why is nobody talking about NEW BERSERK GAME ANNOUNCED?
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Because musoushit.
Because it's going to be shit.
Because it's a barebones teaser and is developed by Omega Force?
Because it's a musou that means it will be shit, but the fact that it's a DW musou means extra shit. DW has the one of the most braindead, uninteresting combat systems in all vidya. The Sengoku Basara series has a much more solid combat system, but it still gets old really quick because Musou means 200 enemies standing in a circle around you, and every 30 seconds one of them attacks. It's goddamn upsetting.
Don't you remember, user? Berserk is just like Lovecraft. Any adaptation of it is guaranteed to be complete ass.
The only positive about this game is that, depressing though this is, the cutscenes will probably look better than the new anime.
Because its being built for vita and pc
Its not going to be the good single player action adventure berserk game we all wanted. Its going to be set up in generic missions like every other w force game
there's no gameplay.
what would we talk about?
Because berserk is shit
fuck off shill
seriously. This manga hasn't been good or interesting in nearly a fucking DECADE and people still cum at the mere thought of more shitty "Guts and his moe friends adventure."
>musou crap
>ecchi shit
>the manga will still never end
No one cares fuck off.
And what the fuck do you want to do in a berserk game? Play as Guts and kill le epic demones? Fucking dull casual.
At least they got off the boat
>people still cum at the mere thought of more shitty "Guts and his moe friends adventure."
This, Golden Age arc is fucking garbage
Why is every thread pretending that we didn't have a 500+ reply thread just before this one was made?
I cant believen how popular it is, the only explanation is that is some kind of meme among normalfags or something
Jojo I can understand liking it, I dont either but I get it.
Which one is golden age?
Because Berserk has edgy anime with boobs and gore.
Fuck off. Don't even give me that "But that's what Berserk is like!" garbage. No it's not. Berserk is not about running around in empty fields chasing objective points to capture.
Musou games are fucking garbage, but at least Berserk will get more fans this way so at there's a silver lining.
>at least Berserk will get more fans this way
How the fuck is that a good thing the fanbase is cancerous enough already
>it's a "I don't understand why people like [x]" post
Kill yourself.
>Berserk is good
The greatest meme in existence.
Before the Eclipse.
>All this hate
Put your grasses on
It's Sony exclusive, of course Sup Forums is going to pretend they don't want it.
Because I'm not an autist that cares about the quality of fanbases.
Yes I dont because its shit, plot goes nowhere characters degenerate into caricatures of themselves, the author doesnt give a fuck.
Its shit user.
If it's so shit then why are you spending time in a thread about a video game for it?
Could it be autism?
If you really want to know why people like it, go ask Sup Forums. They'll probably make fun of you for being a dumbass Sup Forums crossposter that likes DBZ and JoJo though.
Golden Age is overrated but still great.
Black Swordsman, Lost Children and Rebirth are the peak of Berserk
>starts with the rape of casca
Because it's already confirmed to be beyond shit.
>Vita multiplat
It doesn't get any worse than this. Pachislot is better.
Confirmed for Steam, dumbass.
>no gameplay
>the only thing we know is that it's going to be musou
What's there to talk about
If anything they were smart by not showing what's going to be inevitably shit gameplay
>koei tecmo licensed games
Oh boy
Do you honestly need any more indications to stay away from this mess
Because I like offering my opinion about whatever I fell like
Thats why Im on this board, not my fault you cant deal with criticism
And I dont like Jojo nor DB
even the Berserk mango is gonna be finished before this game is and it's gonna be better too
Clearly there are some salty fans here, so ignoring them, what would you like to see?
I want an RPG that plays somewhat like XBC, losing and saving teammates, quest system with bosses that fight on par with or better than monster hunter enemies, and a NG+ where you play from Griffith's point of view
>Delicious brown tits
omega force did hyrule warriors didnt they? I thought that was well received
>teaser is casca getting tentacle raped
Cant look worse than the new anime at least
I liked Hyrule Warriors because of the fan service, but it was just another musou reskin.
It is confirmed to be a Musou
Who cares about this shit? Where's my Claymore game?
Doesn't Berserk actually lend itself well to the genre, unlike literally anything else?
>teaser for a musou game is the rape of the female lead
musou is only a small tier above pachinko machine
Japan is literally shit
2007 called, they want their anime back
Yes it's much more musou-like than Zelda, but in the end it'll just be another musou game.
I'm still getting it though because I sort of like musou games and I've been dying for a Berserk game for years.
It's a MUSOU, user. It won't be any of that. It's going to be exactly like every other MUSOU game.
normalfag pandering
>oh soo dark and gritty!
berserk fans are game of thrones fans
>2007 called
that trailer is weirdly risqué considering the times we live in
i love it tho, tone is perfect for berkserk
game will likely be shit, berserk deserves some weighty deliberate gameplay not musou light light heavy the whole game
i want bossfights against apostles and shit
no roaming on a battlefield, that works for the golden years but fuck man
>Berserk is just like Lovecraft. Any adaptation of it is guaranteed to be complete ass.
Nah I just told young me to invest in bitcoins
have a you
Tbqh it's the only interesting E3 announcement so far.
Will rape horse be an enemy?
I see what you mean, and I say this as someone whose favorite game is Bloodborne: it is -not- an adaptation of Lovecraft.
It incorporates many lovecraftian themes, but that does not make it an adaptation. It's not an attempt to bring a lovecraft story into another medium, it's an original story incorporating some lovecraftian themes.
>Guys, we need to make a trailer for our new Berserk game.
>Wait - I've got it!
>We'll have Casca being tentacle raped!
>PSVita game
>so it will be incredibly bad looking and have gimped gameplay features as a result
It's a teaser.
I hope the full length trailer has the scene in better detail
>you actually play as a tentacle rape demon
>you cut through ranks of lusty maidens and defeat them by bringing them to climax, dozens at once
That edit is a peach.
what is this shoop?
So by the teaser it seems like it's post-eclipse, but wouldn't a pre-eclipse game make more sense in the musou context? Fighting along huge army battles and such.
Bloodborne DLC.
Lost Children is fucking amazing.
>Post yfw the first time you read that page.
>Click link
>Suggest vid is Gust outfits for DOA5
Hold the fucking press! Forget berserk. DOA5 is getting high impact sexual violence.
>The battle where he fights Bazuso
>100 man slayer
>The Eclipse
>Rosine + Fairies
>Iron Chain Knights
>Cultist demon things
>Mozgus + Demons
>Probably Trolls again
>Trolls + Slan
>Arabic demons
>Team-up with Zodd vs. Ganishka's demon army
>Sea god zombie pirates
>Sea god
Any other ideas for levels? I assume there'll be one or two from Griffith's point of view vs. Ganishka if it gets that far in the story.
I don't care who is making it, I'm finally fucking getting a berzerk game. I'm playing that shit into the ground.
It's the third Berserk game you retard
The 100 man slayer is a great example of why this game will be fucking stupid. You kill 100 people every 5 minutes in these shit games
god dammit DW games are such shit
Everybody knows it's gonna suck.
Unfortunately you'll feel like you've played it into the ground after 6 or 7 hours because musoushit
I still have fun with Musou games, so I'm pumped.
There's more boss fights than large scale battles in the manga. Guts doesn't fight hundreds or thousands of demons in any scene. It's 50 at most. His fights against one large monster are what matters and there's way more of that.
> but it was just another musou reskin.
By that logic every game of every genre is just another new reskin of the same genre.
kill yorself sjw shit
Because there's nothing to talk about. You just posted a video of Caska getting felt up for a minute.
Delete yourself from this imageboard, shitposter.
>nothing to talk about
>Caska getting felt up for a minute
low-level meme
there were threads about this earlier bruh
You know there's no land way out of an island right
Think about it for a second and let it sink in
That sounds like berserk
So yeah nothing out of the ordinary to talk about
Why the fuck would you complain about that scene being shown? If you have read/watched the series, you know damn well how important/iconic that scene is. It's like Goku going Super Saiyan for the first time.
>he doesn't like talking about berserk
then why are you even here?
Rape minigame
tfw no scene where goku gets raped by vegeta in order to reach his next power level
>the most amount of enemies Guts has ever fought in a single battle was 100 men
>being excited for a musou in which you'll do this effortlessly every minute
Berserk is all about boss fights and this game ensures they'll be terrible.
I like talking about berserk
But thanks to miura each chapter takes as long as the development of a new game to come out
Berserk has no good adaptations and Guts is fucking cursed to suffer forever.