Life is Strange

Tell me Sup Forums, why have you never ever talked about this great game.

Shut the fuck up.

because it has a nice ongoing general in /vg/, which is where you should go, op :)




Because Sonic > Life is Strange

>tier list
>no tiers

Cmon guys. I expected nothing from this game but I was pretty surprised how good it was.

>no game
Fits like a glove.

sounds like a great thing to tell the people in the general.

Every horizontal line is a tier dude :)

0.05 ruppes has been credited into your account.

Joking aside, if you're gonna shill, atleast shill it right.
>Cmon guys. I expected nothing from Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing, but I was pretty surprised how good it was.
You're telling me fuck all about the game.

There was plenty of talk over the months whenever a new episode was coming out.

Episode 5 was shit and brought down the series as a whole. Its over. It ended 8 months ago. It ended up being a lot more shallow than we were hoping; there is literally nothing left to talk about.

Go hang out with the obsessed autists at /lisg/ if you want to cling to a dead videogame to justify your existence

as if Sup Forums wasnt talking about dead games all the time.

>why have you never ever talked about this great game

Have you literally only been on Sup Forums for a week?

Because it's actually a terrible fucking shitty game made to appeal to tumblr and pseudo hipsters



Because we did and because it's interactive movie, not a game.

>Top Tier
Oh look, she giving another "Special Snowflake" speech about this person is so unique and cool.

Because it's a story-based game and the last episode came out 8 months ago. We already talked about it. There's not a whole lot left to say.

Are you fucking retarded? This "game" has been shilled nonstop since release. Fuck off to Sup Forums

It's great.

Man, I don't even care about graphics, since I play a lot of PSX shit on emulators, but even for me those jaggies are fucking awfull.