They've already fucked it up. All hype is kill.
Will we ever get the 40K game that 40k deserves?
They've already fucked it up. All hype is kill.
Will we ever get the 40K game that 40k deserves?
>Will we ever get the 40K game that 40k deserves?
Dow1 and 2 were great for various reasons.
When is the Q&A with PC Gamer starts?
>They've already fucked it up. All hype is kill.
In what way?
>They've already fucked it up. All hype is kill.
Now what are you bitching about?
It looks like dawn of war had sex with dawn of war 2 and this awful abomination came out.
Watch the video and tell me where is the strategy in this so called real time strategy game.
Watch the video and tell me the graphics aren't worse than dawn of war, a 12 year old game.
Watch the video and tell me that gameplay doesn't look like utter dogshit.
The main focus point is the imperial knight and the HQ unit, all the other units and literally just a complete mess of shit smashing into each other, they're just kind of standing there shooting each other.
Graphics wise it looks like a moba.
I really want to love this game I've been waiting years but what I've seen I just hate.
>tfw I believed
>looks more like 2 than 1
>1 fags are on suicide watch now
What a great day.
>Watch the video and tell me the graphics aren't worse than dawn of war, a 12 year old game.
C'mon man.
>DoW 2
Oh boy, I can field an entire 12 space marines at once!
>It looks like dawn of war had sex with dawn of war 2 and this awful abomination came out.
You mean it looks like a sequel?
>Watch the video and tell me where is the strategy in this so called real time strategy game.
The part where this is obviously one of the starter missions for the campaign and not multiplayer.
>Watch the video and tell me the graphics aren't worse than dawn of war, a 12 year old game.
Did you watch the same video as us? The effects look better and the only reasons why the models don't look better is because we're too zoomed out to see them.
>Watch the video and tell me that gameplay doesn't look like utter dogshit.
It looks the same as the other two since we've seen so little of it.
>The main focus point is the imperial knight and the HQ unit, all the other units and literally just a complete mess of shit smashing into each other, they're just kind of standing there shooting each other.
You mean it looks like DoW 1 but with Warcraft hero units? Caus DoW 1 units did dog shit but smash into each other mindlessly.
>Graphics wise it looks like a moba
No, graphics wise it looks like DoW 2 but with more color and effects. Aesthically, it looks like an RTS which ASSFAG aesthetics borrow from. Shit is emphasized so that you can pick out who and what you need from a fight.
I'm sorry you were expecting the Emperor himself to come down from his lofty chair to make your perfect videogame but it looks fine based on everything we've seen.
Looks quite fun but I'm still worried about the whole "super units" thing.
it looks like a moba
and what the fuck is that imperial knight doing at the beginning hahaha it's like he's trying to do the funky chicken those animations
I'm buying it anyways, I hope the army painter didn't go away.
looks like the other dawn of war games
Looks fine to me. Are you sure your're not confusing Dawn of War with Starcraft?
Only in the DLC, my swarm mate. If they do nids I hope we get all the 6e units which I know we wont.
>a franchise about staving off hordes of mindless aliens hellbent on your destruction
>preview it in merkel's muslim paradise
Did anyone hear what Gabriel sounded like?
He sounds fucking awful. In DoW1 and 2 he sounds calm and stern. You can hear the honour in his voice.
This one sounds like a brute with a picture to go with it.
Too colorful for you?
Looks like a fucking cartoon and the combat looks worse than fucking 2
Il check it out on release but there's nothing to look forward to
>Those new voices
>Those awful unit animations
>Those weapon lighting effects
I mean I know it's pre-alpha, but I can kinda see where OP is coming from on a few points.
Necrons are currently the biggest faction in the running, looking through stuff. Chaos, of course, is a possibility. Nids are less likely for the initial villains again though, but DLC is still very much on the table.
I just wanna know where the game is in relation to others, since this could take place anywhere after DoW1.
>hahaha it's like he's trying to do the funky chicken those animations
>no cover system
>cartoony artstyle
Fuck that shit
it looks good
Its because of "muh bases" and "muh big battles" memers like you DoW3 looks like this.
Now bask in your comp stomp like dynamic and engaging gameplay!
>Knight Soleria
This looks stupid as fuck. They're just standing within spitting distance and chucking rounds at each other.
Have any of those fucks ever played the tabletop?
We'll get to give the Knight a chainsword, right?
It looks good, though?
You're watching a video of a tutorial mission played against AI. I dunno what do you expect from it? Expert micro?
It has base building.
The scale's a little smaller than I'd like, but beyond that: what's the problem?
We've seen 3 minutes of pre-alpha footage.
Looks like this do not take place after Retribution, Gabriel doesn't have his cybernetics implants
Will there be a World of 40k in the near future?
Might just not be around his face. He IS leaping through the air with Pre-Heresy Terminator Armor, that could be an explanation for it.
Sup Forums is so obsessed with nazism that they're now posting german videos. Sup Forums was a mistake
Already happened, kinda.
Germans love 40k games for some reason, they get a lot of the pre-alpha videos it seems. I know it happened with Deathwatch.
He got a cybernetic eye at the end of Retribution.
Game is either set before Retribution or they could have just completely wiped all of DoW2 from canon.
All I know is that he is no longer the man I once loved.
Where's Streum's Space Hulk?
>Germans love 40k games for some reason,
The only way they can support some form for loyal patriotism without being labeled nazis and having lefties fucking up their life.
Could be, but in the SM ending he looked like Calgar, bionic eye, metal faceplat and everything.
Why is Gabriel not voiced by Dobson?
>Sup Forums bitching about a game before release
>it looks like a moba
No, it's look like a RTS, all isometric mobas look like RTS.
>Did you watch the same video as us?
Post your face when you will never been this autistic
Feels great man
It looks pretty good for pre-alpha. There is a bit of base building back, hero units are essential and its more than just 12 units at a time. It actually feels like war again.
>They've already fucked it up. All hype is kill.
No they didn't. This looks pretty damn good. End yourself.
>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
Aside from the art style (its still in PRE alpha) and base building and shit, what do you people don't like? It looks great to me.
I can't tell if its going to be shit or good from just this video.
Fuck you can barely tell if it's a proper rts or a moba, you can't see the players cursor controlling the units or not doing so.
>Set between Soulstorm & 2
>Story is about Blahd Rehvens finding superweapon to redeem themselves after the Kaurava fuck up
>Macha and Gorgutz die, Angelos begins to have doubts over Kyras
>Get introduced to Jonah Orion as the Librarian hero
>DoW 3 fucked up
>Quake fucked up
Just... why? Stop trying to pander to retards, it makes people hate you.
>or a moba
If you can control more than one unit and have base building it can NOT be a moba.
>pre-alpha footage >pre-alpha footage >pre-alpha footage >pre-alpha footage >pre-alpha footage >pre-alpha footage >pre-alpha footage >pre-alpha footage >pre-alpha footage >pre-alpha footage >pre-alpha footage >pre-alpha footage >pre-alpha footage >pre-alpha footage >pre-alpha footage >pre-alpha footage >pre-alpha footage >pre-alpha footage >pre-alpha footage >pre-alpha footage >pre-alpha footage >pre-alpha footage
When you have the experience of a thousand dissapointments and you've played the Relic games past CoH you just know when something is shit.
And if a fucking Warhammer 40k game looks cartoony for starters then yes, it's already bad. Real bad. Like complete shit.
Remember Diablo 3? people got real upset and the game ruined the franchise reputation bad enough regardless of what they sold. Relic? they have no reputation anymore, people just don't really care.
Then I guess dota 2 isn't a mobs
I'm glade they introduced heroes and abilities though hope we can equip them with shit like previous dow
>Watch the video and tell me where is the strategy in this so called real time strategy game.
Campaign missions are always like this lol
>Watch the video and tell me the graphics aren't worse than dawn of war, a 12 year old game.
Pre-alpha, but I'll give you that
>Watch the video and tell me that gameplay doesn't look like utter dogshit.
It doesn't look like utter dogshit, why do you say it does?
>The main focus point is the imperial knight and the HQ unit, all the other units and literally just a complete mess of shit smashing into each other, they're just kind of standing there shooting each other.
Of course they are going to focus the first gameplay video on the NEW THINGS
>Graphics wise it looks like a moba.
Pre alpha, but again I'll give you that.
Seriously you people will try to complain about anything.
>Pre-Alpha footage.
How old is Sup Forums?
Only gripes I have so far is that fucking flying hammer drop animation and that Gabriel has lost his actor.
>Pre-alpha footage
Oh, it's another one of these episodes.
>DoW2 looked better
>7 years ago
Pre alpha nowadays means "it'll only get worse from here"
Seriously, I dont get the complaints. It looks like WC3 combined with DoW 1.
DoW in every single way including how units fight, and then special hero units that have a host of abilities. The only thing Im worried about is graphics at this stage but its early so there is a possibility the graphics may get improved. (Or they may not. In which case there is only 1 negative so far)
"Alphas" and "Betas" don't mean shit anymore in this day and age. Those graphics look finished enough and that's 90% of what's going to be shipped.
>Female Knight pilot
Finally 40k is being brought into the 21st century
>Will we ever get the 40K game that 40k deserves?
are you actually retarded?
>And if a fucking Warhammer 40k game looks cartoony for starters then yes, it's already bad.
It just looks colorful.
>drop pads fall on enemy eldar
>they get hurt and are thrown away
W40K Armageddon 2 when? (but not set in armageddon).
Can Imperial Knights even have 2 Gatling cannons in the fluff? I thought it was only renegade ones that can? Isn't going against the whatever heresy?
wellp, it's a shitty fuckin' moba
I have a mate who is seriously critical of games and it's really fucking annoying because he wont play anything that doesn't meet his obscenely high standards. Me on the other hand, I appreciate most games, even the shitty triple A games that pander to casuals. But being such a fan of 40k and having played the previous games I can't accept what I've seen it's just so shit. It just looks wacky. It doesn't feel right. I'll hold fire until I see more and I really hope they improve it, but it just looks like dog shit at the moment. And it DOES look like utter dog shit, it doesn't look at all like the 40k universe should. How are people even defending that?
The Monkey's Paw is strong in this E3
>You get Quake BUT it's not Quake 1 but a class based thing
>You get DOOM support BUT it has season pass and no SP expansions yet
>You get Dawn of War 3 BUT it's still the shit Relic development team and it's not really grimndark
Knights are the fucking worst thing to happen to 40k since Ultramarines
Are they actually air dropped onto planets in the fluff?
I thought the first two dawn of war games were shit so I don't really see this suddenly being good either.
>blobby squad based controls
>focus on cinematic gameplay and fancy animations
>simplistic strategy and tech tree
also is gatling gun really just gatling gun in german?
I don't think they are, at least you can't deep strike them in the tabletop game
>no harlequins
That's shit.
Contrary to poppular belief. The Imperium does experiment in new technology and designs every now and then.
But they dont support doing it in a wide spread and quickly. New ideas only come from the highest ranking tech-priest and are experiment at such a slow speed they might as well not be trying.
Space Marine (the game) made this clear commenting on the Imperium was developing new technology, just so slowly that prototypes are Baneblade tiers of holy
Gatling gun's were named after a guy called Gatling, so yeah
Then again, being able to let them deep strike would actually make them useful and give them a role of "bigger dreadnought" instead of "smaller titan".
Well, it's 40k.
>Still no images of the UI
Fuck sake, c'mon
>It just looks wacky. It doesn't feel right. I'll hold fire until I see more and I really hope they improve it, but it just looks like dog shit at the moment. And it DOES look like utter dog shit, it doesn't look at all like the 40k universe should. How are people even defending that?
Most of this sounds like your problem is with the art style, not the gameplay itself. Again if you're getting this mad about the game being more flashy looking than your usual 40K game rather than how much shit you can control at once while also managing bases (and how we've only seen VERY scripted events right now) then I dont know what to tell you other than wait.
>Aside from the art style (its still in PRE alpha)
You and I both know that the artstyle won't change much at all.
you people are confusing "bad graphics" with "bad artstyle." This game is actually really pretty in terms of lighting, shadows and effects. The artstyle of oversaturated, low detail models makes it look like a mobile game though.
Yeah this exactly. It blows my mind people defending it, but even more that there's a development team pushing a turd like this and thinking "yeah this is what our consumers want"
Then they all act surprised and then suddenly "there's no market for RTS anymore"
M8, you know that's not gonna change in the release.
It's pretty much done. Time to move on to another game.
>yeah this is what our consumers want"
Yeah, when all you fucks bitched and moaned about basebuilding and large armies when DoW 2 came out they assumed those were the things most important to you and now you have both with WC3 heroes.
Even if it doesn't the game looks fun as hell so I don't care.
>Ctrl - F
>No matches
Really? Nobody made the comparison about the hip new graphics styles strategy games of the next generation are getting?
Civ has looked cartoony before, nothing new there.
I don't think anyone wanted it to look this sparkly and shiny, though.
Imperial Knight shoots a bullet bigger than the size that the leman russ fires and with a firerate of a minigun. Takes a few seconds to take out a normal eldar rifleman. Come the fuck on.
Pretty good for a first look at a pre-alpha, I'm satisfied :)
my biggest problem with the trailer is that units are tiny and hard to tell apart. there's not enough team colors or distinguishing features so it looks like it would be really easy to have no idea what units you're actually looking at without zooming in.