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... how is this news? Of course they're working on a new Elder Scrolls game. Did you think that after TESO aborted that Bethesda were just giving up on their cashcow?


pls no. Fuck elves.

I feel like the fact that there WILL BE a TES:VI is kind of needless. It would pretty much inevitably happen.

It's just a question of 'when?'.

And given Bethesda's tendency to constantly push forward development schedules and release half-finished games, it's probably been in development since Fallout 4's was released.

Reminder that they'll be using the same engine they made Oblivion with.

Just curious. Will the current gen port of Skyrim support town mods on console?

they'll NEVER pull it off anyway.

it's gonna be Hammerfell, black people being WE WUZ SAMURAIS N SHIIET sells like hot cakes right now, and with Redguards it's actually canon.

>Share. Fus Ro Duh


I want hammerfell though

>Fuck elves
I'm trying

Eh we probably won't be alive by the time it is even announced

Not to say I wouldn't prefer somewhere else myself, but I am curious where you'd like to go?

We've covered Cyrodiil, Skyrim, Daggerfall (okay, admittedly not all of Hammerfell), and Morrowind...

So we've got High Rock (which would feel too samey to Cyrodiil if you ask me), Summerset, Elsweyr, Black Marsh, and Valenwood.

Some people do suggest since Elsweyr and Valenwood are kind of small, they could be done together.

Alternatively, we could go right off of Tamriel and start looking at Akavir.

I hate the Kangz meme as much as the next person but I still think Hammerfell would be cool. Also the redguard were not the original inhabitants.

don't be so fatalistic user

why are her feet so tiny in proportion to her body? driving me nuts

yeah I know but I hate waiting and the only rpgs I enjoy are bethesdas

But user, where better to kill elves than their home?


I don't mind if it's still several years to go, if that means not rushing it out the door like they did with Skyrim for 11/11

Dubs and its a redguard we wuz kangz story.

Elven foot binding


It's gonna be a terraformed black marshes
At least that's where it seems to land at
save my comment because I know I'm right

I hope you enjoy hist and akavari and shit

I'd like to see Valenwood/Elsweyr for VI and Summerset for VII

>Almost uninhabitable rainforest with ticks the size of men that prey on sleeping people
>Temples where wood elves commit mass sudoku to invoke nature spirits that disintegrate all living things in sight
>Capital is a giant multi-tiered tree that wanders around the province

Please don't screw this up Bethesda.

If I weren't much in the same boat, I'd say you're making me sad.

I also enjoy Bioware but those feel a bit less like RPGs and more like visual novels in many ways. Tali route was overrated.

Elven feet are tiny because they were original avians and spent most of their time flying with the aid of magic. Their weight is still significantly less than most other humanoids and small levels of inherit magic in their blood make them only lighter, thus their lower legs suffer from some bad developmental atrophy.

Some elven kingdoms have worked to correct this with royally mandated leg-days.

To be quite honest, I would prefer Elsweyr myself, especially since, as mentioned, we've done hammerfell (well, daggerfall), but Hammerfell probably would offer all the options Bethesda would like for a popular game:

>Swordsinging replaces shouts
>Dwemer Ruins
>Just Exotic enough to be cool but not so much its unfamiliar
>Human default protagonist
>Black to appeal to SJWs

Not to say I would mind too much, I was just left severely wanting in the two Elsweyr areas of TESO. Out of, like, six areas of the Dominion. (and three of them were Valenwood)

I've always facepalmed at how artificially detached Vvardenfell is just because the entirety of Morrowind was too technically taxing to render at the time.

small soles are better for footjobs.

With the amount of "we have the technology yet it's a very long time away" makes me think it's going to be all of tamriel or more likely all of akivir

The very first thing you find out is that the capital is rooted in place. "We felt like just standing still for a while." Not even a result of whatever cataclysm.

"We don't have"

or, you could look at bethesda's release history and realize that bethesda usually takes 3-4 years between games and since fallout 4 was only 6 months ago, we have a long wait ahead no matter what.


one of the reasons that they didnt a quick remaster of skyrim was to give TES fans something newish to work with while they wait. it's been 5 years since skyrim and will be a minimum extra 2 years until TES 6.

Will there be lots of cannibalism?

Hammerfell is is like the middle-east of Tamriel, if anything the representation is accurate.

Badly meme'd.


only the top third of Blackmarsh is inhabitable by non agrarians due to air born sentient tree posion

It's gonna be shit anyway why do you even care so much

i've loved every TES game that I've played, even "shitty" ones like oblivion.

Apparently the lore excuse is that Vvardenfel used to just be sea but Red Mountain's eruptions formed a volcanic island over time. The Heart of Lorkhan which formed Red Mountain was originally cast into the sea so it makes some sense.

in TESO they handled it by saying the tree moves around more via teleporting.

Of course, it's now lost in the Warp somewhere it seems and you never fucking see it even if there's another multi-tier tree village (Elden Root)

>all of Tamriel

Soo, full reboot of the Elder Scrolls series starting with Arena?

>implying it won't be Hammerfell

Just like Cyrodiil was supposed to be a jungle.

How can you even believe they won't fuck it up?

I can't
I've spent 12 years discussing lore of the series and it's part of my identity
I became concept artist because of MK's shitty Morrowind scribbles
I just can't not get excited for TES


Why can't elves be real?

That was Ken Rolston's fault
Jungle could have been a thing but that cock munching 80 year old fuck was like
>Hey, LOTR is popular, lets make Oblivion like that
And I know he was there since Arena and all that but he was too "oldschool" with his views of the setting and never liked stranger stuff in TES.

But a Valenwood game centered around a Wood Elf rebellion against the Thalmor would be based as hell. Part way through the game, the Wood Elves start a Wild Hunt to drive the Thalmor out, and the "dragon encounters" of the game will be horrifying monsters of all different types.


How can anyone think that? Baffles me sometimes, Oblivion was far more fun than Skyrim overall especially if you include shivering isles. Spellmaking may not have been Morrowind good but it was still very solid.

i want the game where i can finally genocide the aldmeri dominion

I'll kill each and every one of those cunts one by one with my bare hands

We both know they decided to make it a wasteland so it doesn't run like utter shit on every system, let alone consoles.

>implying the main character won't be the Histborn.

It could have easily been same shit but with palms instead of trees. The trees were unique from Morrowind and had custom animations.
it's not about lush Jungle at all, any Jungle could theoretically work.

It's the same reason why Colovnian and Nibenese cultures are nonexistant in Oblivion, because Ken Rolston was like
>Hey, people being tattoed and wearing silly hats is SILLY! And we can't have blood thirsty imperials, that would be EVIL!
problems go beyond jungle with Cyrodiil

Fuck this franchise. It's dumbed down, sold out, trivialized. they will continue to suck dry the fanbase until it's complete shit.

The game is fundamentally broken without mods with its scaling and leveling system. The dungeon and world design outside of shivering isles was also kaput. Some of the quests were pretty good, and the magic system wasn't as shit as Skyrim's, but that's about all it has going for it.

It will be in Akavir because Todd can cash in on weeblords, do a perfect clean slate since he can make up anything plus do the VI:AkaVIr marketing hype.

Gaiz, the one tamriel thing is just beta testing...
all tamriel map, infinity strain of dlc packs. Done with single player, they will settle on various elder scrolls genres, with exlusive account cosmetics, blizzard-style

screencap this

>copy and paste dungeons
>cyrodil was supposed to be a jungle but ends up being a generic fantasy world
>terrible oblivion gate shit
>level scaling
>pain in the ass to mod
>models look like literal ass
>three voice actors

it was a pretty bad game outside a few quest lines

what if its not in tamriel?



i feel like "sucking this franchise dry" would mean bethesda releasing a TES game every year, like what Ubisoft does to Far Cry or EA does to Battlefield or Activation does to Call of Duty.

I don't think releasing a new Elder Scrolls every 3-5 years constitutes "sucking dry". Hell, It'll probably be an 8 year gap between Skyrim and TES 6

Oh god the porn mods.

Finally can set up a dungeon for those entitled elf shits to live in.

It's pretty safe to assume that there will never be a game set on Akavir as it's mainland.
Who knows but still, all the devs that ever talked on Bethforums said that basically there will never be Akavir game and it's there to be a mystical land that you never go to.

See, if I were in charge of the next TES, I'd probably make it something like:
>Side with Empire
>Side with Dominion
>Fight for an independent province under its traditional leaders
>Fight to put yourself in charge

I then realized this basically would mean it would be TES: New Vegas.

But would that be bad?

Tree stopped moving already.

>Oblivion was my first TES game when I was 8

Thanks for your worthless opinion kiddo.

If we go to Akavir does that mean we get new races and spells art direction? I am down for east asian inspired stuff.

other races have and do live in blackmarsh retard, marching an army in their though is the equivalent to marching into sub Saharan Africa before quinine

But Redguards are pretty neat.

In other news water is wet


It ALREADY doesn't move retard.

>Soo, full reboot of the Elder Scrolls series starting with Arena?
that's something I'd really like to see, I really want a game where the only "you can't go that way" borders are at the very edges of the ocean on the whole continent, I wanna go fuckin EVERYWHERE

I guess the problem with that is, how to do the story

I have a few things I think would work out
>chronological mode
you start with the earlyist game canonically, which was.. daggerfall or something wasn't it? I can't remember, wasn't it something about the war where the dwemer disappeared themselves? anyway, start at that one, and when you complete that story you unlock the next chronological game in the series

this avoids events just not existing, like the nerevarine not having fucked red mountain before you go to oblivion and skyrim, etc

>timelord mode
everything is enabled at once, but the time differences are just ignored, maybe there's a handwavey explanation like there's rifts in time you can cross, but who the fuck cares, you can go everywhere and it's just like someone has sewn the games and dlc together at the edges

downsides are none of the regions have cross-the-borders quests because time fuckery, i guess

>same time mode
every region is locked in a canonical age that's the same over everything and everythnig works together

downside is they have to come up with new stories

Aren't all the towers also on Tamriel? Akavir doesn't matter that much on the cosmic scale. Maybe that's why they've tried to establish themselves on Tamriel a few times

>Capital is a giant multi-tiered tree that wanders around the province

If you believe this will be implemented in an open world game by any dev, let alone Bethesda, you're delusional.

Nope. It's a generic forest with goblins. Elves are good guys. Bad guys are some daedric god not being cool and daedric, just being a generic devil thing.


my ideal is definitely
>Empire questline, save the world
>Dominion questline, destroy the towers and fuck the world
>Yes Man kill everyone and take the world for yourself

We don't actually know.
There has never been a set amount of towers other than out of game speculation.
Tosh Raka mantled Akatosh though and became an immortal Dragon King...so they have some metaphysical knowhow.

That happens in real life, idiot. You've never heard of volcanic caldera? The Vvardenfell volcano is located above a massive magma pool that collapsed, forming a circular deperssion around the mountain. It's geology 101.

>you start with the earlyist game canonically, which was.. daggerfall or something wasn't it?


That was the one where you actually could go to all provinces and why I mentioned it. Also the very first game.


Unless you don't count it because Khajiit are humans with facial tattoos and argonians look like Rob Zombie Music Video characters.

atmora, yokuda [remnants], Pyandonea, the imperial islands not on tamriel [Cathnoquey, Roscrea (side note totally missed opportunity for a skyrim dlc here), Esroniet, Yneslea] or Thras. hell we could leave Nirn all together and travel planes of Oblivion

I don't see any problem with it

just make it a big model that moves on its own, and to enter the city is a scene transition, as unfortunate as that would be for not seeing everything moving around you from inside it, it would still work

>new races

The snake men are basically men in snake armor
The tiger people are basically reskinned Khajiit
The monkey people are basically Rieklings
The snow demons are basically snow yetis

Houtengeki isn't a feet guy.

elsweyr is larger then vvardenfal

Literally a frozen wasteland, only some giants here and there.
>Yokuda remnants
Sword Isles, they are not that big from what I know, if anything it would work better as a DLC for Hammerfell game.
> the imperial islands not on tamriel [Cathnoquey, Roscrea (side note totally missed opportunity for a skyrim dlc here), Esroniet, Yneslea] or Thras
Again, not that big.
>hell we could leave Nirn all together and travel planes of Oblivion
You know this will never happen, Daedric planes are too strange for most people for there to be a game 100% set in one.

they explained the khajiit thing away though because moons, didn't they?

speaking of, I'd love to see a shitload of variation on what you could be as a khajiit

come to think of it, depending on what you choose it would be neat to see the game generate a canonical birthday for your character, but that's just a side thought I had

>"That sounds like you don't even have the technology."
What is Todd planning?
Multi-level tree cities and moving city?
Imagine Dark Messiah combat with vine swinging.

Would be hard to play as Cathay or Pahmar for example
Their are sentient and Cathay are really powerful mages but they can't talk

sadly, the time between releases is no indication of quality. they might have a smaller team. or maybe they are just wasting resources. there were 4 years between morrowind and oblivion and they wasted their time on graphics and dumped a lot of gameplay. morrowind took 4 years as well for your information.
I don't say morrowind is good by todays standards, but they took some wrong turns since then.

meant to add

>a canonical birthday for your character, or the other way around, generate a character based on a birthday you choose

Black Marsh would be boring and lizards don't sell like Vikings.
They already have most of Summerset Isles in ESO, and it's too small anyway for a standalone game.

It's either they do Valenwood+Elsewyr or they go back to Cyrodiil or Hammerfell, or even Morrowind proper.

Actually, in my more elaborated idea for a TES:VI would be like:

>Each faction has corruptive and idealistic aspects
>For the Dominion, it's the Thalmor, for the Empire it's The Daedric cultism the Empire's picked up because cutting deals with Molag Bal, Merunes Dagon, and the like are the only way they've been able to take on The Dominion, etc.
>You can either root out the corruptions and bring them back to a lighter glory
>Or you can side with the corruptive aspects.*

All to let the player feel like, even if they're not leaders of a faction (in three out of four) they still do have influence over it's future.

*Siding with the Thalmor or Daedric cultists will end with your character getting sacrificed in a ritual to cause the end of the world because you're a fucking idiot to think you can be a complete asshole and damn creation without consequence.

Isn't there already kind of a range for your birthday based on the sign you chose?

>impyling Todd won't troll the world in 2017 by doing TES VI: Moderate Redguards
>[thinly-veiled ISIS music in the background]
>[sound of groaning camels and horses]
>Hello there Imperial, can you see my curved sword?
>Shouts rebranded as Hoonding

elves confirmed evolved version of chinks

Geography is subjective in these game. According to that map walking from the Imperial city to Anvil would be roughly the same as crossing all of Skyrim if they were proportionate, and from having played Oblivion just yesterday I can tell you that is clearly isn't

>And given Bethesda's tendency to constantly push forward development schedules and release half-finished games, it's probably been in development since Fallout 4's was released.
They won't start full, as in actual development till November of next year, or whenever they release the final dlc for Fallout 4. They always have started full development after the dlc cycle is done with the current game since like oblivion.

Redguards are the only non cucked human race and managed to defend Hammerfell from Aldmeri Dominion while Cuckodil and Cuckrim were taking it up the ass.