If someone owns all of the Skyrim stuff already on PC, we're going to entitle them a free copy of the special edition

>If someone owns all of the Skyrim stuff already on PC, we're going to entitle them a free copy of the special edition
Thank you based Todd

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Is this true, OP? I'm not sitting through their awful fucking conference.

Nobody cares, Todd. Skyrim was bad and so was F4, you should feel bad. Try shilling over on reddit instead.

it's true, and I'm not certain it was mentioned in the conference (so lucky you didn't watch an hour for nothing). Think it was in an interview afterwards

>If someone owns all of the Skyrim stuff* already on PC
>*including paid mods


They didn't mention it in the conference but they said on twitter that if you own the game and all dlc on steam, then the upgrade is free.

Skyrim is sill fresh in my mind, did about 5 playthroughs. No desire to do all the quests again, I still remember 99% of them.

Mods were also boring shit aswell. Armour, weapons, quest mods were all garbage for Skyrim.

It's not as if they've updated locations either. Like maybe fishermen in the sea with moving ships, shit like that.

It's just the worst mod reskin, meanwhile 15 year olds have made the game look pristine.

Bethesda can't keep getting away with this. They've truly become Activision like they've always wanted. Releasing rushed shit destroying franchises.

post the full set nigga

Too bad I never bought the DLCs after getting fed up with the base game.

>I am the god of video games bow down and suck my dick
Really Todd?

>80 hours on Skyrim
>never went as far as Whiterun

dem sex mods man, dem sex mods

is the special edition anything but a graphics update?

A cash grab

free mods already make the game look better than the special edition.. literally who gives a shit

Do we know yet if saves are able to be transferred over, or if it will be locked out like a lot of re-masters?

>cash grab
it's free if you already own DLCs

They are doing this so more people on PC start modding the remastered version and they bring those mods to consoles.
They know no one would bother doing so if they charged for it again, and that already very few people contemplate the idea of putting their mods on consoles.

>Bethesda knows full well a remaster wouldn't take on PC
>Console users however will eat that shit up full price and ask for more
>They give it to PC for free because the positive publicity outweighs the 20 lost sales

Not rocket science, fuckface.

Go away Todd, I'm not buying your game.

lol found the consolefag

But what really is different for PC anyways? All the improvements are stuff the PC version had since release

>tfw when what little Todd had for us it was still the best things on E3.

I-it can't be that bad, right?

Todd is a godly man

Probably a shitty downgrade with more console UI and breaking mod support.

The God of Lies.

>now get to work making mods for consoles you ingrates

>little Todd

>284 hours in skyrim
>barely played past whiterun

>all mods have to be redone to be compatible
>Playing skyrim without skyui
I can't go back to that todd


why is Todd so based bros?

>Skyrim season pass sales on Steam have skyrocketted yesterday

Apparently there are also some engine upgrades, but I don't know how much of an effect they'll have.

Thanks Todd, but I've already installed ENB and better water, so I don't really need it.

I'd have liked to have had it ported to the Fallout 4 Gamebro build, but I understand, it's hard being Todd.


Honestly, I'm waiting for this.
Want to see if my toaster can finally handle decent graphics without summoning Satan

I'm sorry Todd, could you speak up? I can't hear you all the way up here.

Thanks Todd.

If they were bad then why did they sell so well? Maybe you're just living in the past.

So just get it for free and play it if the desire ever comes back.

>Free with the base game
This would actually be nice
>Free with the base game....and all the shitty DLC :^) Are you people fucking retarded, Todd knew no-one on PC would re-buy this garbage when it's all free with mods, but maybe he could fool people who already got sick of the game to sink some cash into the DLC to get it 'for free'.

They fulfill a particular niche that other games dont but one thats novelty has worn up if reception of F4 is anything to go by.

F4 doesn't get as bad a reception as the new CoD does but they both suffer from the same issue, same engine for a decade, no innovation, regurgitated and uninspired.

CoD has higher production values and honestly makes a more coherent game in a quarter of the time, though. But they're both complete shit.

>All the DLC

you've already bought the game twice for no reason if you've bought the dogshit DLC

>Implying there won't be a Special Edition "modpack" that has the new engine, textures and .esp

>it's just a shitty remaster

travel a bit more, fuck some dragons or vampires

>mfw I got the legendary edition during a steam sale a while back for dirt cheap

I put 740 hours in Skyrim already so I won't play it anyway because I don't want to look like a fucking nerd who has 1000h in it.

>Buying skyrim shit now when its going to be on sale later this month

Thanks for weighting your options and deciding that there is little to no profit to be made from selling what is already free on PC (graphical improvements) and instead taking the opportunity for little bit good PR. Thanks you Todd, marketing and sales departments.

>not getting the legendary edition when its on sale

It, FO3:GOTY and New Vegas ultimate edition are all super cheap during steam sales.

>FO3 on desktop

>if you own all this stuff already we will give it to you again!



me too


They're only doing this to use PC mod makers as sweatshop labour to make free mods to incentivize console sales.

You're being used, not appreciated.

well,good on you todd. that still doesen't forgive the fact that you fucked up fallout 4, but it's a start, at least. Bethesda is still shit though, but now they did the sensibile thing.

bethesdoes what fromshitdon't

I waited for that version too.

It's free for PC because of console mods. Console players want mods, but no one on PC would buy the new version, so they're giving it away for free to entice people to make mods for the remaster.

>he paid more than 5€ for the game
>he didn't get the legendary edition with ALL DLC

KyS UreSelf Pl0xorz