So how is that maid training coming along, user?
So how is that maid training coming along, user?
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not bothering until someone makes an all in one pack without having to scavenge the hongfire threads for every single little patch/bonus content
Hongfire is an unnavigable mess which makes modding and patching this game a fucking nightmare
I haven't been playing as much as I want to because I'm waiting on a new set of headphones. I can't train very well anyways because I always want to fap when I play and then I don't want to play once I finish.
>Spend hours and hours downloading and installing mods
>Barely use any of them
I hired a Mexican maid and the training is not going good at all
She is kinda chubby but the good ones were expensive so I had to compromise and she doesn't even speak English which makes her training very hard
So far I'm working on her obedience skills but she keeps saying I'm not getting paid enough for this in Mexican
I guess I have to use whip and chastity from now on
This is not like anime at all man I didn't ask for this
Is there yuri yet?
>all in one pack
>every single little patch/bonus content
See you in at least a year then
Just get an already modded version from sukebei
>female maid
I hope not.
Is there a Saya model yet?
I love my maids
goodness muh dick this grill is so hot
going nicely, i must say.
>already have your own general
>still come to shit on Sup Forums
This is so fr*cking sexist, jesus christ..
what the fuck
There is such a pack by name on nyaa ao, try harder. Do run the patcher that comes with it to install files correctly.
I been running VR maido on a vive. Other than shit pointer controls and needing to adjust for seating position, it have been lewd___ time.
Supposedly there was one, a fucking huge 32gb file that contained basically everything there was to the game, could never get it to work, fucking pissed me off so much. I then just downloaded the base game, got that working despite the translation not being complete, and I enjoyed that, but then I read a fast trick to getting the huge one to work, so I re-downloaded it, reinstalled it, that trick didn't work for shit, and also broke my vanilla install, so I trashed the whole fucking thing and I really miss my maid. Someone needs to save us.
>Fromsofts games
>anything nintendo related
just to name a few
Master says it's coming along well.
I'm learning to do things exactly as he likes, and the whippings are less frequent now.
aa2 is better
commit heresy. Make a Chen.
Post nudes pls.
Full tranlsation when?
I like it
That's way too tall for a 12 year old.
what mods do you recommend? I also have problems with translation - some buttons look deformed and my cursor needs to go slightly up to click it.
name of game?
I've made 26 different maids and I've only trained 6 of them.
What kind of issue did you have?
Pretty simple way is to just grab the gamedata folder from the torrent which is all the DLC, do a fresh install, patch the game to the latest version, copy over the game data folder then install the HF patch for the English UI and such.
Not for a long time since Kiss will likely support it for another 2 to 3 years.
>I then just downloaded the base game, got that working despite the translation not being complete, and I enjoyed that,
I don't understand, from that point you could have just installed a few DLCs each time you play to keep the game fresh, why did you bother with the all-in-one file? Every single DLC is available in one mega link anyway.
I don't think so.
>support it for another 2 to 3 years
So in 5 years?
Is this another one of those blue balling games where the potential is great, but in the end it's fucking nothing and you have to deal with translation and system region settings to even run it, like Artificial Academy?
is there costume mods? i dont know where to find good ones
It's infinitely better than AA2
>tfw wanted to fuck Kuro
>no "slutty" personality
>whenever I play the game I find myself going back to Neptunia characters
I wanted everything there was to offer, I wanted to be overwhelmed with choices and options, it contained more than just dlc, but mods too.
The furthest I ever got on the big file was, when I'd open the only executable that worked, a window came up with only a small portion of the top left side of the screen. The only thing that worked properly was some shooting mini game in a huge bedroom. I tried all kinds of things, like installing with applocale, changing my region to Japanese, fucking everything, it just wouldn't work.
Probably. CM3D got around 4 years of support and Kiss seems to be dedicating all their resources to pumping out CM3D2 DLC.
So how is that thicc coming along?
>plus pack is the only addon that doesn't install
>every single custom character crashes the game
How frusturating
Still having fun though
I don't see how that would be a problem if you're not retarded and follow the guide step by step
yet another proof fatfags are trash
Yeah it gets pretty boring how all the girls are submissive. Like the only interesting thing you can do to a mean girl is break her in the slave room.
i want to puke
So you can actually do a lot of nasty shit with your girls then? I spent like an afternoon on AA2 making a classroom full of Rule 34's only to find out there's nothing to do in the game with them.
More or less, but still easier to get it to work than Artificial Academy.
Make Big Nep.
>I wanted everything there was to offer, I wanted to be overwhelmed with choices and options, it contained more than just dlc, but mods too.
What? You don't need the all-in-one to do that, just install everything step by step.
reminds me of the dog mage from uberquest
>NTR simulator
Nah, I'll stick to AA2 for now.
AA2 was trivially easy to set up, it sounds like you're bad at reading directions.
Tastes kind of salty.
Bet you like Sindoll's stuff.
Post maids
>if you're not retarded
Shit negro I have windows 10 and still get it work, despite being explicitly told over and over that it wont work.
It most certainly >Works for me
oh right, I should do that
Where does one get good mods? Everything on that upkiss site either sucks, or is outdated to hell and back.
I seasoned with some oil and tenderized the shit out of the meat chef.
I need a name, please.
I play this game.
who doesn't?
I did. Believe me, I did. I followed every pastebin, guide, everything down to the damn T, and it just wouldn't work. My system can handle it, it can push those sexy fucking maid pixels no problem, but I must be absolutely completely inept, because I just couldn't get it to work. It's seriously like translating hieroglyphics. I spent so many hours on it.
Try reading the thread
she looks cute
hi trash
would let a blue ghost fuck you?
gj user, keep it up and one day you will be a great chef, just like me
Well shit, that's one hell of a good use for Twitter. Thanks.
Why must installing H games be so arduous?
No seriously I don't fucking understand. You said you had the base game working just fine. Are you telling me the game went fucked if you tried to install DLCs in the proper way?
Dagashi Kashi is a very shitty anime.
can i make cute boys in this game?
AA2 > CM3D2
How do I improve Luka Megurine, lads.
I need to make Galko since I love her.
Please do not lewd Anya.
Feel free to lewd Rin.
Fucking i keep getting errors when truying to install it
I just give up then watch porn
But the girls are cute
depends on what kind of setting you like desu fampai
q2: How is CM3D2 compared to AA2 (Artificial Academy 2)?
- Personalities -
AA2: 24 female personalities; a handful of dialogues, most end in one sentence; can assign traits that alters behaviors; may refuse your approach
CM3D2: 5 female personalities so far(no male); ridiculous amount of dialogues (but mostly untranslated) per personality, most are in sequences; no trait; will always obey
- Customizability -
AA2: 3 heights only; arguably better eyes; way better tits physics; clothed huge tits are handled well
CM3D2: variable height; hip slider; leg sliders; many clothing options (but limited colors); clothed huge tits usually look shit; very large mod scene
- Gameplay -
AA2: School setting; NPCs will interact with other NPCs; sandbox-oriented; progression depends mostly on relationship; many interaction options; uncontrollable NPCs actions; free roaming
CM3D2: Mansion setting; maids never directly speak to each other; pseudo-management gameplay; achievements; progression depends on stats and skill levels; optional VN-like events (a lot of them are you being NTRed); poser with a great degree of freedom; unique NPCs; everything is in your control; grindy; dances; assign jobs and actions in a schedule
- H-scenes -
AA2: better animations; achievable ahegao; directly controllable thrusting speed
CM3D2: more positions (still adding) with great variety; for unknown reasons they cry alot; can cum in most positions; grind to unlock positions for EACH character; harem; abuse; punishment
Yeah...I guess...
fuck mang, applocale aint hard to use.
>That morbidly obese hamplanet
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