Without Xbox your Steam only plays indies and MMMos.
Why are you complaining quality games are coming to Windows 10?
Without Xbox your Steam only plays indies and MMMos.
Why are you complaining quality games are coming to Windows 10?
Not one quality game mentioned at e3 so far
This is the difference between console kids and normal gamers. You're consoles have nothing but new trash and you're forced to like it
speaking the indie freak who thinks Fez, Undertale and Shovelware Knight are worth more than 5 dollars
All of those games are shit too
Then nothing on PC that is not on Xbox or PS4 that is worth
>Why are you complaining quality games
Name 3
>There are no good games made before 2013
Almost the opposite is true
Does this mean we're finally getting Crackdown on PC? It was basically the only good Xbox game
Halo Wars 2
Sea of Thieves
Tell me a decent PC game that didn't come to console
please don't lump shovel knight in with those two it's genuinley a good game
Thief 2
Half Life Opposing Force
any Total War game
r u serious?
>Tell me a decent PC game that didn't come to console
X-Com 2
Blade and Soul
>Halo Wars 2
I bet you're not even trolling, too.
>non of these games have come out yet
stop fucking consolewaring so hard holyshit
Age of Empires
Halo Wars 2 could be good for sure
Scalebound looks awful going by that gameplay video, any interest I had in that game has almost been completely killed.
Simillarly Sea of Thieves looks like it could be cool but I have no idea what the gameplay actually is because they presented it in such a terrible fashion.
>Thief 2
>Half Life Opposing Force
>any Total War game
Serious now.
tell me a good PC game that didn't come to console
you just did
>implying those games are bad
Not him but come on man are you really gonna pull this?
CRPGs like baldur's gate, icewind dale, planescape, nwn, arcana, more I'm probably forgetting. You don't have to like them but acting like they weren't hype as fuck when they came out is silly.
Marathon (aka why Halo even exists)
I've never liked exclusives since I don't like how they fragment player bases and essentially crowdsource their own marketing since people feel the need to defend their purchases. If every system could play every game devs wouldnt be able to get away with all the sloppy shit they pull now because they have a captive audience with no competiton for their product.
Owning every system is a bandaid fix and not a solution to the fact exclusives let devs and publishers get sloppy, although unfortunately right now it's the best option unless you just want to get sour grapes and pretend it's bad without playing
>Not liking Stalker
Fuck off pleb