A delayed game is eventually good

>A delayed game is eventually good
Delayed games are often bad

Its been 2 years and we havn't seen any proper gameplay let alone a fucking title.

They delayed this game in order to keep it hostage to sell their new console because they fucked up so bad on the Wii U.

Do some v/ posters defend Nintendo to shitpost or are they really this fucking stupid?

What about persona 5?

>A delayed game is eventually good

what is Duke Nukem Forever?

Except proper Zelda sequels are never released a year after they are teased.

Remember what the Wii U was capable of, yet they still went with cartoony bullshit?

Everyone knows a delayed game has a higher chance of being disappointing.

that doesn't include a game that was cancelled. Brought back from the dead by 4 different developers and shat out by a developer that actually worked 4 months on it in total.

Yes because it builds hype and people expect more out of it.

>were delaying it to polish it

What is, Watch Dogs and Star Fox Zero

starfox wii u

Doesn't excuse giving us literally nothing to work with. No screenshots details of any kind. Weve been in the dark for 2 damn years with 1 fucking shitty video.

Do you really think its going to amze you tommorow?

Is a good game, just way too expensive for what it offers. It would be fantastic if it were a $20 budget title.

It's not a bad game actually.
Just painfully short and people complaining about the controls actually just suck at playing the game.

I do wish it had vs and was much longer but it was a remake of Starfox 1 and 64.

A game you don't like doesn't mean it is a bad game. It just wasn't for you.

Nice reverse bullshot m8.

>people complaining about the controls actually just suck at playing the game

If the controls are disliked by so many people, then there's something inherently wrong with the controls.

Why do you think it will be bad though? Because of the poor development of other games? You just said it's being delayed for the NX not poor development

It has its moments. Short as shit but its moments.

-Flying head on with pigma when it goes into slow mo.

-team all flying with you

-breaking throgh the barrier in in the boss fight

-that fast ass section near the end

But they tried way too fucking hard to make it like 64. Cut up diologe and shitty graphics. shitty motion controls and all range mode only boss fights

You don't seem to remember that they did the exact same fucking thing with every single cock sucking Zelda and mainline Mario game.
I don't see you losing your shit over No crackdown 3 information for yet another fucking year.

Not really. Gyro controls worked perfectly. People just need to git gud.

If Nintendo were still a competent company, they wouldn't give a release date, period. Not until they're absolutely sure that the game is done.

Constant delays means that they have no idea of the scope of the game, and are incompetent with time management and estimations. Therefore, why should I believe them when they say the game will be good, let alone with the probably 200 dollars that they'll ask for it?

I hate the controls of every single FPS.
Every single FPS isn't bad.

Because it was supposed to relase in 2015. And still nothing? You'd think they'd have something to show us right?

>People just need to git gud.

Fuck off with that shit. People can't git gud if it doesn't control good.

Controls are the first thing that prevents a person from getting into a game. If it's a problem for such a huge swath of people, then it's a problem with the game.

That's your anecdotal experience. Star Fox Zero has notably been called out on its controls across the board.

>You don't seem to remember that they did the exact same fucking thing with every single cock sucking Zelda and mainline Mario game.
And past a certain point, they stopped being good games.

>I dn't see you losing your shit over no Crackdown 3 information
Not him, but I'm not interested in YET ANOTHER Call of Duty clone.

We're getting hours of true gameplay footage tomorrow, it's way better than a scripted gameplay sequence or a trailer

But it DOES control good. It worked well in Splatoon, and it worked well in SFZero.

I feel your pain. Same thing happened with W101. People are terrible at playing games. They are so lazy, everything without standardized controls is bad in their eyes.

The Persona series is fucking awful.

You will get your something tomorrow with a all day coverage of the nearlly finished game.

So hold your fucking horses because this is the same shit they pulled with Skyward sword.
You impatient fuck.

Who says? Is that just your opinion?

>They are so lazy, everything without standardized controls is bad in their eyes.
I don't know why I should learn an inferior control scheme. if you can't beat a KBM, I'm not putting in any effort. Especially when I'm footing the bill.

>B-but a lot of people couldn't git gud, so it's bad!
Fuck off.

>A delayed game is eventually good

What is star fox zero?

Wash Hogs was a failure because they were spending those delays polishing a turd. Don't know the story on SFZ but the Legend of Zelda series has enough foundation to work off of that whatever Nintendo feels they need to polish will likely be elements they've toyed with in the past ie npc scheduling, item mechanics, and plot mechanics.

A game delayed for a few months is typically a good thing or at least not a bad thing. They either need some last minute polish or have a distribution problem.

When a game is delayed over and over and over for a year(s) that's how you know there's something fucked internally. Could be a range of things, but in Zelda's case, I'm 99% sure Miyamoto saw there was no "innovation" and made the team scrap a lot of what they had to focus the game around this gimmick.

As much as I don't want it to be true, I think we all know it is.

Someone just needs to buy the Zelds franchise from Nintendo before they tank

>Who says
Me and millions of other people. Splatoon controlled like heaven. Good gyro controls are even better than KB+M in certain circumstances. I have a much easier time aiming in Splatoon than in Quake 2 or CS 1.6

you're one of the reasons why nobody experiments anymore

And tell me. Was Skyward Sword and a good game? or a bad game?

Star Fox Zero IS good. Nintendo just sold it for way more than it was worth. No one would've complained if it were a budget title instead of a $60 title.

Across the board of well known video game "journalist" that can't play fucking games because they don't give a fuck.

And have never given a fuck.

fuck it hurts

We know it's been delayed though. The NX

>Good gyro controls are even better than KB+M in certain circumstances
Stopped reading there. KBM has been proven as the objective best control scheme to ever have been created for this medium, and 40+ years of being in this industry has vindicated it against all gimmicks and other controllers.

Just look at the skill ceiling for Quake and Unreal Tournament and Team Fortress classic, and notice how they completely destroy Splatoon and Starfox and Wonderful 101 combined.

>Its been 2 years and we havn't seen any proper gameplay let alone a fucking title.

Are you underage? OoT, WW, and TP were all like this. Zelda games get revised tremendously before being released.

Those aren't even in the same genre what the fuck are you talking about?

>KBM has been proven as the objective best control scheme
stopped reading there.

You can deny it all you want, but cross-platform studies and control groups have all given credence to it.

Does Shadowrun not ring a bell?

Stopped reading there.

crackdown ain't call of duty and never was.
The fuck are you even on about?

Stopped reading there.

Stopped reading there...

Same shit with Windwaker and Twilight princess.
Man you are being a huge faggot about this.

How intuitive your controls are is something you have to factor in to making your game. If people find your controls frustrating, then yes, they're bad controls.

You act like only the journalists disliked the controls, and that players find them a shining example of quality.

Does it have guns and gruff white men killing people?

>How intuitive your controls are is something you have to factor in to making your game.

How about no.
>What is Bayonetta
>What is W101
>What is Kid Icarus Uprising

Hard to master controls =/= bad controls. That's a shitty argument. Just git gud.

Fuck are you serious? Go look up the Twilight Princess reveal. They actually showed us something! We had something to go off of. You cant be this fucking stupid.

when they dissapoint you tommorw, just remember I fucking told you

Controls you need to actually fucking learn and once you do you play better than any person who has played with normal starfox controls.

In short. Git Gud.

Why do you bring up Splatoon when we're talking about Star Fox Zero? One is a third person shooter, while the other is a flying rail shooter. They are not the same.

The same gyro controls. They play really similarly, but SFZ puts you on rails.

It has super soldiers of varying ethnicity that you choose Jumping from building to building and blowing up buildings and and destroying vehicles and you become more of a super human god.

It's Prototype with ratchet and clank guns and third person.

>What is Bayonetta
>What is W101
>What is Kid Icarus Uprising

None of them have KBM controls, so I can't say they have rewarding gameplay, or interesting replayability. I cannot lower my standards when I'm the one paying for the game.

They are not the same. One is a multiplayer third person shooter, while the other is a single player flying rail shooter. You're saying millions of people appreciated Star Fox Zero's controls.

The game didn't even sell a million copies. You're pushing a false narrative.

Please answer my question. Are there guns and gruff angry space marines violently killing people?

That's all I need to know to be sure that the series is a COD clone, trying too hard to be "mature" and "on the edge".

And not a single one of them would control well with KB+M

Because KB+M isn't that good for most genres. Platformers, action games, and fighters all are horrible with KB+M. That's why I have USB controllers to play those games, because I'm not a plebeian who is going to gimp myself for no reason.

did you not see the demo of alpha Zelda U last year?
Same shit they did with TP.

You are arguing semantics right now and losing.

If a game doesn't feel good to play, then that's a fault on the game. Simple as that.

Telling me to git gud won't change the fact that you're in the vocal minority of people who thought Star Fox Zero had good controls. It was a sad last effort to make the Wii U's tablet not seem like a utter failure.

You're wrong. It's going to be extremely polished just like every Zelda game, but just keep hoping this will be the first one that isn't.

And you are a faggot troll.
Moving on.

?And not a single one of them would control well with KB+M
Which is exactly what people said with first person shooters back 30 years ago. And look where we are now. You can't even begin to learn an FPS unless it has a KBM control scheme.

I guess well find out tomorrow.

If you think I'm some kind of troll, then you haven't been in the industry long enough.

Blinded by surface level information makes you either a shallow fucking idiot or a obvious troll.

If any of those images were trailers or misleading bullshots, then maybe you'd have a point. But they're all in-game, and demonstrate how each one is basically there so you can violently kill your enemy in a slightly different want.

Thus, a COD clone. If we weren't so obsessed with being "mature" with "M rated killing games", then this wouldn't be such a prevalent issue.

Just like how Kirby, Mario, Donkey Kong and whatever other platformes out there are exactly the same because you jump on things.

As of late, they have been blurring together as a samey, generic platforming series. So yes, that's also a valid point. But at least platformers are videogamey, and aren't just there to make you feel mature by murdering someone in cold blood and quick time events, which gets old when the 9 millionth game does the exact same thing.

>You can't even begin to learn an FPS unless it has a KBM control scheme.
Sounds like you just suck with controllers.

Or maybe I don't like gimping myself with a weaker control scheme.

Again, sounds like you just suck with controllers.

>But at least platformers are videogamey

A pointless buzzword that absolutely means nothing. We're talking about video games in the first place. What makes something more video game than the other?

Further, you're the only one pushing the idea that these games are made to make you 'feel' mature. Sometimes you just want to shoot things because it's fun. There's nothing wrong with that.

Shooters are an oversaturated market, that's true, but so were platformers a few generations back. Even still though, comparing something like Crackdown to Call of Duty is completely laughable, as they don't share the same core mechanics at all.

Wasn't that last one from late 2014? It feels like it's been over a year since we saw anything from this game.

No game has ever asked for $200 msrp dont be retarded.

And how did you get to that conclusion? I've played with controllers all my life, but when the option for KBM is available, I jump right for it.

Again, not liking a control scheme =/ being bad at it.

>What makes something more video game than the other?
One is based around skill based platforming, the other is constant quick time events and cinematics everywhere, between linear hallways where you act "over the top" and "epic" even though the gameplay is pretty much ripped from COD, and you're still killing people by shooting them.

It's unoriginal, and like you even admit, it's saturated the market to death.

Games like Call of Duty feature a heavy multiplayer component. And while you may not like to admit it, there is skill there. People who play those games at a high level, aren't just fumbling around with a controller.

You show your ignorance.

Also, again, what's wrong with shooting? Shooting is fun. It's a proven mechanic that's entertained millions of people. You act like it's a negative though, for some reason.

The only issue is unoriginality, but that doesn't mean something can't be unoriginal and good. I'd say most Mario games now are pretty unoriginal, but they can be enjoyable.

at the end of the day you are just pushing buttons to make shit happen, video games are all literally the same baka tbqh

>Games like Call of Duty feature a heavy multiplayer component
Another thing done to death. Now that every single game has multiplayer, the singleplayer not only suffers because they don't put effort into it, but when the next multiplayer shooter comes out, the previous one is left to die a slow, sad death in obscurity. Whereas it'd be at least a little more memorable if the singleplayers were better. This obsession with MP is ruinous for the industry.

>Also, again, what's wrong with shooting?
Shooting can be fine, but when the game focuses so much on brutal, murderous and gorey kills, it sucks the fun right out of it because it feels like the game isn't doing it to have more replayability or have better gameplay, but rather just to seem "mature". Do you need that gorey shot of your opponent's neck being ripped out and bleeding everywhere? Do you need a quick time event where you slice his head off and burn it in acid afterward? Do you need a slow, gruesome QTE cinematic point where your character rips out the other's spine, performs an abortion with it, and eats the unborn child? Because games like God of War revel in doing this, and it's not even an FPS. So combine that level of violence with shooters, and you get a bland genre trying way too hard to have a high maturity rating, while having no rewarding gameplay.

tl;dr the violence and murder is an excuse to be lazy with the gameplay design.

>This obsession with MP is ruinous for the industry.

You are saying that being able to play video games with other people is 'ruinous' to the industry. That's utterly ridiculous. If game has a lacking single player component, it has a lacking single player component, but multiplayer is a core thing that interests countless people.

>Shooting can be fine, but when the game focuses so much on brutal, murderous and gorey kills, it sucks the fun right out of it because it feels like the game isn't doing it to have more replayability or have better gameplay, but rather just to seem "mature"

Fun is a completely subjective argument and saying brutality sucks the 'fun' out of things is a non-argument. Maybe to you, but not to a ton of other people.

>Do you need that gorey shot of your opponent's neck being ripped out and bleeding everywhere? Do you need a quick time event where you slice his head off and burn it in acid afterward? Do you need a slow, gruesome QTE cinematic point where your character rips out the other's spine, performs an abortion with it, and eats the unborn child?

What if I want all these things? Who are you to dictate my needs? I'm paying money, I should get what I damn well choose, and if I want bloody violence, I should have an opinion to get it.

No one is forcing you to play violent games. By all means, if you are too prudish to enjoy them, stick with your E rated releases.

>People complain if developers release something too early
>People complain if they don't release something too early


Quit giving nintendo attention

Fuck off again. Just because they work in one game doesn't mean they work in another. All they had to do was make it like Starfox 64 and they blew it with forced motion shit.

Crackdown is about special agents that enhance their abilities based on what they do. You can use guns, punch kick, throw cars etc. Its more like Prototype or Infamous. Its an open world third person sandbox game where you have powers.