There's a demo on steam now i guess that's neat...

There's a demo on steam now i guess that's neat, kinda sad how everyone got exited over a demo being released when it was the standard form decades ago in this industry.

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I guarantee it's because the marketing team for DOOM was so shit, so Bethesda has to make up for lost sales

I'm sold.
Buying it this weekend.

How long is the demo?

Centered weapon mode is back

DOOM has been saved

>shown footage still contains everything that made people angry about DooD multiplayer

First level only, haven't tried it yet since it's 7 gigaridoo and i have shit connection.

It stops just before the first room you have to clear, 3-4 minutes.

20 minutes

We have DooD bro op ?


fucking dropped...even though i have it already.
still... dropped

>Fast as fuck gameplay

kek, what a joke.

It would make the campaign too damn easy, but a last stand mode with demons would be 10/10

>still technologically inferior to almost every 2 decade old FPS
until they start pricing it around 5-10$, which is what most of those games cost, it's a scam

It is though.

7GB for 5 minutes of gameplay.

>DOOM Multi confirmed for gettin reworked and supported on PC
What does this even mean?
>Those free updates
>That fresh content
Oh yeah, shit for Snapmap that nobody cares about and some new gameplay modes, so hype.
>Fast as fuck gameplay
Why would I get hype for something I already had?

Seriously, what's the point of this thread?

Lolz, that's true. Doom might be fast for an FPS, but its gameplay is slow compared to a MOBA, RTS or fighting game.

An hour if you're Polygon

>Pay the demo
>It is tons of fun
>30-50 fps with massive fluctuations
Fuck. I blame windows 10.

Fuck off Reddit.

Wait, so does this mean they're making the multiplayer faster and balancing weapons better? Any chance on removing loadouts?

>last stand mode

>12 demons top

It's the best FPS game in years you dunce

That's probably why, I get 60 maxed at 1440p on a 970.

just make the campaign harder. like they did in open coop mode for doom3. with health pack respawn pool you could only respawn if there were enough medkits in that pool, and more enemy spawns to compensate for the limited "16 enemy at the same time count" .

took me 25 minutes and I took my time

>he fell for the meme

Who cares? Snap map is stupid and the multiplayer is garbage. If they announced single player content Id be excited.

People are making co-op campaigns on snapmap at least.

By multi I'm pretty sure he meant the multiplayer, since it's getting Classic Deathmatch as part of a free update. Not sure why he only mentioned PC though.

>still no vulkan
>still no SLI support


i3 6100, GTX 960, Windows 10
60 FPS with almost everything maxed out except in a specific part in the second level.

nope. doom mp is ded

they admitted defeat by revealing the new quake game.

Mode without forced story segments when?
I don't think this is an unreasonable request

>DOOM Demo
Fucking finally.
If they do it right they'll call it DOOM Shareware.
The install should be called Doom1.exe (since the 1 means it's the shareware and just doom meant the full game, at least during the wad era).

im pretty sure this limit is quite bendable. if they wanted they could do 30 demons at the same time for beefier systems, but they try to cater the broad low pc spec masses.

once speedrunners figure out how to clip from the Hayden rooms

I could do with DOOM being the good single player and Quake being a hopefully good multiplayer.

I care.

The more ways they fix SnapMap, the better.

If people can eventually create genuine DOOM experiences, then the game has a long life ahead of it.

How is it being reworked? Please tell me they are not just adding shit and ignoring how shit the gameplay is

which one is better? go ahead, make a complete fool of yourself

they suck balls.. i mean, i can beat them alone. snapmap is way to inflexible to create something challenging.

nah it's a huge graphics hog generally


I wouldn't say that Old Blood is better than D44M but it's definitely better than New Order.

That depends on what you're looking for in an FPS. I thought TNO and TOB were good games, but I thought DOOM was better in terms of action and that's what mattered most to me.

>Apparently Bethesda teased a new Wolfenstein in the Quake announcement
I wonder why they wouldn't just show or even mention it on-stage.
Still in planning stages or something I guess

Bad on principle.

>what is skybox and open areas


That's also good, but I still think D44M's better.

BFE is praised for all the same shit that people like you shit on D44M for. It's got an even easier and more abusable melee kill system, an ugly as fuck setting early game, reloading weapons, and generally unpretty to look at, even on vivid settings. It's still a good game, but D44M is far superior and more polished

played the demo
was not impressed

maybe if they intend to make me buy a game after seeing the demo they should add some actual interesting parts of the game.

>Centered weapon mode is back
Is that shit in the demo?
Because I couldn't find a way to reduce the GIANT weapon models that obscured 33% of the screen



the update will be released before this month ends, so I'm afraid it's not in there.

I can't find a source on this

Marty sat with Sessler after the event, and mentioned centered mode when he was giving specifics on the contents of the update

It should be in the VOD of the stream

remember when shareware was the first 1/3 of a game? doom you were given ALL of episode 1 for FREE.

oh yeah and fuck you for making classic deathmatch seem like it was something to add to the game when it should have been there at the beginning!

>These include a dedicated Photo Mode, the ability to move the weapon placement/view model in Classic Doom maps (so the guns are centered on the screen like in the old games), new Snapmap features, and various bug fixes.
Pretty dope though

Really short. Can't have spent more than 15 minutes and I died twice like an idiot. You can probably clear it in 10.

I liked TOB, but the fact there's a lot more forced stealth sections compared to TNO is what keeps it from being AS good in terms of pure gunplay, mostly in the first half, although stealth kills with either pipe configuration were always satisfying. Once you hit the tram, THEN it starts to feel like a metal RTCW, and the Rudi fight at least makes up for the slow start

I'm wondering if they'll at least go back to some of the over-the-top magic shit in any theoretical sequel, since despite being a kinda soft reboot of RTCW, it ends after the first chunk of RTCW, and invalidates the further-magic stuff in the remainder of the game, and everything that happened in the (underrated as fuck) Wolfenstein '09 power-wise. They could probably do something with Golden Dawn, as if they're still a factor, they're probably hoarding just as much ancient mystical shit as the Rapture Jews were, but more along the lines of raw sorcery





>mfw the demo convinced me NOT to buy

developers were right, demos that actually show how the game is are bad for sales.

>mfw died a few times because it's been so long since a shooter has not had regen health

Honestly they should have used "Into The Fire" for the demo. Gives players a chance to see a lot more enemy and weapon variety.

What about the terrible tickrate? Any words on this one?

After you beat the demo

this is honestly a terrible idea, I rented the game at redbox and expected to despise it, and playing the first three levels or so I thought it was fucking awful but once it picked up I loved it.

If I only had the chance to play the first level I'd have dropped it and never came back, especially considering how hard they RUINED the pistol.

same here, thanks to demo I don't have to wait for crack

Yep. Literally just completed the demo and got this too. I thought I wouldnt like it and I was right so no love lost. I gave up on the Doom series long ago.

>very fast terrorist running at incredibly hihg speed

i like the soundtrack

Soundtrack is god tier

Did you play on the highest difficulty?
I enjoyed quite a bit.
Do I have low standards?

Not at all, D44M is fucking great

I played the demo but wasn't particularly impressed.

The gameplay felt good but that was about it, and it's not like it was spectacularly good either.

I feel like Nightmare is the only difficulty worth playing.

The point of the game is to move around fast and blast demons. And there is no point to moving around fast if you can just tank all the projectiles.

This really isn't unique to Doom, demos have been doing this since Jazz Jackrabbit

Agreed there

>>DOOM Multi confirmed for gettin reworked and supported on PC
what? they NEVER said they were re-working the multiplayer, they just talked about various addon packs they are doing

find me somewhere where they say "we are fixing how fucking slow it is compared to the SP, and removing weapon limit bullshit"

Are they dropping 2 weapon limit and spawn loadouts?


Then it's not getting reworked, fuck off.

>windows 10
>not even an intel CPU
>60 fps constant

Some dude in the Discord chat I'm in is saying he's getting blueballed because of his graffix card, and yelling about vast artificial obsolescence conspiracies. I called him a fag.

They should have used Foundry or some shit for the demo

There was an article released a few days ago saying they ARE reworking the multiplayer

They said they are reworking it and then proceeded to say that all it meant was we get to make private lobbies and that maybe bots will be added and that's about it. Nothing about reworking the gameplay itself.

is this going to be our edition of Sup Forums's BUY BRU RAY PREESE meme

SP is bretty fast.
The low health without upgrading with that bullshit Ardent Energy is the problem. Not even on UV in Doom 1/2 did you die so fuckin quickly.

getting hyped over nudoom?
consolekids, please

I think the ammo upgrading is worse, starting with 20 fucking shells is pitiful especially when the pistol was fucking ruined

>nightmare mode
>literally all it does is make everything do more damage
>you can get instagibbed by 2 imps



The gameplay itself is fine, what's your issue with it?

Literally all that is covered in Polygon first half hour. And they suck. About 15 minutes on normal difficulty. Longer on ultraviolence.

That it's not fine. Spawn loadouts instead of map pickups are cancer, and the weapon balance is fucked as a result.

lol, my 600 series card runs this at better fidelity.

>that pic

I was also having trouble when I first launched Doom. Then I updated the drivers and it was fine, playing on Ultra settings.

There is still weapons and powerups littered throughout the map, load outs are fine you dolt

so the best way to play it is running around in circles and shooting everything in your way, right?

Isn't that the line-up that got gimped into oblivion?