Xbone and Windows 10 shares exclusives

>Xbone and Windows 10 shares exclusives

>Not PS4

>>>>This is suddenly bad for Xbone

That means ps4 has its OWN games and PC has its own games AND xbox games, so you don't need to buy that x-paperweight

>Xbone and Windows 10 shares exclusives
hurr durr

if they share it then it's not exclusive

>share exclusives
You don't really know what an exclusive is, do you? Unless you're not talking about console exclusives, but Microsoft exclusives. Which would be just as retarded, since MS still wants to sell Xbones.

>you and tyrone share your wife
>this is somehow good for xcucks

The problem isn't that the Xbone has games on the PC, the problem is that there were literally 0 games announced solely for the Xbone, giving no reason to buy one.

if you miss E3 last year, xbox is a ecosystem not a single platform, if you want to play for example forza you can only play it on the xbox ecosystem

in other words any windows 10 capable device with includes the xbox console.

sounds great if you're the windows 10 marketing director, but it means there is literally 0 reason to buy an xbox one console now.

Any vidya it has are better played on pc, it's way overpriced as an entertainment centre, they just recently abandoned the TV DVR function

The sooner Xbone as a console dies, the better the quality of Sup Forums becomes. We can let the PC Steam fags treat you like bitches on their chosen platform.

Holy shit, I just realized that this is literal cucking.

Xbots got KEKED.

It's a brand change, just their marketing is so good you don't understand they've packed up shop till it happens.
Scorpio will be expensive just to regain opinion that they are still relevant on consoles, they'll fuck up the sales being too expensive when new life may occur in PC with VR, or Sony's lower tech offering with VR sounding a better price point advantage.

Xbox has a bad future plan, all their gambles have fucked them in the ass and I doubt momentum will shift their way again console wise.

Scorpio is just a way to sale VR ready pc's, remember that Microsoft owns a part of Oculus

>PS4 exclusive like GTA or Final Fantasy goes multiplat
>Sup Forums laughs for WEEKS

>Xbone has no exclusives
>no meming here. Literally zero.
>b-b-but this is g-good, right? E-exclusives are bad!


You're clearly forgetting about 360 and it's different incarnations. Like elite, this is just the same thing again.

Only one's mad about this are sonycucks

sony was the big kid that stomped on Sup Forums's precious nintendo in the 90's and early 2000's (when most of Sup Forums were children)

they have a primal hate boner for anything sony

and presumably anybody who bought an xbox one to play games

Have you tried the PC ports?

Forza Apex chugs like a motherfucker yet I can play Witcher 3 highest settings no problem

People at that price range aren't stupid consumers, no amount of marketing will work to create large sale numbers.

No one bought the Xbone, because it had library better than PCs. Some people favor consoles, it's something you can't change, which is also a reason why PC doesn't compete with consoles, it's not part of consolewars, and it has never been.

yeah, nah
I max forza apex out at a locked 60fps with a 970

360 didn't allow PC accessibility. I'm saying the brand will live but the console will die out slowly, nothing wrong with that is there?

The only way these companies work well is when their games are great and can only be experienced there, but that's all on PC now, at higher scaling quality.

>people are defending this

>360 didn't allow PC accessibility. I'm saying the brand will live but the console will die out slowly, nothing wrong with that is there?

Not really, a some form of synthesis would be preferable, It would be great if consoles were more open like PCs, it would be good for game developers, console players and probably PC players too, because it wouldn't just be consoleporting, if the hardware is the same.

Here's the thing, consoles are becoming more and more like boxed PCs, and as Microsoft is realizing this, Valve has been trying to get in on it for a while, the more homogenous the architecture is, the better it is for everyone.

So we don't get consoles like triple-core 360s and POWER OF THE CELL PS3s.

I'm not a console player, obviously, but that is what I think would be the preferable outcome of this generation.

>People with PS4s are mad that they bought a console with games that are actually exclusive to that console.

The games are on Microsoft platforms,
IE: games are on xbox and on the windows 10 store, meaning they are still on microsoft platforms

>Windows store
Yeah, no.