>friend says fps take more strategy then rts.
Friend says fps take more strategy then rts
>friends are what we call "wrong".
>there's no strategy
>just who creates more units faster
>there´s no strategy
>just who clicks LMB faster
If you play with a coordinated team it is problably true and I say that as someone who only plays strategy games.
>friend says jrpgs have great stories.
Both are right.
RTS genre died because the player who has highest APM is the winner, while FPS is just to shoot someone until they die.
Actually RTS died because autistic new millenials and casuals can't be bothered to learn mechanics and you can only dumb down a RTS so much until it becomes a glorified MOBA
You are so wrong it hurts.
No one wanted to play RTS to be an e-sport faggot or korean.
Normal people wanted to have 100 tanks and killing millions of zerg or Wololo the whole enemy army
>Can you please like control the rest of my army because I don't have any micro
>FPS is more strategic than RTS
>Literally has strategy in its name
So what you are saying is that MOBA's really takes the most skill?
>friend says rts and fps takes more skill than fighting games
Rts and Fightans are on the same level when it comes to skill.
One relies more on twitch reactions and spacing. The other is basically figuring out what your opponents and build against it.
No, they obviously take anti-skill, since you can´t even produce units and don´t shoot with LMB.
>Darks souls
>not an RPG
Names are sound and smoke, and most people have a hard time remembering them anyway, much less correctly or with any degree of understanding what they even fucking mean.
I´m not saying that RTS are not much more strategic than most other games, but simply "they are called 'strategy' " is a bad argument.
Not that it smarts in any way, but you are also not entirely correct.
Publishers pushed the idea of e-sports big time, and people lapped the shit up.
When it didn´t work as intended and it became apparrent that RTS would not work on consoles they declared it deceased.
Untrue. APM is important but on low level macro is way more important than micro.
Age of Empires 2 HD still has an active playerbase, why complain?
Are you implying that you actually want the RTS genre to be mainstream enough for mouth breathers?
The best part right now is they're all latched onto MOBAs while the RTS genre has people who genuinely want to learn mechanics. MOBAs serve as a containment for the lowest common denominator.
In short, RTS is a patrician genre.
I agree with you on that user but it gets really annoying when i'm trying to talk to my friend about the most upcoming rts game and they go "dead game XD"
RTS were bad and for a million fucking times you can tell how shitty the genre is because all these threads are just circlejerks where nostalgiafags desperately attempt to find someone to blame for RTS death instead of just looking in the mirror.
The greatest rts, planetary annihilation, came out a few years ago but you didn't know how great it was because you don't actually like this type of game.
>using cheese tactics and rush
>patrician genre
Halo Wars 2 will save RTS
>How do I scout
>Early Access garbage.
ARPGs are Action games with RPG elements in them. The RPG elements are completely secondary to the Action. Role-Playing is neither the focus or integral of the gameplay.
Technically FPS games are just Action-Shooter games, but goes the extra effort to emphasis the perspective. Nobody bothers calling old Survival Horrors like Resident evil "Second Person Action/Shooter".
There aren't many actual RPG games outside maybe D&D or The Sims (or Second Life). Elder Scrolls games shoe-horned social dynamics into the games but you didn't have to care and could just kill and pillage with little consequence outside scripted telekinetic guards.
Even Dwarf Fortress RPG elements are secondary to the strategy elements.
You can't even have a real community-drivenRPG game in this day-in-age because of all the anti-finger-pointing bullshit.
You can't call people out for being assholes or swindling jews. You can't even give bad players helpful criticism because it constitutes as "mean things".
Fuck this hugbox anti-1st Amendment bullshit.
This. Even the Witcher 3 or 1 are hardly RPGs, the term has been completely emptied of any meaning.
>Watch some koreans playing a Warcraft 3 normal game, let's call them A and B
>A starts attacking from minute 3
>B defends with peasants
>Always retreating units with low health
>bigger soldiers start joining the battle, full of guerrilla warfare and retreating troops
>B's hero ambushes from behind, uses AOE skill on low hp soldiers
>A fucking zeppelin appears out of fucking nowhere and takes the soldiers in before the skill kills them all.
>Pretty much 15+17 minutes in and the first soldier dies
>Game ends with A getting defeated, but not after an amazing display of strategy, micro-managing and troop rescuing.
I used to be good, but holy shit.
These people play on a whole new level.
Real talk, they take anti-skill because the only way you "get good" at them is to delude yourself into thinking that you're a golden god and that everyone else sucks so you can talk down to them on internet forums.
Or by improving your winrate by 5% by doing really anal shit absolutely perfect and still 90% relying on 9 other cunts anyway. I guess that works too. Moral of the story: don't practice a game that's not worth winning.
You should watch some Supreme Commander Forged Alliance, it's mental.
What's the point of RTS when TBS is infinitely better?
Fps requires strategy of teamwork, coordination, and snap decisions.
Rts requires strategy of planning ahead, execution, thinking ahead of the game, and careful decisions.
Two different strategies
FPS is all about strategy. Where you go, when you decide to do everything from reload to pick up items to crouch or use grenades and on and on, even where you decide to place your cross hair while moving around. And it's all in relation to what the other person is doing, which i what makes it strategic. Constant map awareness and strategic decision making and planning is what defines competitive play, even in a solo game like quake not even counting team base games.
Link to the video?
The level of micromanagement most be damn spectacular.