E3 Report Cards

Post-em. Here's the Template.


I wanted to give them a B- for all the rehashes, but they were still games so there you go.

wait did EA already do their conference?

Also Bethesda too? All I caught was M$

This is E3's second day, son.


I don't own Xbox

You can play Scalebound on W10.
>Paid audience
Like every conference ever.

They did theirs yesterday


I own a toaster

Your analysis is fucking retarded.

>Surprisingly less kinect bullshit, at least it wasn't in your face

Yeah because it wasn't there you mongoloid. In fact, it hasn't been a center piece at their conference for nearly 2 years.

Microsoft's conference was pretty great so far, I want to see if Sony can top them

Your butthurt is showing, microsoft's conference was god tier.

Decent card. I'm surprised people still included COD in their expectations for MS since they now gargle on sony's balls now.

Give me more games than that to choose from. Honestly C- is just passing, quite generous. I expected nothing but ended up pleasantly surprised.

PC Gaming Show is on. Gonna catch that.

If you're a normie maybe

i give it all a solid 3/10. good job everyone

What's with the rainbow ribbons all the devs are wearing?
Sympathy for the orlando shooting or some shit?

for all the faggots that got lit up in Orlando

yup sympathy for the shootings at club pulse

Yep, deadliest massacre in american history and it can't be pinned on vidya.
I'm sure someone somewhere is pissed at that.

pc show is good so far as well

hey lads, does anyone know what time the nintendo show starts? i wanna see what they have in store. i would appreciate it if "EST" time

>Your butthurt is showing, microsoft's conference was god tier.


for you that'll be at noon, 12:00, on tuesday. roughly. be there early if i were you.

>Square Enix hopes
>FFXV release date

It's September 30th, bro. They announced that almost three months ago now.

>reviewing Microsoft
>doesn't count "Microsoft" Windows PC as a platform for vidya gaems

C'mon user. You can do better than that.

Cross-buy and cross-platform play are good features.


look at his pre-conf levels for sony, square and nintendo

youre looking at a weeb's opinion and you shouldnt even bother


>sonyggers make report cards just to rub their love for sony in everyone's noses


you didnt even finish filling it out. you put down the people you love and the people you hate. thats not the point of filling them out

How was the square enix e3? Schedule says it was on the 6th but no one has rated them? What about Sony?

It would be nice if Xbone even had anything to cross-platform play.

they had a dues ex one of the 6th and another typical one coming up

They just showed off a fair amount of cross play games though.

Pretty sure all those games they announced today feature cross-play.

>if its not anime its not a game

sonyggers on full damage control

Hey I was looking foward to the microsoft showcase. I wanted a reason to maybe invest in a xbone and see if any new games would be good but there isn't much there and they are abandoning the xbone by constantly putting it on PC. Yes its a MICROSOFT showcase, but then what is the point of owning a xbone if you're not giving people a reason to buy it. I only and slightly optimistic for sony cause of possibly bandicoot and last guardian shit. If it weren't for those then it would be as low as EA.

oh ok thanks senpai

I mean worth playing.

Why the fuck do these all say june 14-16

Continue moving those goal posts then, user.

But I did? They are all coming to the PC anyway. Why bother buying an Xbox, ever, if I already have a PC? This was even worse earlier, now it just feels like buying a Steamachine at this point.

Yeah but giving it a 0 because of not representing Xbox is silly when they're adding many games to Windows 10 Store too.

It's the Microsoft Show, not the Xbox One Show.

it was a microsoft conference you fucking shit. if PC wins; Xbox wins and vice versa.
sony shits think the console war is legit thing and that they keep winning when basic economics keep BTFOing them

>if PC wins; Xbox wins and vice versa.
not him but if its gonna go to PC then what is the point in getting a xbone if a PC would be play it better? They add nothing to make the xbone appealing by itself. Xbone loses cause then people will just invest in a good PC then a dying console

ea 6/10
Beth 7/10
M$oft 10/10

xbox is more than just a console. They have teams that make games under the xbox brand name. Even if you think the console is dieing they have games made by studios that are successful.

Unless youre Quantum Kek.

>durr xbone loses because sont doesnt have multiple platforms
please fuck off back to neogaf

Awful E3 so far.

I guess that makes a bit more sense then. you wish


why is penn stretch

Slow down that edge fag

>thinking Scalebound looked good

Judging by your Bethesda score as well you're either being way too generous or you have abysmal taste.

But my issue is that none of the games really stood out for me. That's my report card. Out of those games, I can say that I will be buying none of them, at least on release date on the case of Scalebound.

Not really? I mean, apparently all of the new xbox games will come to PC, but most of the games I do play on PC don't have an xbox version or aren't as frequently updated.

I really don't care about PC gaming show

Fuck, Microsoft was a bigger and better PC gaming show


also outside of State of Decay 2, was there a single new game announced? Sea of Thieves really did look entertaining as hell tho

indie poo

Redid it for clarity


It did to me fag, fight me

Dead Rising 4 if you ignore the leak yesterday

i get the feeling that e3 is your favorite gaming press event?

It's about the hype

Seeing Quake and Dishonored 2 with their presentation is great

Regardless of the end product

Kadokawa won

Then don't get an Xbox you dumb salty faggot.
The games they showcased looked good and were available on PC which is a good thing now because now you don't have to buy one to play the games that Microsoft produces.

>Im not allowed to have an opinion different from yours

I redid it to be more strict, happy fag?

I still like scalebound so fuck off


Microsoft was good. Everything coming to PC as well plus they showed game after game after game, very little cringe and wasn't boring. Nothing amazingly new (maybe Dead Rising 4 would be to me if it hadnt leaked, I love the series) but overall very decent and every game had gameplay. Big thumbs up.



Haven't watched 360 or PC yet


You idiots keep forgetting this is an MS conference not a fucking XBOX CONFERENCE

EA was fucking awful, Bethesda and Microsoft were okay, pretty much what we expected. Didn't even bother to watch PC.

Pajeet, please.


>Only games
>No kinect shit
>Barely any indie shit
>Reinvigorating PC gaming

Fuck you man. Maybe it was a shit xbox presentation, but it was a god tier MICROSOFT one. And you know, the presentation was called MICROSOFT.


EA: 3/10

> Windows 10
> Windows
> 10

Microsoft's PC ports have historically been shit.
They're continuing the half-gen of console thing we're doing apparently.
More Minecraft shit.
Games I was hyped for look underwhelming, FFXV+Scalebound
Halo Wars was shit and Halo Wars 2 is probably going to be just as shit.
Gears and Forza bore me
Everything requires Windows 10

ReCore is the only thing I'm super interested in and that's not a new announcement.
We Happy Few and Sea of Thieves could be cool too.

It's been the best showing, but a C seems fair.

Pic related, its you