Meet some new people

>meet some new people
>they say they really like games
>they are all around 24 - 29
>"hey user whats your favorite game?"
>pre 7.6 Tibia and phantasy star online ep 1 & 2
>they all stare in silence at me
>get nervous
>ask them what theirs is in a desperate attempt to kill the silence
>most say minecraft, the rest some mobile game I don't know but sounds like some korean shit

Other urls found in this thread:

>what games do you play user
>resident evil
>oh i remember those games all right user :) have you played Game 3 return to redbox?
>nah, I guess I just have a big collection of old games Im slowly working my way through. New games are kind of nerdy

>Revealing your powerlevel first

> New games are kind of nerdy

unless you're a chad you better not say this shit

>pre 7.6 Tibia
Fucking loser.

this literally happened to me last week

Thats exactly what i do to flip the awkwardness on them

>People actually have mobile shit in their favorites
My normie gf even knows what Phantasy Star Online is, you were dealing with straight up man-children if their favorite games are Minecraft or Korean Pay2Win

Okay man I loved early Tibia and PSO but come the fuck on you know 99% of people dont do this. Stop acting pretentious.

>being honest with your tastes is now considered socially awkward

It finally happened.

We are the normies now...

>Oldschool Tibia


Steve-O's reaching Bam Magera levels of fucked

On a scale from 1 to HUE, how Brazilian are you?

That's always been the case. You have to like what everyone else likes.

My exact thoughts, heck I've brought up some older games at work with dudes I know and you know what their reaction was? They asked for more details since they didn't know it.

I just tell the truth about my tastes, there's of course a limit they don't need to know I jerk off every night.

don't mind them OP, they were probably a bunch of normie faggots

they can never understand what it means to be a robot in a world of normies, they will never understand our pain

If someone were to ask you what kind of music you like, would you talk about how great Captain Beefheart and The Mattoid are and how much you hate Santanna because he may have sacrificed a decrepit Jaco Pastorius? Or would you say "Geeze, that's tough, I think I like a bit of everything. Mostly rock though."? It doesn't mean that you can't eventually talk about Laurel Canyon and the Mothers of Invention, just that you will have to set the stage for that kind of nonsense.

Just down-play it; Most people don't really care, and it won't open you up to feels, and it will allow you to feel as superior as you think you are. You really couldn't add something typical like Tetris or gta?

wow aren't you a special snowflake

>just b urself
>except when you share your interests

social interactions suck

>allowing normies to cause you pain
is there anything more pathetic?


>not sperging out and revealing your full powerlevel

I've never not had a good discussion emerge when someone asks me my favorite game and I say Space Station 13. People don't care what you like, just that you're passionate about what you like.

jus b urself

This. you NEVER reveal your hand first

This user gets it. you gotta build up to shit, it's dangerous to start sperging out about the thing you love around normies

>Fucking Tibia

Kill yourself immediately

>pre 7.6 Tibia
And you laugh at people liking minecraft...

Fuck that. If people ask me about music I say I mostly listen to hip hop. If they ask me who I like, I'll say some newer artists and my favorite older artists. Being vague like that is lame.

>hip hop

Trying to get into it, can you recommend me something?


You make me sick

both these people and you sound like giant cucknuts

"KILL" them with a "GUN"

What do you like that you've listened to? My favorite artists are Ghostface Killah and Scarface. The Diary and The Fix by Scarface are both great albums. Supreme Clientele and Fishscale are Ghostface's best albums.

Some artists that anyone who listens to hip hop should know about are The Roots, De La Soul, Geto Boys, Eric B and Rakim, Beastie Boys, NWA, Ice Cube, Tupac, Wu Tang Clan, A Tribe Called Quest, Snoop Dogg, Nas, Biggie, Jay Z, Big Pun, MF DOOM, Outkast, 50 Cent, TI, Gucci Mane, Kanye West, Lil Wayne, Lupe Fiasco, Kendrick Lamar, and Joey Bada$$. That's roughly in order of when the debuted.

best bullying simulator until Dark Souls came out


OP dun goofed. You poke with a new AAA game to see how they react, then react to their response accordingly. Just jumping straight in is a huge fuck up.

I haven't played tibia in years, I don't know how it's doing these days. But, whether you like it or not, you have to acknowledge that on its prime, tibia was one of the best MMOs to ever exist.

>meeting people

>it's a "poor sap who thinks they're a social paragon but are actually so insecure that they obfuscate or outright lie about what they like because they're ashamed of their own taste and ultimately themselves" episode

Unless it's a matter of preservation, where the person could be judgemental and you need to be as innocuous a possible (like with a boss), then it's just pathetic tbqhwy.

I mostly want bros who play games like Total War games, maybe RTS, space games, RPGs

Don't want any moe anime game fans though. I knew a few in college and they were all like "Omg sugoi I love Megami Teneshu Desu Konami Yugaoi 5!". They kept namedropping all these anime things and I would never be able to understand them

>>meet some new people
>>they say they really like games

serves you right, user.

>Playing videogames
What a loser

>>most say minecraft, the rest some mobile game I don't know but sounds like some korean shit

>meet some new people
>they say they really like games
>they are all around 24 - 29
>"hey user whats your favorite game?"
>Freelancer, Outlast, Dungeon Keeper 2, Natural Selection 2 and Wind Waker
>they all stare in awe at me
>swim in pussy, get free money from millionaires because of my excellent taste and get knighted by Trump

how do you bully in this game? jw

>tfw most of your coworkers are into PC gaming and play shit like Arma

Feels good man.

>someone at work asks me if i play vidya
>"Yeah, but there's nothing out right now that I like"
How hard is that? Then again, maybe I'M the normie...

/thread. even in music, taste, movies, manga, anime, etc.


>"i really like battlefield and call of duty, whats your favourite game, user?"
>"eve online"
>"never heard of it, whats it about?"
>"its a space simulation game, you fly around with nerds in spaceships getting into trouble, trade on the completely player-driven market, scam people, build ships, steal from people, mine asteroids, blow people up, and then shitpost about it all on the forums afterward"
>"sounds interesting, ill check it out"

i expected him to try the free trial, not know what the fuck to do, get frustrated, and then quit, was surprised when he actually stuck with it, been flying with him for a few months now

this guy gets it.

>Sup Forums thinking they know anything about being social

It's really more

>just b urself :)
>except in any possible way that deviates from everyone else

Come to ephinea , OP. PSO lovers abound. Also Nux is cute.

Exactly. Compliment the new Assassin's Creed game, or something, about how awesome it is to press X and watch some dude die. Ask them what their favorite Final Fantasy is. Ask them if they bought anything good from a recent Steam sale.

Only then do you show them your Rapelay mods and tell them a 2cat joke.


>yfw you meet someone irl more hardcore than you


>favorite game is earthbound
>scared of someone saying they like it, get optimistic, only to find out their a tumblrina or something

With my coworkers, strategy titles are popular. CK2, EU4, etc. I'm the odd one out for preferring slightly older Paradox games (EU3 and Vic 2), because their post-CK2 DLCs have gotten absurd. I mean, seriously, charging $15 for broken shit. Also, both Stellaris and HOI4 were released in a very incomplete state.

> Tibia and phantasy star online
What the hell even are those games?

Sick of this /r9k/ invasion of social cripples on Sup Forums. SJWs here, neetcuck beta upriser over there, cancer everywhere.

start listening and keep autoplay on

Granblue fantasy is my favorite game right now fight me nerd. The gameplay mechanics are interesting and I love grinding help me.

>fav all time game is the original x-com and tftd
>never mention xcom ever when games come up because I cannot discuss the new xcom games without exposing my salty autism

"naaaah man I don't really play videogames, who has the time? haha"

>>they all stare in silence at me
>>get nervous

>showing weakness

There wouldn't be a problem if you let them know you had the biggest dick in the room.

>yfw you meet someone irl with more degenerate fetishes than you

comiket meetups were a mistake

>revealing your powerlevel
Your own fault retard. Keep it light next time. I'm sure there's at least one game with mainstream appeal that you like so say that next time and save niche stuff for later.

Is that even possible?

>tfw you never met someone with the same fetishes as you irl

I'd let them fuck me hard. if it happened.

That's great man.

It's skill like anything else. You don't blow your load all at once cause it's too much, ease it out, learn a bit about the other person

its a complex beast that cant be simplified down to dumb platitudes user, i'm sorry

>So, what kind of games you play? I'm heavily into RPGs myself, you know, like Skyrim
>I've actually played it 60 hours already...
I told him I've played +600 hours. They hired me.

are you a girl if so i got a penis i would like to lay inside you

>disassociate with any new people who are open about liking videogames

>I do sports
>I go to bars
>I go to clubs
>I tailgate like a motherfucker
>I'm also extremely socially awkward and have never even gotten kissed even though I'm almost always close to females

pls be in london

I'm not one, but you can dress and fuck me like one.

are you into guys who have been to prison because i have twice

>Phantasy Star Online Ep 1&2
HELLA YEAH MY AFRICAN BRETHETEN! I still play offline splitscreen pretty frequently. Between myself and a few friends we have (bare minimum) 10 GameCube memory cards worth of characters, half of those in Ultimate.
>RAcaseal is best girl

>play videogames since a child
>teased for being gaming enthusiast
>now mid-twenties
>videogames are now popular among these same 'normies'
>be burnt out on gaming because you've done it all by now

What a strange world

>I don't do sports
>I don't go to bars
>I don't go to clubs
>I don't even have a car
>I'm also extremely socially adept and was an early bloomer who got laid at 14

Are you serious? Too be honest, I really don't care as long as you have a cock and use to fuck me and not kill me.

The trick is making everyone else feel like outsiders for not sharing your interests.

>I've never not had a good discussion emerge when someone asks me my favorite game and I say Space Station 13.
>getting my haircut
>people around us are talking about videogames
>so user, what games have you been playing?
>can't tell him I only play 2D spessman poop game
>silent pause
>halo reach?

yeah, as long as you are submissive

>working at mcdonald's because late teenaged loser
>guy comes in, says he likes games
>nooope, mobile games
>he gets fired in less than a month from fucking mcdonalds

Recommend me rock music user, something that isn't shit like Sup Forums albums

>>I'm also extremely socially awkward and have never even gotten kissed even though I'm almost always close to females
how is this fucking possible. Visit your doctor your body might not be producing testosterone.

>Have decent PC and PS4
>Friends are all complete average Joe gamers who play every CoD and FIFA
>Beg me to get any multiplats for PS4 instead of PC
>Don't want to buy the more expensive objectively inferior version
>Know damned well they'll all stop playing latest game inside of 3 months
>Got called an elitist when I bought Overwatch on PC instead and told them exactly why

Is that Ivan the terrible?
He looks so sad :(

OP next time u get this question say this

''oh i don't really know hmmmm what about you guys''

maybe they say like ''oh mine is cawl of duty''

Then you say ''yea.... call of duty is pretty good''

bam i just made a new friend.

Frank Zappa (the album "Apostrophe" may be a good starting point)

>and not kill me.


you'd be sad too if you accidentally murdered your son in a fit of rage

you have bigger problems, son. you live in Brazil

Yeah that would be pretty terrible

>MFW Minecraft is a legitimately intelligent game that can promote creativity and ingenuity in the younger audience and help adults pass the time by creating stuff and keeping their minds sharp
>MFW it's all been ruined because of a cringey fanbase, people taking it way too seriously, and faggots who call it shit because they want to feel different and smart

Thank god for liking Counter Strike despite it not being a favourite of mine, everyone knows what it is.

>"Oh you play videogames, what's your favourite game/genre?"
>Jumps between many different games, strategy, FPS, RPG
>Try to explain and they seem baffled that I can like so many games

look dawg we gonna fuck and make love or what

T-this is happening too fast