So at this point you have 2 choices
>Install spyware and get to play more games
>Avoid spyware, but don't get to play a lot of games
What do?
So at this point you have 2 choices
>Install spyware and get to play more games
>Avoid spyware, but don't get to play a lot of games
What do?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Install spyware and get to play more shit games
But Scalebound might be decent senpai
install gentoo
>a lot of games
Any game worth a shit has win7 support.
>Take off your tinfoil hat and let the jew magic dig straight through your skull, you'll be a happier goy for it.
>downgrade to W10
>have even more problems running older games so your potential library actually shrinks
>but muh new garbage
who cares about Microsoft games?
Option 3:
>Stick with W7
>Start dual-booting Linux later
>use DX11 and Vulkan to run 99% of the future games that matter.
I only care about Scalebound
>a lot of games
Vulkan also works on Windows 7
t. Arch user
Get a PS4 since all the worthwhile games they're showing are multiplats anyway
I'm sure someone will make a spyware removal shit down the road, I'll upgrade then.
At some point microsoft will stop giving support/ force win10 on your PC. So you either install gentoo,buy an overpriced fruit or deal with it.
Noob here,what is exactly the problem wirh 10? Does it have shit security?
It's basically spyware and it phones redmond constantly and you can't disable it.
It even takes screenshots of your desktop.
It's literally a blend between windows 8 and windows 7. If you already have windows 7 there's no point to upgrade besides muh direct x 12, or whatever trash they're shitting out nowdays.
Proof? I'm not shilling I just wanna see if it's true.
Thought so.
So, I'll be jumping to Linux only when W7 literally kicks the bucket for good.
It spies on you, forces updates automatically, can DELETE your programs and files it considers "illegal" or "incompatible", the UI looks like shit, most basic options are hidden behind nonsense, and fucking mobile app tiles & ads litter the Start Menu.,
It also sends Microsoft all your photos and media
Spyboy Anti Beacon
It's a botnet MS is trying to jam into people's throats.
This is how Skynet began.
And then what?
Don't install Spyware, be allowed to play 30+ years of games.
You mean Cortana? I thought you could disable it.
And then they sell your personal data to add agencies for profit.
>install and main some Linux distro
>get a dual boot/virtual machine for gaems only
Is this too hard?
you should follow the news more closely.
Tons of people also have had problems with the forced installation MS is pushing on older Windows systems. Like some users have literally gone grab a snack, come back to see W10 installing, shit failing, and thus their systems were bricked.
I just reverted back to 8.1 yesterday. Much happier. 10 was garbage.
You mean if you put them into OneDrive?
What the fuck?
Do you own a smartphone? Have a Facebook account? Use Google Chrome?
Congratulations! You're already being spied on more than Windows 10 ever will just by answering yes to one of those questions.
If you answered no to all of those questions somehow, then you have no reason to update to Windows 10.
>Missing out on M$ games
And nothing of value was lost!
>Congratulations! You're already being spied on more than Windows 10 ever will just by answering yes to one of those questions.
I can say no to two of those, and I could run a non-Google centric OS on my phone if I desire.
However the difference between Google and W10 is the fact that one's completely optional search engine that also happens to collect data, while the other's the latest big version of the most used mainstream PC OS, which means it will somewhat dictate what and how you can do things in the future.
Google won't remove your files and programs on machines you're utilizing, and won't brick your system by forcing updates not only to their software, but the machines hardware. Both which W10 does.
>Install Windows 10
>Use a local account instead of a Microsoft account
>Uncheck all privacy options or set them to the minimum
>Disable the Telemetry service
Done. Is so fucking easy.
>Actually believing all those placebo options
When will people learn?
Reasons I'd install W10:
>MGS legacy HD collection
>Halo 2-6 legacy HD collection
Most of the settings do literally JACK SHIT.
Enjoy your empty promises and leaking your creditcard numbers & favorite porn stars to MS.
>MGS legacy HD collection
Will hit Steam if it ever happens.
>Halo 2-6 legacy HD collection
Literal homosexual shit.
I made my decision the day I created a Steam account.
I'm gonna make a friendly warning here:
If you have an internet connection with monthly data caps, W10 will sap it all in no time, and potentially empty your wallet too.
Also, don't even dream of using most of your WinXP/Vista era hardware on 10. My fucking Wacom tablet literally did not work on tenner, meaning I had to downgrade back to older Windows to get my work done.
uhm can u speak english to me?
so do i basically have to learn linux in a few years or fucking what
>Feedback diagnostics set to Basic
Here you are
And for the record, none of this has anything to do with your personal files, or their content. All these paranoia theories gas never probed the system uploads any information regarding the personal files of the users.
>disable Windows updater on Windows 10 day one
>no more automatic updates for me
>no more updates at all, in fact
Did I choose right, if I'm already on Windows 10 day one build, should I let it update to the current version? Is it worth the potential spyware risks when I've already joined the botnet?
With 2 there's still plenty of old games to play, hell get emulators and virtualboxes and shit run dos to 9x level games and old console games. Why ignore those? I'm sure you've never played everything
Fucking win10 sneaked up on my pc during an automatic restart. Thank god I was able to revert back to 7 with everything intact.
>Feedback diagnostics set to Basic
you do know that that's the lowest option you even have available?
He is speaking perfectly fine English, grandpa.
I'd be interested to hear HOW you managed that, as being unable to completely shut-off and infinitely postpone updates is one of the petpeeves of W10.
>Win 10
I flipped Microsoft the metaphorical bird and installed Ubuntu. Ain't putting up with their shit anymore. Vidya isn't worth it.
Honestly, you should use Windows on your desktop for games but do your best to remove any and all bloatware, and disable all sorts of telemtery on windows. There are guides out there to help.
Then run a linux distro on a laptop for everything else e.g. chans, music, etc
>Install W10 as dual boot when some game I actually care about ends up requiring it
>choice 3:buy a bone
Seriously the best way to avoid this turd and still get to play it's games without downloading it.i bought the system and haven't even touched w10 since the shitty gears port .
What problems? I haven't ran into any issues, even modded Republic Commando was fine
A lot of SHIT games, you mean
Ubuntu was a bad choice. Go with mint or centos.instead. Aside from that you can play games fine on linux..
>Windows 10 exclusive goyim
>Get Windows 10 if you wanna play some modern gaymes.
If you're not underage then you are almost unbelievably naive or retarded.
If you think the best way to avoid using Win10 is by using gimped hardware using a variation of windows with even more spyware then you should just mail me your birth certificate and yuor SIN/SSN
I went into the windows programs and disabled the windows updater service itself as a program, haven't had any updates since I've done that so I assume it worked
Could you explain that webm?
Just keep Ubuntu 16.04 or any *buntu derivative.
Mint is unsafe shit by amateurs and Centos is for server admins that need every corner of their system to have been tested for 5 years.
Dualboot, faggots.
Same happened to Win7 and bunch of you cried not wanting to leave XP as well.
peerblock basically blocks outside intrusive IP's
now check the two IP hosts that tried to access the webm owners computer
virtual console it
Post the full size.
Post her ass senpai
>Install spyware
Or despyware it.
Even with 'do not allow web search' enabled. I get it. Thanks.
For now
iirc that webm was taken in the beta test version of windows, which literally tells you "We use telemetry to improve our product"
not to mention network activity like that is normal, especially considering the connection was blocked - it's very obviously trying to continually re-establish a connection because it failed
Only smug faces for you perverts.
>windows 10 is bad meme still going strong
Hopefully someone comes up with something so we don't actually have to "upgrade" to 10
>AAA games
Windows 7 will play my grand strategy and hentai games just fine.
>mfw using windows 10 while having nothing to hide
Shut the fuck up
Here's my updates for reference/proof
don't install spyware and don't play SHITTY games
I got Windows 10 back when it first came out since I figured it would be better than 8.
It is, but i'm very paranoid with it.
I use linux ama
>le windows 10 boogeyman
what are you isis?
So far I have roughly 4 games that I'd consider doing that for. Yet not enough information on them. If I had a means to circumvent said spyware, then I'd do it. Although that would put into question if any of my old games would even function on W10.
>not using win10 already
Can I upgrade from 7 without many problems?
Why not dual boot? Install Windows 10 just for the games, then have whatever else for your "privacy"?
Shills will be hard at work posting the many wonders of Windows 10 ™ all this fucking week
I don't know, but i'm sure if you update you'll have the latest version which means whatever new spyware crap they threw in post launch, updated from 8.1 myself
You could always dualboot and use Win 10 only for the exclusives.