Exclusive on TWO platforms

>Exclusive on TWO platforms.
What did they mean by this?

microshaft exclusive
microshaft = xbone + win10

It means you didn't bother to look up the definition of exclusive.

You have to buy into Microshaft's botnet either way

It's similar to how Nintendo and Sony have had exclusives to WiiU/3DS and PS3/PS4/Vita
Works for them either way because you have to use their product especially W10 which they're pushing hard as fuck

it means that Microsoft does not see Sony PlayStation as a threat to their Windows brand anymore so they just merge

But user, Windows remains the leading OS of PCs and the leading OS of all released PC games. Have you ever heard of a Linux exclusive? Or a Mac Exclusive that was worth shit?

That its only for pc10 and xbox. Is english your 3rd language?

Not on ps4 sonycuck

So is Smash not an exclusive because it's on 3DS too?

It was an amazing keynote...for Pc gamers.
Can't wait for Halo Wars 2

"Exclusive" doesn't mean anything anymore

Excuse me, since when does 'exclusive' in gaming mean two platforms?

>Steamfags think these W10 games won't be store exclusive


but not for Steam gamers :^)

Since now. Not very hard concept to grasp.

>Use Windows, an OS backdoored by NSA since the 90s
>do all searching on google
>use a google browser
>use an backdoored ISP
>post on Sup Forums using google capcha
>use a cell phone with a backdoored OS
>on a carrier that's been storing your information since the 90s too

>Windows 10 comes out
>"Oh, I will not give my information to the botnet! (that's a new meme I heard in reddit. lulz)"

They're really pushing their w10 shop hard with this shit

If you game on PC and can play modern games on the PC, "Steam" gamers will still be able to play these games. They'll just have to suck it up and buy from a different store. I already occasionally use Origin and GOG despite mostly using Steam. If Microsoft gives me reason to, I'll touch Windows Store as well

It means ps4 niggers cant play it.

Gee bill! How come your exclusives let you have two platforms?


It means it isn't exclusive.

Why not call it Xbone and Windows 10 Inclusive then?

It means don't buy the Xbone, Xbone Ass and Scorpoop.

Just buy a PC!

Holy shit is this the playground behind the kindergarten?