What games would you play with your muscular pal Terry Crews?

What games would you play with your muscular pal Terry Crews?

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Hide the sausage.

I'd teach him how to play on a keyboard and mouse.

Mafia 3


Why does Sup Forums hates black people but loves Terry Crews?

Because he's hot, obviously

Because he's not a nigger

He's fly as fuck

I think they hate uneducated and stereotype ones

Because he's not black????

but you iidots also hate blacks who aren't niggers.

What did he mean by that?

Oh and he draws

Sup Forums doesn't hate black people. Back to Sup Forums.

>waaaah we hate niggers and forced diversity
>dickride this guy and other black celebrities


>snoop dogg

was losing 0-10 part of his plan?

Damn that's pretty good

Him existing isn't forced diversity

I disagree


I'm kinda disgusted at myself because of the fact that I can recognize a good portion of those nicknames

of course

Wiz Khalifa 0-8
Terry Crews 4-7
The Game 0-10
Snoop Dogg 0-11

no wonder black people play fighting games

His plan was getting money to promote a game so that it sells more with the black target audience.

I'd rather play Senran Kagura with Brennan Williams

and thats Sup Forums no one likes the "nigger" mentality black people are fine nigger can effect any ethnicity or race


video games were a mistake

Nobody is racist because of skin tone, they're racist because of uncivilized behavior.

Skin tone is just the most recognizable way to genetically categorize people. There are outliers in every race that are decent people, but get lumped in with the rest.

If they manage to prove themselves they'll generally be liked and accepted. It's unfortunate that they have to prove themselves in the first place, but such is reality.

You're right we don't hate black people, we hate niggers.

Too bad niggers are the majority

Nothing he fucking sucks at games, man got 0 kills in a round. He was even worse than fucking stoned snoop.

He is hot and funny

Why do you guys force this Terry Crews meme so much?

He is a terrible actor, the only good thing he ever did was the Oldspice Commercials and Everybody Hates Chris (which was fun but still nothing amazing)

none because i dont worship untalented, irrelevant africans who are only in commercials because leftists and jews want "epic black people" everywhere

What did she mean by this?

>He is a terrible actor

He was high as a kite you could see that from his gameplay he had no idea what's going on.

Man that nigga is like 60

(((Zac Efron)))

Black user here.

If there's two things we love most it's FGC games, even Smash despite it not really being FGC and a good portion of us love FPS games.

Speaking of which, I need to hit up some Quake.

>TyreseGibson 0-7
>JamieFoxx 2-9
>LupeFiasco 4-9
>RichSherman 4-12
theyre all bad holy hell

>that one guy who went 26-4
i bet these celebrities were pissed at him

>Beast mode 5-13
>Went 0-11 in one of the other rounds

I think Sherm did pretty good on objectives in the last round


>ZacEfron did better than Major Nelson
Console players btfo

How can you hate this


I want him to BLACK me.

Because what people here hate are those disgusting ghetto niggers.

Nobody hates Terry Crews, Morgan Freeman or Snoop Dog.

Dude he was smoking weed every frame while playing.
Look at him, he was only waking forward and backwards.

>Friendly Forces
>Enemy Forces
What is this kike shit? Are they seriously trying to feed history as black and white, good and bad?

I wanna get fucked so hard by him.


I'm sick of this fucking meme. Let me be a German hero for fucks sake

It changes depending on which side you're on.

I'd ask him how to get over a crippling masturbation addiction

>Go to E3 to play some swagger ass game I'm being told non-stop about
>See Foxx, Wiz and Snoop stinking the ever-loving fuck out of some car so i go and join
>Get high as a kite, so high i pass out and wake up 15 mins later just in time to go and play the game only to find some sticky white shit covering my jacket
>Play the game and enjoy myself
>Check my shitty ass status updates
>Some cum-dump I've never heard from or known in my life tags me and Snoop
>Snoop gives me a look across the room having just looked at his phone too with his typical snoop smug look
>Pulls me aside after playing the worst game in existence to tell me some girl texted him directly who said she's okay with a train being pulled on her.
>mfw it's some vain literal who slut trying to get double wammied because she heard i was here.
>mfw i hate being Zac.

Zedd is the only celeb with a decent score and a neutral K/D, why play with Terry?

Snoop is a literal ghetto nigga though.

So right, refreshing to see some common sense spoken out here on the board, thanks for posting.

I think he means those down to a T, which ironically is Snoop. I guess it's his demeanor everyone likes since he's just really laid back.

Kill yourself.

Nobody with money is a literal ghetto nigga, they got their money by playing up that literal ghetto nigga stereotype.

Nobody in N.W.A was a thug, Eazy E just dealt weed to get by.

Let me explain to you how games are, Sup Forums
If you are on a team, that team is the friendly one, the other is the enemy.
If you are on the german team, germany will be the friendly team.

Enough to relax your triggers?

only one there that wasnt dude weed lmao

Hahahahaha what the fuck

Name 8 single player campaigns where you play as a German soldier and are considered "good" or a hero

There are not much, but you saying that germans are the bad guys because the screenshot was taken from the opposite team is retarded.
It's a fucking multiplayer game for fucks sake.

Snoop's brain must be fried.

So did Lupe Fiasco not play? He acted as if he didnt give a shit about this event.

nigga high as fuck

How can one man have so much swag?

Oh nvm I see him

>major nelson
>4 - 16

Thats just pitiful.

Krauts don't deserve to be portrayed as the "good guys" after how hard they fucked up

> b-but the j-Jews
Give it a rest you mongoloid. Germany fucked up then and they're fucking up now.
Not exactly "masterrace" material

Another Black user.

FPS games really depends on the type of game because despite popular belief most blacks don't fuck with Modern day or WW1/WW2 shooters.

I know like 30 black guys who like Overwatch like crazy

And they all like Widowmaker, Mercy and Zenyatta

This guy gets it.

He prefers to use mouse+kb over a controller

it's the neo-nazi losers from pol.

funny seeing all those youtubers getting destroyed.

playing with controllers
into the trash.jpg

There was tons of black people that played the socom games on ps2/ps3.

Germany had the most frags in WW2. Not exactly fucking up

but if you don't play the objective then it doesn't matter.

Because he doesn't present himself as a stereotype. add to the fact that he has a personality of someone that would watch your back if you went out drinking with him.

Why didn't they get Conan, his clueless gamer bit isn't bad.
>During his Overwatch promo he made them put together a full game of widowmakers


dam nigga


holy fuck haha

thats cool actually

He's a meme.

>Moving goalposts

Blacks aren't bad by default, they're only bad when they're niggers.
It's like that being a faggot is bad, unless you're Freddie Mercury- which was a coll faggot.
Terry Crews is a cool nigger.



Pick one Snoop.