Tfw you're a stronk independent alien babe

>tfw you're a stronk independent alien babe

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Somebody post the Skrek edit

>had a gun to her head just out of shot

Okay, that's enough. This shit stops now. Haha, yeah, great. Good stuff, really. Applause all around.

First of all, fuck you, OPiece of SHIT. And fuck those that keep hammering on about her. She looks like a proper Asari. She has warpaint on, meaning she's in the rebellion against the universe or something. It's gotta be cool, so cut her some fucking slack. I'm tired of this shit. Conference hasn't been over a full day, yet here we were. Making fun of her and memeing the shit out of it. I will make a stand. I will tell people to cool it down. We've hardly seen, her ffs. So, here's an idea, stop bashing her so much, or I'll start bashing. And it won't be the memeing omg lol kind.

Fuck off.


fuck off faggot

what ist this?I think I missed something.

You don't look like the sharpest tool in the shed, buddy.

what an autistic post

extremely heavy uncanny valley feeling right there

how the hell did anyone at ea think this looked good?

I'm not sure what to thing. I just dont know anymore

>defending a video game character in a game that hasn't even been released yet this much

It looks good dummy


>making new threads of this thing over and over

>It looks good dummy
What looks good? The videos of people at their desks? Because no actual gameplay was shown.

Anyone else feel that all this extra attention on women in particular is disingenuous at best? How do people not see this and how is this lowest common denominator shit praised by those making a fuss to begin with?

who drew this and whats the point?

Vorefags are just crazy.

I think she looks cute.

>Anyone else feel that all this extra attention on women in particular is disingenuous at best?
All Asari are female and it's been that way since 2007. More importantly she was in the trailer for 0.5 fucking seconds. They mostly showed people working at their desks designing the game, which itself is bullshit, but for an entirely different reason.
The people hoisting all of this "extra" attention on her are people on Sup Forums complaining about a character who could be missed if you blinked.

>implying this is just about the asari.

Watch the rest of EA conference.

She looks amazing i'll romance her if we can. Sup Forums is full of it as usual

>tfw gonna fap to the SFM

You guys watch too much fucking anime.

I did and I'm not sure what you're talking about. They dedicated about 20 minutes to FIFA including a story mode where you play as some chav, and some titanfall 2/battlefield 1 bullshit.

This is the best false flagging I've seen in a while.

literally sigourney weaver from alien 3

bioware is truly shit

I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite thread on the citadel.