Anything I shoulв know before going in?

Anything I shoulв know before going in?

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It's great.

All you need to know is that Jade is CUTE and Pey'j is a total bro.

also sequel NEVER

One of my favorites. A part of me desperately wants a sequel, yet another part knows they'll fuck it up.

Combat is pretty shit but the rest of the game is charming and great.


I don't why Ubisoft hasn't made a sequel. They love pumping out sequels, what the fuck are they thinking?


Would you really want modern Ubisoft anywhere close to this game?

The final boss fight is an annoying piece of shit.

This nigga knows whats up.

>Becomes an fps game where your camera marks enemies and you have to climb Domz pillars to put a special Iris news beacon on top

>climb towers to reveal city area with your camera
>destroy DomZ communication towers
>save random civilians from DomZ
>capture DomZ outposts
>use camera to tag enemies and see through walls
>press X to parkour
>endless trash collectibles instead of pearls

Yeah I'd prefer it stayed dead

I'd rather they straight up announce it as canceled or release ANYTHING than keep it as vaporware. I'd rather have a franchise ruined than be vaporware.

The combat and camera both suck. The stealth is so simple that a little child could do it.
Pacing is all over the place, there are 2 main big areas (2 hours each), a 2-minute stealth section, and a final area with no enemies.

If you can stomach all that, it's a good game.

The point of no return is when you go to the moon.

>That fucking final boss fight
what were they thinking

I still haven't beaten it. I just can't be bothered to at this point.

Camera is fine, but you're right about combat and stealth.

It's a very simple game, very obvious plot and plot twists, it's really just the presentation, world building, and characters that make the game a classic.

Camera is shit.
PC port is shit.
Game is okay until it crashes.

There's an interview somewhere where they mention they'd love to, but execs wouldn't let them. They said that it doesn't look like that from the outside, but their team always bore the mark of "commercial failure" for Beyond Good and Evil.

Also, they probably rushed the development of the first game, they didn't want to stuff any more cash in it. Remember how the final area has no enemies, and the story is revealed in a conversation 5 minutes before the end?

>PC port is shit.

>played BG&E dubbed in dutch
>it was actually a really good dub
>in a time where dubs of mostly anything were complete dogshit
Man, I enjoyed this game so much. Fucking love it.

Oh come on, It's not that bad. All he does is reverse your controls. It doesn't take long to adjust to that. I think I died maybe 3 times before I got used to it.

The camera is shit, specially if you're playing with a mouse, and on the HD edition, if you're playing with the Hovercraft. I've heard many times the term "camera loves to hug the wall" for those PS1/PS2-era games, but Beyond Good and Evil was the first time I saw it in action.

The worst thing is how the camera becomes fixed in combat/stealth, but if you try to run away from those sections, the camera goes back to normal and you keep running straight at enemies.

The game is a cult classic? Yes. But if I played it back then for 1 hour, just reaching the Factory, I understand why people didn't buy this game.

There's a flickering textures problem that was never solved, and even if you turn Compatibility Mode on, it still happens in a few effect-intensive scenes (like, the first boss...). The game crashes out of nowhere too, although I've never got a crash in this machine - but I installed it on my brother's, and he could only play 30 min chunks at a time, because it kept crashing.

To be honest I didn't mind so much. If I could just get past that bit, I'd be fine. That's what I kept telling myself. Then I realized I couldn't get hit once, otherwise I'd be stuck in that phase. Then I read that shit gets turned upside-down on top of the retarded reversed controls "don't get hit" wankery, and decided that I was done.

There's a set pattern. I just wrote it on paper and looked at it. However, this is still bullshit, because you have to use your special attack somewhere in the middle of the pattern, and there's barely enough time to charge it.