Sony Fallout Shelter Thread

Get in here sonybros.
How do we compete with that?

>Holiday 2017
They had it in the bag until they said this

The age of exclusives is over.
The pressure will be on Sony to compete with PC and Xbox now

We don't.

I'm a bit worried.
But Sony can strike first when the Neo comes out.

Secret weapon: gaben.

Surprise reveal of hl3.

Just bring out Kojima, the king of ruses.

It's a low bar, but I'm sure sony still won't be able to top it.

I thought FF XV was a PS4 exclusive, what happened?

>the argument
All those games can be played on PC
>the flaw in the argument
Windows 10 aside, this assumes anyone that is defending Playstation has a high Tier PC in the first place, which would mean you're really just anti-Xbox for the sake of shitposting.

And yeah, also windows 10



I agree that the Windows 10 Conference was pretty good. There has never been a more compelling reason to own a PC.

Last Guardian, PS4K, Crash Remake, and RDR2 have already won E3 for Sony, my dude.

>I thought FF XV was a PS4 exclusive, what happened?
The age of exclusives is in the past.

The PS4 has so few worthwhile exclusives that at this point it's just dumb whenever they release one.

Release console exclusives like The Last Guardian.

MS didn't even have one.

by announcing one game anyone would actually want to play.


Just show exclusives

If you're supporting windows 10, you're supporting microsoft.

By actually having exclusive games like the first half of the year.

Literally confirmed for E3 tier:

>Dead Don't Ride developed by Sony Bend - open world, WRPG, motorbikes, undead and monsters
>God of War IV developed by Sony Santa Monica - Kratos may not be main protag, more Zelda-esque
>Spider-Man developed by Insomniac - comic aesthetic, Sony published
>Crash Bandicoot in some form apart from Skylanders (supposedly Crash will be front and center for the spiritual sequel to PSABR, and an internal SIE studio will be handling Crash Bandicoot Returns)
>Gravity Rush 2
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>The Last Guardian
>VR Worlds developed by SIE London Studio

A fact and might be at E3 tier:

>Unknown title developed by Japan Studio (internal) - action RPG, fantasy aesthetic, aesthetic suitable for worldwide audience (has been mentioned more than one by SIEJ executives)
>Resident Evil 7 by Capcom - game has been in development for years now, should surely be on the cusp of releasing soon if not this year, apparently coming during Sony's E3 whereas Dead Rising is coming during Microsoft's E3

Known but probably not at E3 tier:

>Next SIEJ x FROM SOFTWARE title collaboration post Bloodborne, sci-fi/horror theme, game model like The Division
>Next SIEJ x Level 5 title collaboration, geared towards Japanese market
>Wild ARMS VI developed by SIEJ collaborating with unknown team - has original SCE producer and Michiko Naruke onboard
>Deep Down (Still in production, albeit being reworked from the ground up. To be re-revealed alongside NEO)
>Sucker Punch - New IP, stylized
>Killzone 5 developed by SIE Cambridge
>The Last of Us 2 - Naughty Dog

No, it really won't.

Does this mean that XV is coming to PC too? I joined in late to the conference and everything I saw was "Xbox One & Windows 10"

Having a better conference, which likely won't be hard.


I paid nothing for Windows 10 and will pay nothing for the games coming out on it. How am I supporting them?

This. Still, in comparison to their previous conferences, I'd say they did an outstanding job keeping their focus on games.

7/10 for the effort. Shame that most of the announcements were already known.

>Sony fallout shelter

but the PS4 is the only system to NOT have Fallout: Shelter...

The Xbox One now has more good games coming out that are not on PS4 than the other way around.

Versus 13 was exclusive until it became 15. Which wasn't too surprising after FF13 became multiplat, was just a matter of time for v13. Then it happened with 15

Who the fuck cares about some console arms race bullshit, just buy a damn PC.

Sony will show quality games and exclusives like they always do, MS showed literally zero and Scalebound, Recore, Sea of Thieves all looked extremely underwhelming.

"PS4K has 6.5 Terraflops!"

Honestly all they have to do is just throw some bullshit number out there to one up MS again.

it is where it matters, in Japan.

this is one of those games that going to sell like 25:1 on PS4 compared to xbox, I'm more shocked that there was no FFXIV announcement

Tabata said that they'll more than likely get to work on a port when the game's released in September, but made a point of saying it'd have to be reworked quite heavily.

So basically, SE are gonna drag their feet for as long as they can before porting it to get as many idorts to double-dip as possible.

If Spider-Man has the style of the PS1 game, good combat, and the swinging of Spider-Man 2 I will cream myself.

too bad it will be shovelware

>I didn't see one game I can't play on my PC which I don't play games on because it's a toaster

buy a PS4... please

What exactly was revealed?

>How do we compete with that?
Compete with what? Win10 multiplats? DLC to shitty indie games? The xbone 1.5 or the xbox slim, which will actually rendered redundant by the aforementioned 1.5?

Is Sony just shows a couple of exclusives, they already won.

Nothing we didn't already know.

Scalebound and Killer Instinct being on PC completely destroyed any chance of me buying an Xbone.

cancel PS4 NEO

haha fuck off cuck, we are not giving our games to you, go and suck microsoft balls for that

except if that number isnt true they will get alot more negative from it than positive


They better have a show this year

When's sony??

>buying Scalebound after that horrendous gameplay
fucking lmao

I hope you like backdoors and nothing working.

Post one game, ONE GAME that was showcased today for the first time that is coming to Playstation.

I'll wait.

Yet I don't need an Xbox One to play any of them

top kek

>having a 4k screen in 2016
i don't have that.

It's honestly a move to get Console games on par with PC. They're doing this weird symbiotic PC & Console thing. They've basically created a standard on how games should be made on console and PC.

So expect better PC games. Very well optimized for high end cards.

Can we all just take a moment to laugh at the fucking Minecraft people? That might be the single cringiest presentation in E3 history.

Looks really bad, there should have been like no shooting or combat focused. It just looks bad.
Bad demo, 2017 who cares for now
>Sea of Thieves
>State of Decay
I like these, but 2017 who give a shit

>Dead Rising 4
Looks okay.
>No Crackdown
>Halo Wars 2
>Gears 4
Franchise is dead, leave it be.

Both Sony and Microsoft will get Cs. Good games and conferences, fucking 2017/2018 SO WHO FUCKING CARES

We don't have to do anything, We win by default.
But since you're doubting, watch the conference
at night.

No you dont, so what's the problem?
What are you baiting about?

This conference is good for xbox.
It's bad for playstation.

Case close.


Sony got cucked this time. The Neo and the Scorpio along with the NX will reset this gen.

The Neo has 4 Teraflops
The Scorpio has 6 Teraflops
Leaving the NX with potential 3 or 4.

Microsoft won and yeah I very much looking foward to shit on Sony again.

Make good exclusives.

More game reveals, for one. Nearly everything shown, especially anything of quality, was something we've known about for some time. Drop some more of those sweet Sony exclusives, and there you have it.

6h 45 mins from now.
i thought recore and sea of thieves were the highlights, glad all that shit is comming to pc.

7 bongs 15 bings

they will try to out do one another until one of them is finally out on store shelves.

Shitty falseflagging bait thread.

Just give me Spiderman 2 style web swinging and i'll rate it 10/10 even if the rest of the game is shit

You don't need an xbone for it yet the xbone is 300 bucks when a PC is going to be 800-1000 and then you have to maintain it.

I dunno, what happened? I missed it.

Seriously can one of the two just come out and split endorse a mutliplayer shooter thats cross platform


make my 12 yo dreams come true

chgange the world

Why would you think that? The demo has been up on Xbone for months

PC won.

How DO you compete with a big 3 conference that had literally no exclusives.

Sea of Thieves was great

ReCore needed less shooting. The movement and gameplay is just bad.

but sony always goes after microsoft to blow them out of the water

microfags have a few hours to bask in their amazing news till they get fucked

Sony purposely isn't going to announce the Neo because they wanted to see the Scorpio's specs so they can make theirs better.

Read Dead Redemption 2 Ps4 Exclusive
"FFIV remake is out right now"
Kojima announced Silent Hills isnt dead and its coming out this fall
Btw we have also been working on a new console

>make my 12 yo dreams come true
Nigger, you are 12 years old.

>drop some of those sweet Sony exclusives
It's been over 2 years and we only have 1.
I wouldn't get my hopes up.

>but sony always goes after microsoft to blow them out of the water

Didn't Sony go first this year.

What I'd like to see
An Exclusive JRPG
An arcade style driving game
A survival horror game
A whacky Japanese game that obscures genre boundaries

I seriously thought Phil was going to announce cross play with PS4 at the end when he was droning on about playing anywhere with anyone "regardless of platform**"

**Not on PS4

its tonight, im going to the sony e3 experienece at a local theater

No, Sony's in 6 hours or so

>Xbox One S does not include a controller; sold separately

You really think XBone won that?

Recore looks awful, the video editing and they song they played did it no justice

State of Decay I want I'll grab that for sure on W10

Forza look great as well, but the off road aspect makes it a skipper.

you forgot Europe's favorite game GT Sport.

but that's happening now, starting with rocketleague being crossplay between platforms.
the trailer was kinda meh, but i would like to see a unedited gameplay demo.

i can taste your tears


Is it just me or does it seem like Microsoft made their own product obsolete

Why the absolute fuck would you buy an X1 when you can get the same games on PC now?

You can't be this delusional.


Because consoles are convenient and the vast majority of people is lazy and tech incompetent.

How do we stop them, Sonybros?

nioh will save us right?

cause X1 is comfort and half the price.

PS4 + PC

If that happens, naturally we should move onto other mythologies to murder. Hopefully a Jesus bossfight will be a thing down the line

But any adult that thinks for even twenty minutes must realize how much more convenient it would be?

I like consoles more than PC solely due to the exclusives, if all of my favorite titles jumped over I definitely wouldn't have a PS4. Without exclusives it just seems like shooting yourself in the foot.

>Not getting a PC and a PS4
shiggy diggy doo

Nice try you fucking false flagging asshats. I guarantee none of the people in this thread that are complaining actually have a playstation four. And really, that's where the root of this problem is. It's people like OP that realize they made a mistake purchasing whatever shitty baby wagglan console their parents could afford and not a PS4. or even worse, spending a thousand dollars on a PC that can only play pixel indieshit and greenlight. How pathetic. Are you retarded? Are you autistic? I think you people are seriously having a mental breakdown or something, you need to remain calm and stop flinging your poopy all over the board because you didn't make the right choice in consoles. The Playstation E3 Event hasn't even started yet, Microsoft is only getting hype because they went first and poisoned the well with a bunch of marketing BS, but you know what? it doesn't fucking matter. PS4 sales have been through the roof, that's right, through the fucking roof since it launched and it's blowing everyone else out of the water and I'm sick of this blatant shitposting ruining the board. Who reannounced the last guardian? Who is releasing top quality games again and again? Who is getting millions of people together to play and enjoy games like bloodborne, uncharted, etc.? That's right, it's fucking sony. And I'd be surprised if Nintendo will pull anything out of the hat after their last 3 disastrous "E3 shows" that are just kiddie shit treehouse streams (you'll never get another metroid or F zero by the way). The pii-u is a disaster and so is the bone, you're only ragging on the ps4 because you're contrarian manchildren and mustard race fat fucks. If you're REALLY switching then show me a timestamped picture of your PS4 you fucking liars, until then you're just trash autists shitposting because you're mad you'll never get to play our games

You don't win by not showcasing exclusives. You need to give people a reason to buy your console, Microsoft didn't do that. They lose by default. All Sony needs is one exclusive to win again this year.

>Sony won!
>None of those games are coming to a Sony console
This is you

A lot of their exclusives require Windows 10. So in the end Microsoft wins. Their Xbox division, however, is pretty fucked.

If you're an adult working full time you don't have time to spare. Trust me when you're tired at the end of the day and you have little time the last thing you wanna do is figure out how to build a computer.