>basing your character on Guts in RPG games
>wanting to play as some edgelord on period instead of based Griffith
Basing your character on Guts in RPG games
I've done both and Casca come at me
>Wanting to play as a male prostitute
I know right? Who the fuck would play Guts.
Griffith isn't GAR and he's a wimp.
Your father is a wimp.
Is this some kind of stretching exercise?
I've never gotten around to reading berserk but it seems extremely fucked up
what's with all the rape and torture? I'm not quite aware of the world setting
rape and torture are like meme genres, if something has rape/torture is more deep and only for adults with the necessary intellect to understand
I just think its edgy
yes, Doctor Donovan is helping Guts to heal his back
It's a world where there is absolute ass loads of rape and torture. It's basically dark souls, but every creature that kills you also fucks your corpse.
Griffith is a self serving cunt though. He has no respect for anyone and would literally kill you just to get what he wants. Guts on the other hand will at least leave you alone unless you fuck with him or someone he cares about.
>I just think its edgy
That's because you never read it and you like to spout memes.
You should read manga more suited for you like Lucky Star and Naruto.
Yeah he's stretching guts asshole
so there is no authority or cities? just a fucked up world with hopeless settlements? definitely sounds interesting
>m-m-muh manga about rape and violence is too deep for you to understand!
what are you talking about? I'm interested in berserk and was wondering what kind of world it was set in
It doesn't get much more edgelord than feeding all the people who admire and respect you to demons so you can become god of said demons.
only fedoras use the edgy meme unironically.
Nah theres kingdoms and shit but most of them are corrupt.
it's your typical berserkdrone
Griffith is a needy faggot that fucked everything up because Guts wanted to do his own thing. Gut didn't need no man.
The manga is not about rape and violence it's about how important are our dreams to us.
Femboys are shit, rapiers are shittier than two handers. Men should be tall and muscular not weeny little dorks.
He uses a sabre you fucking idiot not a rapier and two handers are only for people who want to compensate for their small dicks.
I like how you don't even try to counter-argument my post
let it go, it's a manga for people who likes to see NTR, rape, torture, murder and all those things, literally made for emo teens
Monsters are strong as hell, humans usually dont stand a chance. Guts before he met a single monster killed 100 men in combat with only casca to slow him down, and he still didnt fare well against the first monsters he fought.
>Playing a rapist
The rapes take place during war or demon activity, its not really exaggerated, and there's like only 1 scene that actually focused a lot on the rape of a character.
Medieval dark fantasy. Most humans in the settings are either superstitious assholes or bloodthirsty maniacs with very few actual good people inbetween. Demons represent humans at their worst, and rape, murder and torture is merely their way of expressing their cruelty.
Oh my bad, been a long time since I read any golden age stuff and he mostly just stands around while other people do shit these days.
Two handers almost always have a more fun play style in games, big meaty hits are more fun than tickling things to death. Also, Femboys continue to be shit.
or maybe people like to see a man succeed despite literally everything trying to ruin him
Griffith did nothing wrong.
Casca wanted it.
This is a really ignorant opinion, so congrats I guess.
Griffith was willing to sell his own bootyhole to get funding for his army.
By the time the Eclipse happened thousands if not hundreds of thousands of men had already dies under his banner from the various fights, skirmishes, and sieges The Band Of The Hawk were responsible for.
When it happened he had spent over a year being beaten and starved. Every tendon in his body was cut and his tongue was torn out. Considering the tone of Berserk that imp prolly raped him in the mouth and ass as well.
He had a choice between living the rest of his life as a sad cripple, making the sacrifices of all the people who had already died for him pointless or killing a few more dudes who had already pledged their lives to him in a battle which would result in him becoming the God King of everything.
Which is what they signed up for anyway.
Someone should make a Hail Hydra edit for Guts or Grifith
>I'm loyal to nothing General--- Except the dream.
said no liberal ever.
Someone already did one for guts
Someone already edited Guts saying "Griffith did nothing wrong"
I don't have it though
>The rapes take place during war or demon activity
Unless it's sexual abuse of children.
Which happened during a war.
They signed up for Griffiths dream of his own kingdom - meaning he would be a "king" - they didn't sign up for torture, rape and death by devouring
>Which is what they signed up for anyway.
They did not sign up to be eaten by apostles and sent to Hell to be in eternal torment.
In what game can you do that? I think DD is close enough in vanilla but Skyrim has MODS
Its really well done in that the characters are very likeable and flawed, the later chapters on the boat have been too lighthearted and shoenen and the beginning has the author make Guts much edgier than later on before the famous "Golden Age" arc. But it generally balances intense grimdarkness with humor and good charactera and pulls off tonal shifts really well.
Its not all grimgr darkness, theres contrast so that the dark shit hits harder.
Read the manga, get the darkhorse scans off bakabt and read them off a tablet, official western releases are missing some color pages.
ITS JUST GRIM GRIM DARKNESS fags are soulsfags that only just now realized that their series is based off a manga/anime and need to emphasise how fucked up things get because they're insecure about liking a form of weebshit.
>Which happened during a war.
Technically yes, because war is constant in the world of Berserk.
But it's not like when Caska was almost raped during a battle. No fighting was happening.
Yes they did they just didn't read the contract.
Fucking fine print man. Gets 'em everytime.
If I agree to work on your oil rig knowing there could be an accident, that's not the same as you exploding the rig on purpose when I'm on there for insurance purposes.
>They signed up for Griffiths dream of his own kingdom
Which he achieved.
>meaning he would be a "king"
Which he is.
>they didn't sign up for torture, rape and death by devouring
You think they never thought they might die a horrible death while fighting for Griffith? They might never be captured or tortured?
>some cowardly traitor
I hope Guts gives him the worst death.
>tfw Lost Children arc will be skipped in the new anime
>They did not sign up to be eaten by apostles and sent to Hell to be in eternal torment.
No they signed up to die for Griffith so he could become king and thats what they did.
>wanting to be someone who is willing to betray his friends for power
youre scum
it's weeby but I always enjoy basing my RPG characters off of anime characters as it gives me a plan to develop around and I don't have any originality of my own
Who do you guys think would be fun to play?
>that's not the same as you exploding the rig on purpose
He sent men to their deaths the same way he's been sending men to their deaths his entire life.
I'd rather be Schierke, desu senpai.
Wind-based dexfaggotry
It's understood that you'll try to minimize casualties. His unit had absurdly low casualty rates compared to most armies we see. This kind of leadership is what drew so many. Then he just flips that on his head.
If I sign up for the army I expect to be put in dangerous situations. I don't expect to be fed to a bear so my CO can get a promotion.
I'm going to have to read it now, I'm definitely interested
thanks user
>Then he just flips that on his head.
Not really. How many men do you think died during the Eclipse compared to all the battles they fought beforehand? How many people do you think are now alive and well now that Griffith is king instead of the crazy daughterfucker?
He sacrificed the few for the many. The same he had always done.
>berserk new anime
hahaha, ill probably be dead before its finished
Methods matter. If I had to join the army for WW3 or something I could accept that. But I would not be a suicide bomber under any circumstances even if the survival rates were similar.
I always play bishounen characters. Griffith is best boy.
anyone who wants to play as griffith is 12
griffith completely brokedown at first sign of things not going completely according to his plans
Griffithfags have always been the mature and reasonable side of the Berserk fanbase. It's Gutsfags that are 12 years old.
>Supporting probably the perfect example of a sociopath
>Mature and reasonable
You deflect any criticism of his horrible personality by saying they're immature.
>wanting to play as a berserk character
No offense, too much homolust for me.
Slayers is the way.
>these shitty analogies
Why is the Guts defense force so bad at reasoning?
>using sociopath as a buzzword in an empty post devoid of a point
Point proven.
Is that Lina from Dota 2?
At least I'm trying, you haven't actually made an argument in a while. Griffith was a piece of garbage that caved at the first real sign of adversity.
>Doesn't explain a counterpoint, just tries to detract it
Offer a counterpoint then, show me Griffith isn't a Sociopath.
Because I can prove he is, very easily
>Methods matter.
You don't really care much about how you died when you're dead.
>But I would not be a suicide bomber under any circumstances
Thats you. Who cares about you? People have been willing to suicide bomb. People have been willing to do kamikaze dive bombs. People have been willing to die for a cause.
I think a Slayers game in the style of a Tales of could work really well
>Griffith isn't a Sociopath
Different user.
Griffith being a sociopath has nothing to do with him making the wrong choice.
The person you were arguing with before already crushed your points and proved you wrong before you resorted to irrelevant analogies.
Griffith clearly cares about all the people he has charge over. The manga goes out of its way to show how dedicated he is to preserving their lives and making their sacrifices worth something.
>Griffith was a piece of garbage that caved at the first real sign of adversity.
>Having your army decimated
>Getting captured
>Left as a sad crippled parody of what you used to be
Yeah man it's like he had one bad day and decided to sacrifice everything to demons.
Lina in Dota was heavily inspired by this fine gal, so in a way yes.
No they really didn't. Their argument basically boils down to: If you sign up for a war literally anything your CO does is fair game because you knew dying was possible. His argument about Griffith making the world better is also dumb, there's no way Corkus gives a shit about improving the world, he just wants to be rich.
I was more referring to throwing everything away in a fit of autism after Guts left. He was the man with the plan until one little thing didn't go his way and then he threw it all away on a temper tantrum.
>Having your army decimated
>Getting captured
This was entirely because he went and raped the princess.
>Sociopath plunges the world into darkness because his mancrush leaves him and he cannot comprehend why.
>Nothing to do with him making the wrong choice.
Griffith is fundamentally a Selfish and ignorant character who found he is able to manipulate people very easily, When he finds he cannot manipulate guts to do exactly what he wants like the others he snaps, instantly running to a fawning fangirl to abuse her so he gets his fix of domination.
>Cares about people
>But not enough to literally have them devoured by demons.
>Griffith clearly cares about all the people he has charge over.
This is a basic detail everyone who wants to shit on Griffith ignores. When you use a behelit, let along the crimson one , you sacrifice what you love most to make it work.
that sheguy is hot tbqh
>needing to turn yourself into a demon in order to do anything
>trying to do things on your own gets you full body crippled
Jesus Christ, that user was right. You aren't even typing coherently.
>When he finds he cannot manipulate guts to do exactly what he wants like the others he snaps
Confirmed for not even reading the manga. Griffith has a hard time dealing with Guts leaving because it makes him realize that he's starting to care more about Guts than his dream. They explicitly tell you this during the Eclipse.
>Can't even form an argument
He used a Behelit, a symbol of greed and selfishness.
What more proof do you need he was a Sociopath willing to sacrifice everything and everyone for himself than him LITERALLY sacrificing everything and everyone he was close to purely for himself.
>Starts liking people more than himself
>Better try and force them under my heel or I'll go rape a princess.
everyone knows griffith was a bitch boy who only got anywhere by riding off of guts's success.
>griffithfags write out their points in a clear and concise way
>gutsfriend with actual autism has a fit and starts spewing textual vomit
Every single time.
>Write out points
>No points used
Saying people are not typing coherently doesn't not form an argument on how Griffith is not a Sociopath.
Can you try making an argument instead of just trying to deflect?
I'd like to see someone try this excuse in real life.
>some general starts executing all troops under his command
>"lel they were paid to die for me anyway who cares if I murder them all?"
I know better than to argue with a low functioning autist. You already got creamed by the other anons in this thread.
you anime only fags need to kill you'reselfs
Their job wasn't to die, you complete moron. It was to win battles. Dying was an occupational hazard, not the thing they were meant to do.