Where the FUCK is Elder Scrolls 6 Bethesda?
I hate Fallout. I hate MMOs.
Where the FUCK is Elder Scrolls 6 Bethesda?
I hate Fallout. I hate MMOs.
At this point why the fuck would you even want a new Elder Scrolls game knowing full well it'd be a butchered version no matter the setting it'd be in.
>wanting Skyrim 2
Best thing would be a faithfull HD remake of Morrowind. But I guess we will never see this.
Drop the knife, cat.... Drop the fucking knife! Don't do it man! You don't want this! YOU DON'T WANT TO DO THIS MAN!
It's at E3. don't worry.
E3 2018.
>wanting morrowind 5
Dont worry he's just gonna use to cut some blini
Nigguh, they're giving me that shit for free.
>jabronis complaining about no morrow remast
Like thats gonna make money. Dont you realise just how much of an easy cash grab this is and how anyone would do the same in this position
Why would they spend time and resources making an entirely new game when they can make just as much money re-releasing something they've already done?
I hate to break it to you armchair industry experts, but the reason Bethesda does these things is because they understand capitalism better than you do.
Hey, at least that means you bought Skyrim AND all its dlc beforehand.
Just to make things clear, you DID actually buy it, right?
if I had millions of dollars to work with I'd make a good game. thats just me though. I'm not a business guy, just a guy who likes video games
they released fallout 4 last year, anyone who thought they were going to announce TES6 anytime soon is an idiot
You will hate Elder Scrolls 6 too user, dont believe his lies.
I just now remember that I did a online survey saying that I would play a Elder Scrolls Card Game years ago. I wonder if I should have said I wouldn't play it.
It's okay, lad, we got a card game.
What card game?
Post more kot
elder scrolls: totally not hearthstone edition
it looks like hearstone played on a flattened cardboard box in a back alley in detroit.
Be patient. Bethesda makes games terrible enough that they don't need to be churned out like fucking Asscreeds.
Russian key during sale
Skyrim is from 2011... That was 5 years ago.
Is the art/art direction any good at least?
Fallout 4 - 2015
All the DLCs haven't even been released yet
Idiots already want TESVI
Daggerfall 1996 - 2002 TESIII
Morrowind had 6 years of uninterrupted development
2002 Tribunal - 2006 TES IV
Oblivion 4
2009 Mothership Zeta - 2011 TESV
Skyrim 3
TESVI fucking 0
Are you guys retarded? And then you complain the games are crap.