How likely do you think it is that Zelda Wii U/NX will give players the option to choose from a male or female Link?

How likely do you think it is that Zelda Wii U/NX will give players the option to choose from a male or female Link?

If it does, is this a good thing?

Why do people think that you will be able to choose?

Pretty likely. I think it's good. I like playing as females, man.

Not likely.

No. Link is a guy. Mario is a guy.

Unlikely but I would welcome the option. People who are literally angry over having more options in a game are cute.

Link is pretty androgynous so you could just consider the character a male or female depending on your preference.

I think they should just make zelda a guy instead and you get to fuck him at the end of the game


I just want that girly boy link from the first trailer.

Unlikely, and it would definitely be a bad thing. Link is the one of the few iconic constants in series that visually reinvents itself with each new entry.

To change such an iconic character into a customizable player avatar with no set idenity or personality for the sake of pandering would be shitty, fuck the lore, and cheapen the brand all in one foul swoop.

Mario is the same person in every game.

Link is almost always a different person in every game. The only games that it has the same Link is direct sequels

fuck that, when do you get to play as ganon for the whole game?

How about a game where link can travel to two different universes and in one of them he changes into a girl.

Will that please you?

Anyone else not even gonna bother with the game if they involve a gimmick? The DS games, the Wii games...all fucking gimmick trash that have been unable to fucking do anything that matters to the series other than DEGENERATE IT into a extension OF the gimmick.

You're a sad little man, bro. They aren't FEMALES, they are fucking pixels on the screen, you are living out some fantasy of wanting to be a pretty princess. Just go buy a dress and get pegged, you'll feel better.

I'd give it, maybe 20%
Link has clearly been male in all of the media shown so far. People are just trying to apply stupid logic to try and convince themselves it will happen (men can't have long hair?)

I think the only thing pointing to it being possible is how many people want it, and how more sensitive Nintendo has become to these sort of topics (e.g. gay marriage).

I want to say unlikely, but Aonuma listens to bad ideas from fans occasionaly so I can see it happening. It would also be a way to 'surpirse ' people without doing anything to improve the gameplay and he's quite fond of that too.

Tumblrtards and waifufags getting hyped by different artwork of the same character

How many threads a day do we need about this? God damn.

until you like it

He already looks like a total cock sucking twink faggot in all the art Neo-LGBTendo has released so far.

Sup Forums loves drama I guess.... lol

buzzwords: the post

I wouldn't give a shit if they gave you the option. Hell I wouldn't care if they made Link female by default.


i'd be fine with it if Zelda and Ganondorf were also switched

say it isn't true. he totally looks like a fluid-gendered fag.

>say it isn't true

Ok. It's not true

maybe you should be the one to fuck me, sexy man

Just look how "he" is angling "his" legs here for fuck's sake . pussies jump like that.

>How likely do you think it is that Zelda Wii U/NX will give players the option to choose from a male or female Link?
If this happens, I want a Metroid game where you can choose to make Samus a man.

that's retarded. samus doesnt even look like a man

>that's retarded.
Exactly. Just like needlessly gender-swapping Link is.

it's fine in link's case

Then it's fine in Samus' case.


It isn't even what they say that bothers me anymore, it's how fucking predictable they've become.

Man they have you shills start early don't they. Do they pay you overtime since they haven't even revealed it yet?

That's not what Skyward Sword said.

Depends on how they do it.

Wouldn't work in other Zeldas, largely because the other characters and how they relate. It's always girls in charge telling him where to go, and it's worked well.

no it isnt. never swap a woman to a man. men arent so appealing

This. Link is canonically one person reincarnated every hundred years or so, with exception of the Wind Waker Link.
Back to tumblr with you.

That's fan art, you dumb fuck

You know how people on Sup Forums always say "vote with your wallet?" I'll bet you anything it would actually happen if Metroid were a man. Sex sells, but not dudes.

even if some of them are re-incarnations or relatives in some way, Wind Waker already set the precedent for that not always being the case.

I'm just saying it to be an asshole and show how absurd the concept is. i don't ACTUALLY want a male Samus, that would be stupid.

maybe you're the shill. always goes in the direction that would be a real twist in the movie

The whole point was that Samus didn't look like a woman because of the suit. They could reveal a male Samus in the exact same way and it really wouldn't change anything at all, but people would still throw a huge fit over it.

That sounds interesting but it would let the genie out of the bottle and there would be no stopping things after that. Give them an inch and they want a mile.

you're the one who should go back to tumblr. mras are still sjws, you know

seeI hate MRA's just as much as feminists.

I just don't think it's absurd. People have been joking about what if Zelda was a girl for years. Not one person ever wondered what if Metroid were a guy. As I said, sex sells.

>samus in a game revealed to be a man, maybe posing as samus or something neat like that.

that actually sounds cool as fuck.

we all know how samus looks now. she's a hot woman. you really want her to be a man now? shit. you must be a straight woman or a gay man

Calling it now, changing between a guy and a girl is going to be a core game mechanic, whether that means switching genders or switching characters.

This fampie. Ever since Elder Scrolls/Bioware got big with normies, every game needs to have a customizable blank slates or else faggots can't self insert.

Like it or not, Link is an iconic character/character design that shouldn't be changed without a damned good reason. It's not broken, so don't fix it. There are a shit ton of other, more pressing issues with the Zelda formula that are far more important to address than the face of the series that is still popular enough and sells games to this day.

okay, so maybe we both should go to tumblr and team up. whaddya say, pal?

I don't care about the jokes, if it's done it'll just be a shallow attempt to pander to whiny Liberals forcing identity politics into video games


He's got slightly less characterization than Gordon Freeman.

I don't want it. There is no reason that Link couldn't be a girl, and it wouldn't alter the gameplay but I just don't want it.

yeah, man. enough ugly dudes are in games already. we could definitely use more hot women, even if it means changing link.

Who cares? At least it fits within Zelda's reincarnation lore as opposed to just changing an established gendered character for the sake of it like say Mario to female or Samus to male.

Who's 'they?'

Man you are so blinded by ideology that you can't see what's going on. This isn't being done to pander to women or anyone who thinks gender equality means having male/female palette swaps for protagonists. It's being done to pander to horn dogs.

Since WW Link has started to get a lot of facial expressions and character in terms of how he reacts to things.

Thats not really an equal comparison as Metroid is a singular Samus Aran while Zelda is the story of many different Heroes throughout Hyrules history. A female Zelda protagonist is conceivable especially if they decide the game is post wind waker and Ganon is perma dead/Demise's curse is lifted. In which case you could play as any race taking up the mantle of hero as well.
Afterall WW Link wasn't a blood related hero but was still chosen because he had the qualities needed to hold the title.

Use your brain m8. "They" are obviously them.

spotted the shill

That's true though, and has been since OoT. Link and his history are more often than not important to the plot/lore, he has his one goals, aspirations, and motivations for adventuring, and despite what faggots say a personality. (Especially post Wind Waker games, when he really started to get more expressive.)

These arn't the NES days anymore, and the franchise has evolved. Link is a character at this point.

So the idiots on the Left aren't constantly bitching about this shit?

Only two Links are blood related, TP Link to the Hero of Time and ST Link to the Hero of Winds.

Also ST is after WW, we generally know the races and what's going on with New Hyrule.

and men can be sexy, too. just look at guts, snake, raiden, adam jensen, big boss, ryu hayabusa, hayate, drake, spider-man, franklin, captain america, ect

Zero chances, Link is, and will always be a dude. Having a female link would be as repulsive as having a male Zelda. I would not be against having a female protagonist, but that protagonist will not have the triforce of courage, and therefore, not be Link, and if the protagonist isn't Link, then it would not be a Zelda game, but a spin off like the Tingle game.

Reincarnation does not imply same gender. Heck, it doesn't even imply same species. What is there to stop Link from being reincarnated as a dog, or a goron, or an ant?
Where does it say Link can't be an ant?
When are we getting a Zelda game where Link is an ant?
Do you know how many ants there are?
It should have happened by now!

I wish I understood half those words.

I still would love the chance to run a Goron at some point.

I definitely want it and millions of other women lovers.

I don't think you understand how reincarnation works. Hell Link could be a cow for God's sake.

Sure, and everyone's interests just happen to be aligned in this case. Who loses is Zelda is a girl? Do you? I guess you do if your idea of losing is when people you don't like to ever get anything they want, but otherwise you don't.

Because Link is/was a young, and therefore is reborn again as a young boy that resembles the original hero.

Just like Zelda is a young girl who resembles the original Zelda, etc. etc.

Did you not even Wind Wanker?

Most traditional video game players are still boys and young men. The right sex sells even better.

Because each Link is the same character reborn again to stop evil you idiot.

The same princess, the same link, and the same evil reborn again and again and again in an endless cycle because of Demise's curse.

But Wind Waker Link wasn't a reincarnation.

Yes, because if they "get what they want" they'll never be satisfied. Next they'll want a trans link, then a trans racial Link, then a non binary gender fluid Link, etc. The fact that Nintendo is even considering bowing to these people shows they don't understand that this is a crowd that will NEVER be pleased.

>Reincarnation does not imply same gender. Heck, it doesn't even imply same species.
This isn't Hinduism, it's Zelda. Ever notice how Link always looks the same (femine-ish face, long yellow hair, a dude)? That's how the reincarnation works.

I agree.

>I don't want female Link

>the fact that Nintendo is even considering bowing to these people

Except they're not doing that. Do you really think grorious Nipponese sararymen even know what Tumblr is?

What about an ant with a femine-ish face, long yellow hair, and a dude?

>I want female Link.

Link has had a masculine face, brown or pink hair before too.

After the Fire Emblem translation debacle, yes I do.

I bet many of them are gay a f or you know, the men i named can make it a case of "if it's with you, then it's okay."

There's already obligatory traps in video games. That Rubicon was crossed years ago. I don't even know what the hell a trans racial is. Is that like Michael Jackson? Anyway, I don't think this is a slippery slope, or at least it's not very slippery. Women have been arguing for female protagonists that pass the Bechdel test since well before the term Bechdel test was coined. These trans-whatever terms don't even seem well defined enough for SJWs to agree on whether a character even meets their fluidity standard.

That sounds completely pointless and I would oppose it purely on the grounds that Zelda is the wrong genre of game to care about cosmetic options.
It made sense in Pokémon because the player character is just one of many trainers in that world who can battle other player characters. Even then, if you pick the female character, the male character still exists as your rival, so they're not the same person.
Link is the chosen one and a man. If it just so happens that the hero reincarnated in a female body this time, he would still be a man by SJW logic.
This option would be as bizarre as the next Tomb Raider game giving the option to play as Larry Croft.

So you guys like skyward sword when it is convenient I see,

Not every Link had yellow hair

I've always liked SS.

>I want a female Link
more like

>tfw she complains you used low calorie bread and too many vegetables in the sandwich.

You don't have to like Skyward Sword to point out the lore it established.

Where is this artwork? I'd like to see for myself.