Sup Sup Forums

Sup Sup Forums

I'm waiting in line to see the Xbox E3 conference.

Please keep me company.

Mobileposters are the worst kind of posters and the true cancer killing not just Sup Forums but entire Sup Forums.

Here's my ticket

Have a nice E3 user.

The line has stopped moving.

Everyone is really excited. Lots of laughter


Have fun user

some guy just gave me a few arcade tokens. He's sitting in the VIP seats

Your arm looks fat.

why are you even there you are pathetic

Aww, man, those are a gift to all guys from Sup Forums from me~

You should yell out something so we know you're there.

>a literal dat boi coin

fucking epin

Can you smell it? Can you smell the disappointment in the air before Microsoft takes a big shit live on stage and burgers will be clapping their disgusting paws in excitement?

Fat hand.

he's a fucking white ham

I have a certain feeling that today the stars are in order for a great E3 from MS.

How else would be post from a line at e3?

Can you please trip one of the fat gamur girlz?

Read it again you memebrain.

this is Sup Forums, wtf do you expect?