This E3 Has been completely awful so far. There's literally not ONE good game. How is this possible?

This E3 Has been completely awful so far. There's literally not ONE good game. How is this possible?

Wait, south park looked okay. There's one.
There's a problem when VR FALLOUT 4 is the fucking highlight so far for me

Is gaming ded?

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dumb frogposter

Forza Horizon on PC.

Wow some shitty boring car game, it's fucking nothing. May as well bring up this boring skii sports game

I'm honestly baffled how people think this E3 is bad, by all of Sup Forums
>Titan Fall 2
>Dishonored 2
>Dead Rising 4
>Horizon 3
>Halo Wars 2
>The Fractured But Whole
>Ghost Recon Wildlands
>the bombs Sony will no doubt drop

You guys are too fucking caught up in the hate everything hivemind mentality. The reason you think tgis E3 isn't as explosive is because everything has leaked weeks in advance, but shit you're still getting a plethora of good games.

>shitty boring car game
You deserve your fate of never playing a game you like ever again.

Dishonored 2 was the best game shown so far

I don't like any of those games listed.

They're all rehashes of games we've played before.

Like 90% of the games are shit we already knew about from last year.

You grew up.

Why are you even here?
Well then I take it you'll complain about REmake 2, DMC5, TLoU 2, and God of War 4 as well.

Nigger, I don't pick up a controller to play some boring ass car shit. I want to slash shit with swords and optionally slap alien babes on the ass. Fuck cars, fuck sports, fuck sims, fuck boring generic realism

>Wahhhh 90's and early 00's were best gaming is dead

Better go fire up that old N64 like the loner you are, faggot.

>>Why are you even here?
Waiting for good video games

Day 2 and already giving in go to sleep

You're right.

>implying TLoU2 is a game and not a glorified movie

if fallout 4 VR is your highlight then that's saying something about you

Well if don't think one of those is good, nothing will make you content

rehashed games with CGI trailers

dude autism lmao

South Park is the one good one

Awww he still plays games for escapism. Get off the computer, take a shower, and go find a job.

Yeah it does, that it sounds fun. Unlike everything else.

VR ruined everything, I guess Nintendo has to save everything again.

Slept through Bethesda. Was going to stay up but I'm fucking glad I didn't.

Switched off Ubisoft after South Park. Might watch the Sony one being a PS4 (for free) owner.

>he hates all these shitty games
>h..he must be NEET!

19$ hourly, it's shit, but it gets the job done fuccboi. I already worked this morning

I was nearly convinced to buy a Wii U last year or before, because Nintendo was literally the only company that looked like it had fun comfy games.

If they do that again this year I will definitely move onto Nintendo. I just want some fun fucking games I can sit back too. Not this empty third person tacti shit that everyone seems to be throwing out.

>>Titan Fall 2
Why are you unironically listing Titanfall?

>for honor
>ghost recon
>south park
>sony, zelda and square enix haven't even happened yet

The only thing that is good in your list is dishonored 2 the rest is fucking generic or is a fucking disappointment(scalebound)

seriously.. ghost recon wildlands?

you are worse than a fucking normie.

>VR ruined everything
Other than poorfags bitching that they can't afford it, I legit don't see the problem with VR at all. I tried it at a friend's house and it's fun.
You know..
That thing that games are supposed to be about?


I wouldn't drop 800 bucks for it, but kudos to those that do.

I might play Dishonored 2, I guess.

What's wrong with it?

>flying as a bird catching a rabbit dodging city buildings is FUN.

games just arent the same anymore :/
*goes back to playing cringy anime shit*

>being excited for Quakerwatch

Best casual FPS this side of cod 4

you are pathetic

idk I kinda like Battlefield 1

Nah that looks gay, but the space pirate shooter game was fun, and that other game with the floating car thing was fun, I forget name. Fallout 4 VR will be fun, too.
>I literally have no counter argument, b..better just call him pathetic

>Expecting anything from the western AAA video game industry
There's your problem user

>casual FPS
Heres your problem

Wait, Hodd Toward didn't announce the new TES?


now just sit and wait for sony and nintendo show how it's done

>literally overwatch quakeified

this tbqh, don't worry though, we still have anime tiddies xD

Nah my dude, you are.

the new TES is the old TES


Were you disappointed by Okami too after DMC and Viewtiful Joe?

Most of the games are fine, what are you guys expecting, Nintendo to just come out and whip out a Super Mario Sunshine 2 and Melee Remaster? God you guys are pathetic.

It did look pretty good, but I'm not much into racing.

>Not even mentioning the best game

For Honor is gonna be a day-1 purchase for me barring the rediculous, I could sink days into that shit

Fuck you

Dead Rising 4 looks great


At least Tekken 7 was confirmed for PC. Knew South Park was going to be funny and look decent, so that doesn't really count. BF1 looked great graphically but still
not giving them any money. So far this E3 has been fucking awful, I don't understand, this is supposed to be where the biggest games are shown, and yet it seems all we're seeing is just indie trash or half-assed triple A games looking like exactly what we've all seen before.

What's wrong with wanting to run around and shoot niggers every so often

Adrenaline packed, unintellectual action. A good break from all the ultra-tactical shit I usually play.

I don't care too much for it but if you're looking forward to it, more power to you.

What's wrong with Mirage and ForHonor?

I just went and looked it up. Are they fucking insane?

A PC modded skyrim blows that hot garbage out of the water.

eh i'm not complaining. i wonder what the 6 tflop xbone is going to do to the mid end PC market, there'll almost no point in spending $600 on a mid end computer when you can buy a scorpio that will most likely be aiming for 4k/30fps.
i'm looking forward to ME:A, fe, us happy few, scalebound and BF1 though.

Scalebound looked bad; not just because it wasn't a stylish action game but just the combat in general. The archery was very underwhelming, the dragon section involved sitting still and hammering the attack button, and attacking weakpoints at the end looked boring too.
Not to mention the character design is still hilariously bad.

>the technology doesn't exist yet
>we have two games being made
>aka we cba making ES we want to go into new territory after fucking fallout up so bad and have people forget about that

even when Todd mentioned Fallout 4 and future updates, he literally started rubbing his arm and looked to the floor.

It was a CGI trailer, a bad one at that.

And the leaked gameplay on here, it looked like absolute garbage. It looks worse than Dead Rising 3.

I didn't like Titanfall 1, but 2 looks breddy gud. The only problem with the first one was a lack of content (no single player campaign mainly). The second looks to address that and keep multiplayer fun.

>Sony just has to announce one game and they win

why did everyone make it so easy for them

Calling it now, they're beta testing the waters with FO4 VR first so TES6 will be VR ready from the get go.


> Quake Champions
> Good

You can't expect much from the Japanese video game industry anymore either. Most games have transformed into pandering trash or western AAA clones like Dark Souls.

dud skyrim lmao

Dishonored 2 looked okay.
Mass Effect looked good and I liked what they said about it being open and having tons of exploration, BUT I'll believe it when I see it. I'm not buying into their hype again.
Excited for the new Doom stuff DLC.
Wolfenstein tease is cool.
Dead Rising 3 looks great.
So does Forza Horizon 3.
Recore might be cool.
South Park looks good.

All in all nothing too impressive but it hasn't been horrible. Hopefully Sony has a good showing and Zelda delivers.

lads, I couldn't even handle staying up for Shitesdas conference at 3am. How am I going to handle Sonys. I know it's earlier but I'm already falling asleep.

Plus a woman whose 10 years older than me just whatsapped me for a booty call but I cba and havnt read it.. what do

That pirate game looked like it'd be fun for a weekend.

It had quite a few gameplay parts in it. And the gameplay looked solid. You're either blind or shitposting.

This E3 has been the best in at least two years idiot

it's exactly like Dead Rising even looks like it being all dark and grimey.

I want fun and bright DR back

>only one game that isnt a sequel

What a time to be alive!

This, they keep coming out with games that showcase massive enemies but like God of War the blatant scripted process in which you take them out feels overly restrictive.

People want an engine that doesn't remind them it's an engine, and the freedom of attack method.

So when the game blatantly maps out the fight as "Attack the claw now, then when it's damage attack the eyes after dodging these 3 attacks every time, now hit the weakpoint for massive damage!" it's basically restrictive and feels like shit.

There should be multiple ways to take down big guys and if they must do a weak point it shouldn't be blatant and should be able to smoothly transition into attacking it.

I get a feeling it's severely limited.

The developer talking to Keighley literally dodged every question like "how many pirates can be on the ship, how many players in the world etc".

Archery I'll give you, but look up the Japan expo demo of Scalebound a month after GDC last year, the combat in that is a better example than what we saw. Also fuck off dude, not everything Platinum or Kamiya makes needs to be ultra fast 99999 hit combos. I'm tired of them plastering the Bayonetta engine onto other IPs like MGS, TMNT, and nier and calling it a day.

Forced openworld

Ghost recon never ever needed an openworld.
Just make the maps huge...just like all the other ones before the modern era.

you'd know if I was shitposting kid. you'd be literally crying.

>sequels are bad


>it's exactly like Dead Rising even looks like it being all dark and grimey.

did we watch the same fucking trailer???

What was that literally portal game that no one cared about?

literally EXACTLY The Division, but they've put it in an even emptier bad looking map with things that copy Metal Gear.

none of the games designed for it are fun though

like I can see the potential of vr but no game shown at this e3 is really doing anything with it.

It already has more color than 3, and all of the gameplay footage was in one location. It takes place during Christmas, so I'm certain it will be a colorful game.

Did you not see the gun that shoots candy canes, the electrified golf cart, or the vehicle that launches zombies? It looks like the silliness of the first two games.

I literally said it didn't look bad because it wasn't a stylish action game. It just looked boring overall. You can very easily make good slow combat, and Scalebound wasn't it.

that's not true. titanfall 2's multipalyer looks incredibly fun.

might actually buy it for that desu

Do not worry, dumb frogposter-kun. Sony will save E3.

Dead Rising 3 also looked zany and fun.

>not ONE good game
But Dead Rising 4 and State of Decay 2 were announced

first game died in one week
no new info
you mean quakewatch
>dead rising 4
3 was shit
racing game so who gives a fuck?
I was hyped for scalebound but that footage was shit
>halo wars 2
are you fucking joking right now? Who the fuck would ever give a shit about halo wars 2? Not even halo fans cared about halo wars
>south park
literally only good thing shown
>ghost recon
what fucking thing about that game looked good at all?

I can't get excited for State of Decay. I know it's a sequel developed better, but State of Decay was nothing like they promised. Bland bad looking arcade game that could have been great.

This looks the same but with slightly better graphics and probably only 4 player co op. Eh...

>dude contrarianism lmao

t. someone who doesn't like videogames

Get another hobby.


>Talking to my friends about how I want to check out the new South Park game
>Tell them how excited I am for The Fractured but Whole
>My face when I realize I've been saying Fractured Butthole this whole time

It took me hours to realize it. Jesus christ, I've never fallen for it so hard before.