>that combat
>that combat
Not surprised they changed it, but honestly I think it still looks fun.
The old system got boring too fast, this one atleast requires some thought about moving characters around the field.
I think it looks better IMO.
What's wrong with it. The game is for the story more than the combat plus they changed it a bit to seem like a really dumbed down Disgaea I like it
Meh, I will play it for jokes.
What did they do? I'm not watching it.
Rudimentary grid system.
>rip off shadow hearts 2 system
It's way better than the first, what the problem with it?
> not liking that radiant historian tier combat
Duck you
Looks better than the first game's combat
I changed the combat to hard 2 hours in and it was still piss easy, so this will make it more challenging hopefully.
looks good you cuck.
seems like the old one with more options
I think it's good since the first game kinda became boring halfway through
>J U S T
Kind of a combination of radiant historia and fire emblem now.
Reminds me of Gladius on ps2. I like it! But I can see how it's not for everyone
You have tile based movement, abilities push people around.
a system pretty muc like shadowrun returns
It looks nice tbqh.
Only thing that I found mildly interesting in this E3 so far.
>Talk about sending a gay fish to heaven after the shooting
Is ubisoft redpilled?
Should of been a battle network like combat but this is fine
The first's games combat was fucking good, only thing that ruined it was the goddamn awful easy difficulty
>changing the paper mario combat
It's like they literally don't want to cater to me, specifically. What went wrong?
Looks better, the rooms aren't that big, it's not like they made it FFT.
Kinda wished they would have ditched the fart moves though, those where never funny.
South Park Fractured but Whole is the best thing this e3 so far desu senpai
They're going for a FF Tactics / Fire emblem combat system
I'm fine with that
anyone watching the gianbomb stream? How was everyone's face during the black jokes and micro aggression joke? Curious considering they take that shit seriously.
Who knows maybe it'll be as good as the first one.
However it's nice that they kept the new kid powers and such with no recon.
They wanted to make an actual sequel instead of rehashing. Why do you think these games don't come out on Nintendo consoles? Trey and Matt hate Nintendo's guts.
better than QTEs
For real.
It looks way better
Do any of them give a fuck aside from Klepek's cuck friend and that other guy?
Makes me wanna replay Live A Live
They were unimpressed, they thought it wasn't the right kinda onstage demo and they didn't like how much screentime it got
I dunno how well the SRPG combat is gonna work with such small spaces
but they literally said paper mario was one of their favorite games and that's where the combat in SOT came from
Austin infects everyone and they're a Californian company so they have to act like they give a shit.
hopefully it's still mostly paper mario, it's not like we have too many paper mario games. stick of truth is one of the only modern ones
did you see the gameplay user? it's literally not paper mario
tfw no paper Cirno ;_;
Alex got visibly upset when PC Principal showed up, Dan was kinda grinning and said that was a good season and Alex shouted "NO!" at him.
Who cares what a bunch of overly sensitive beta-males think?
>pre order the game and you get the first game for free.
i pirate the game and was thinking of buying it this summer sale.
It's called SRPG.
>Tactics Ogre
>Fire Emblem
All SRPGs.
It's an extra layer of depth
go play candy crash you are a fucking pleb.
I hope they are about done with the jokes about walking in on your parents having sex. The first game did it in such an absurd and funny way that it can't be topped.
I doubt they will do it twice in one game.
>have to buy it on u-play
do you really?
theyre doing it on xbox and ps4 as well, why would they limit it on steam?
It was joking about Kanye and his moms game
Which trailer said this?
it wasn't a trailer, matt and trey joked about the games storyline being about helping a gay fish getting his mom into heaven then when the crowd didnt react they were like "oh man i hope you guys saw the Kanye thing"
>yfw South Park won E3 for like the third year in a row
Because it was not made by obsidian but by one of the MANY talented ubi studios.
I loved the last one so I'm confident that I'll enjoy this one.
It's a really simple and time-tested format as before so it'll be hard to fuck up.