Goty2016 confirmed

goty2016 confirmed

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I hope it doesn't get delayed.

I actually keked at the PC at the end, fuck me.

Fuck I missed Ubisoft conference so far? Anything good besides that?

cant wait to not pay for it and then beat it in 5 hrs and never touch it again like the last game

This is literally the only thing all of E3 they have shown that was even remotely interesting.

IF it dont require Uplay and it probably will.

The only good thing to come out of E3 so far besides maybe Gwent.

SoT didn't so there's hope I guess

It's ubisoft, it's gonna get delayed

>company makes yet another game to cash in on HS popularity
>but its CDPR so its okay

That's basically it. I really liked hearthstone but after all the expansions and adventures the game became so bloated that I've lost interrest in it. Gwent looks like a refreshing alternative to Hearthstone.


We already played that on n64 when it was called paper Mario. Catch up faggot.

I dont have Uplay, but I dont understand why it gets flak when Sup Forums fellates Steam

Loved The Stick of Truth, albeit it was a bit easy in places. Can't wait for this.

ITT: Plebbitfags who think anyone cares about their shit tier 12 year old meme game

Trey Parker and Matt Stone saying fuck every 3 seconds on stage. You can almost hear the E3 executives shouting "what the fuck are they doing?"

Uplay never works, it goes down literally every time a new game comes out.

SoT was average at best

I doubt this will be any better

Shit taste

Me too
Not ashamed either


kill yourself you shitposting nigger

>Calls me a shitposter
Fucking summerfags

Stick of truth was kinda meh, it was a little boring

>Trey Parker and Matt Stone saying fuck every 3 seconds on stage. You can almost hear the E3 executives being completely unsurprised considering EBIN SWEARING has been their schtick since the 90s

Le random funny humor XD XD

fuck yeah

Le pooopy fuck fart humor XD

*The tipping of the silly hat*

hello roiddit

>i dont know how to greentext
>other people are reddit newfags not me guise

I know you think you fit in but you dont.
Its obvious you double nigger

Whats cool is that Fractured But Whole comes with Stick of Truth.

And really stick of truth was like an entire season of South Park that was fucking playable. A dream come true in every way.

So i bet Fractured But Whole when it comes out will be just like that but better.

Thing is SoT had so many delays. To many. THQ going bankrupt. Reworking of the game.

But im hoping FbW comes out and is just about 5 or 6 hours long like a normal season of South Park. All i want is South Park playable thats good.

>Being this blasted
It's too early for this user

>le youre mad because I said youre le mad

ok son. Its clear youre invested into this threads and it must be high on your lives priorities list right now but just take a deep breath.

you will be OK
everything is fine

>tfw the thought of this game being good genuinely upsets people

Feels good lads.

It upsets no one you delusional autist

wow i cant wait for hte epic fart attack! *pffttt* hahah

Well I just looked up the trailer and I'm sold.

>Made by ubisoft

I know they'll fuck us but I wish they won't.

Looks fun but not fun enough to make me buy a PS4.5 just for a South Park Game

why the fuck would you play this kind of game on a console anyway?
my anus laptop that can barely reach 30fps on minecraft can play stick of truth perfectly

you mean published
like the first one

I use my laptop only for work no vidya.

>Ubisoft hasnt't been known to fuck games up even if their first game was good

Okay Ubisoftfag.

>Supercraig x Wondertweek (Japanese market)
I like these kinds of references

Is there a link to watch them?

>Supercraig x Wondertweek (Japanese market)

Hello red-dit my old friend.

>PC Principle is going to be bitching about game tropes

This game is going to get tanked HARD!!!!

>I know you think you fit in but you dont.
>muh secret club

You know what to do.

They added a ton to the combat system.

It was my only gripe with the first game, very VERY simple combat.

>Summon PC Principle

>I only see one playable minority in this game
>Why aren't there more women?
>Wendy's superhero identity is called "Call Girl"? STOP SEXUALIZING WOMEN

Wouldn't be surprised desu

>Supercraig x Wondertweek (Japanese market)

Coonland at Knott's Berry Farm (asia)

So they said you're going to get SoT for free if you pre-purchase. What's confusing me is that when you go to buy it, on the same page it says you get to "play Stick of Truth right now", and later that it will be "delivered on 12/6/2016".

So which is it? Do I get Stick of Truth right now or do I get it on the 6th of December? This shit is really confusing and a deal breaker if it's the latter.

I had that gripe too, but also the fact that some collectibles, like Chinpokomon, were only available at certain points and if you missed them you can't them unless you start over.

They were also useless unless you wanted the achievement/trophy.

The sequel is being made ubisoft instead of obsidian though.

Ubisoft pretty much never have missables in their games.

>I bet you don't even get halfway through phase one, DC comics

>We have exciting news! If you pre-purchase South Park: The Fractured But Whole today, you can download and start playing South Park: The Stick of Truth right now for free!
>All customers who pre-order the game will get South Park: The Stick of Truth upon launch of South Park: The Fractured But Whole. After December 6, 2016, all customers who buy the game during the offer window will get a free copy of South Park: The Stick of Truth.
Later it says on the pre-purchase page "(Delivered on 12/6/2016)"

This is what I mean.

It looked pretty fun desu.

>Your superhero origin is that you saw your Dad fuck your Mom

Will the Super Best Friends show up?
Including an uncensored Muhammad?

>uncensored Muhammad

I don't want Matt and Trey to get killed by mudslimes.

You never played Assassskinbleed 1 or 2 did you? I never found flags or goddamn feathers.

I hate that they can't take a fucking joke about their religion, even chef pussied out because of them roasting scientology.

>Tfw I've never seen the darth chef episode

The sad thing about chef is that he was okay with them roasting it, but the church told them he couldn't work for them anymore or he would get kicked out of the church.

I can't recall but was he in the trapped in the closest episode?

Will it get censored in Europe again?

>Professor Chaos Live at Coachella


I bet your dad fucked your mom and you are traumatised by that

I thought Chef was killed because his voice actor died?

He died years after that.

It seems like its mean to say that customers who pre-order FBW get SoT today and that FBW comes out on December 6th

Looks like we've got at least TWELVE character classes

>I didnt see the new game at all
>I shit on game I know absolutely nothing about