>just built new PC with brand new parts I ordered a week ago, including an amazing GTX 980
>See this
>just built new PC with brand new parts I ordered a week ago, including an amazing GTX 980
>See this
Other urls found in this thread:
you can most likely return it for a refund if it's been under a month, you might have to pay a restocking fee though
>not waiting for the Ti and/or Pascal Titan
If you bought the EVGA card, you can actually upgrade to a 1080.
my friend is looking to buy a new GPU
He doesnt have money for a 1070, so what the fuck should he buy?
Didn't LI have a big old disclaimer where they suggest waiting?
480 or the 1060
That card is DOA,
obvious troll or idiot
rx 480 will put out performance of 980 for 200$
one thing waiting 9 months the other 15 days
waiting for months is pointless since there will always be next gen
but few days is very much worth waiting
>bought a 980 when 1000 series was on the horizon
you have only yourself to blame
>tfw have MSI 970
>they'll probably never do this
>Yfw you waited for the 1070
yea I bought an 8g r9 380 a month ago for 330$
I'm not even sure if its better than the 480
But if you're on 1080p you're totally fine.
The 3,5 meme is shit though, and you will be bottlenecked by all recent and future titles
Only yourself to blame. You'd be an idiot to buy a 980 right now.
310* tax included
It's far worse. I'm trying to sell my 280x right now.
I cried to amazon that my card was broken so I can basically return it whenever I want. Going to pre-order a 1070 once third-party cards are announced, then just return this for a refund.
Might go with EVGA.
>nvidicucks paying double the price for a card that'll be either 3.5, wood screws, house fires or dying after 6 months all over again
>unironically supporting a monopoly situation
EVGA is actually shit in terms of cooling. The Pascal cards are hot as fuck, so you need at least three fans. The MSI 1070 is okay, but I'd suggest Gigabyte.
Right, I just got a 390 like a couple weeks before. Can I run both?
>New hardware came out after I bought mine
no shit fucking tard
I mean, the 980 is still an amazing card.
You'll still run literally everything at max settings with zero problems. It's still massive overkill for a good 85% of the games on the market right now.
You're fine.
>Want to buy a 480
>Kinda want to wait and see what the 490 is all about
>Being a waitfag
have you been living under a rock, dube?
I keep hearing this, but I've yet to run into a game that I've had a problem with.
The only game I've had to turn down even the slightest bit was Witcher 3, and even then, it was just the hair. Shrug.
sure can
Gigabyte has always made really good coolers on Nvidia cards (the Maxwell cards had Gigabyte coolers and they were 60 under load).
>I knew that the next generation of graphics cards was coming out but I decided to build a new PC anyway
Good job.
>EVGA shit cooling
bruh are you talking reference or what cause the ACX cooler is fucking ice cold baby
ACX 970 is like 74 under load. It's not ice cold at all.
Man I really want a 1080 but that shit is just crazy expensive. 1070 is still good, right? R-right? Could I do 144 Hz with it?
If you have a usable GPU now waiting for the 490 will probably be a smart choice to be a better upgrade assuming you have $300+, if you don't the 480 will get you good enough performance sooner. Plus it's always a better value to upgrade mid tier cards more often than to keep a top tier one longer.
So I currently have a GTX970 on a 1080p 60hz monitor.
Should I upgrade my monitor first (probably looking for 1440p @ 60hz or above, 144hz 1440p monitors are still pretty up there in price) or get a 1070 now and a monitor later?
I want to replace my now very old x4 955 and these fuckers keep teasing Zen with no actual release date
I think its been 5+ years and my 7870 is still pumping strong.
I think its the fact that I don't want to wait another year for a 490, then another year for a 490X.
I dunno man, my 7870 can still run games on Medium/High. But I miss the feeling of not having to worry about settings and FPS drops.
>I bought a cheap 960
>waiting for non-reference 1080s
Awhhh yee
Got a 390X for $300 at an inventory clearance. Shop around, anons. Last gen cards are depreciating fast.
>But I miss the feeling of not having to worry about settings and FPS drops.
I feel you. I have a GTX 670 and I can run games fine, but boy do I miss that feeling when I had just built my desktop. I think I'm gonna treat myself and upgrade this summer.
1070 now, monitor later
theres no point in getting a 4k monitor if you cant play vidya on it
Of course it's worse you fucking imbecile. The 480 is a direct upgrade.
>Not waiting for the RX480
>a week ago
You're either trolling or retarded, possibly both.
>Want to build a GTX 1080 PC
>Nothing worth playing with it.
>VR is shit
I don't want to play shit on my consoles another year.
>The city of OP
Unless you have/are planning on upgrading to a demanding display(beyond a 1440p60) you'll most likely be fine with a 480. Unless it benches wildly below expectations that is, but I doubt AMD would be swinging it's dick about the value if that was the case.
then you fuckin dumb or something my 980 evga under full load barely gets past 65c @40% fan speed
Then don't?
I knew the 1070 was coming and I still bought a 980 two weeks ago because I didn't feel like waiting. I know it was retarded, but I don't care anymore.
apart from cdpr games theres nothing to use 300euro+ gpus for
I'm so hyped for my RX 480
Shit outperforms the 980Ti when overclocked, it's a beast at half the price of the 1070
just need to invest in a watercooler?
>$450 US
Fucking niggers. In ausland it's over $1,000 US
Air cooler, higher with a water block.
That's pretty fucking impressive if it's actually the 199$ card
what isn't over 1k $ in australia
how do you guys afford ANYTHING
How do I check/change my fan speed?
And what speed is considered too much?
When are the aftermarket 1080s coming out?
You guys get paid more on average though so it balances out
That's for the 4GB, 8GB is $229.99.
Some models with more expensive coolers/better OC capabilities will exist too.
Still at stock it outperforms a GTX 980, it's a great value and plenty powerful.
I just made a R390 rig
>shippoing company makes a mistake and sends me two r390's instead of just one
>feel like i won the lottery because i live en (you)rop
>mfw realising my motherboard only has one PSI-e slot
What do Sup Forums?
2 seconds of thinking would tell you to get another motherboard for crossfire.
ship the 390 back
Get a cf mobo and enjoy 144fps@1440p
I'm still playing on a 760. I'm not even sure what games I would play with a 1070. Maybe doom i guess
>underclocked 480 is faster than it
>for 200 bucks
Are you seriously that retarded?
If you're at least 2 CPU generations behind, get Skylake.
New mobo and CPU
Sell old on ebay.
390 in crossfire would also need some 1k w psu.
These are my specs. Would a 480 be worth it, or even compatible?
sell them both, acquire their new gpu?
Would you see significant performance gains?
Would you CPU bottleneck the GPU and not be able to use it to even close it's fullest potential?
Also yes
this image has been reported as fake....
On the leddit post the image board this was first posted at it was confirmed fake
Nah, Reddit nvidiots accused it of being a shoop and the leaker posted proof it wasn't
[citation needed]
bro i'm upgrading from a 290x, sell the 290x for £100 and i'm laughing.
pretty naive, aren't we?
Play vidya on one 390 and upgrade mobo and PSU over time?
I'm happy with my 390, I'm not really that demanding on my hardware though.
right now they have
>If you are planning a build with the R9 380 or higher ($200+), we suggest waiting for the new graphics cards launching this month.
So I imagine they had one for the 1080.
Someone answer porfavor.
Yeah but you should probably get an i5 or something
my monitor is capped at 60hz unfortunately
I built this rig to be able to play games at a reasonable setting just to get over summer until i got back to work so i could upgrade it.
so i can't get a new motherboard now
I have a i5Skylake.
Did i fuck up?
like what?
I don't think i can buy anything new like the 1080 without bottlenecking it.
I built this rig around 1080p
fuck you jhonny i know this R390 was ment for you but if you want it so much come get it.
You live 2 roads down you fat fuck
against the 480 which is a die shrink, that r9 380 is inferior
I mean, its not like you arn't going to be able to play games. 390+i5 should run just about anything at a decent framerate, even better if you turn down a few settings like hairworks or whatever.
>If you have a usable GPU now waiting for the 490 will probably be a smart choice
We have literally no information from AMD about when such a card may come out. Absolutely fucking nothing. All they said was that they'll have cards with HBM2 in 2017.
Why, what's wrong with the i3?
>buying a GPU every year
never do that
at the very least every 3 years is perfectly fine
if you own a 770ti then consider upgrading
a 970/80 wait one more generation
you're throwing money away if you purchase a new GPU every single year , ignore the stupid marketing terms and realize developers don't develop with the GPU in mind but with optimization first unless you work in EA where they truly don't care. Where I work at we always focus on optimization first and it really is the biggest challenge any developer working on PC will have to deal with but past that the road is smooth.
>VR is shit
>this guy doesn't like fun
I use my vive more than my monitors user, the fuck is wrong with you?
>dual core
It's going to bottleneck you for sure
jesus you may as well be rocking a celeron nigga
>being this retarded and not keeping up to date
you fucking deserved it you retard
Honestly, you should buy a GPU depending on what framerate and resolution you are going to play at.
GTX 980 will be fine for most 1080 and 1440p games at 60 FPS, but if you have a 144Hz monitor then it would not reach its full potential.
I'd return it and get a GTX 1070, if you can.
would you like some (you)'s with that?
These are my specs. This was my first build, made in 2014. Can my comp handle a 1070?
Should I upgrade my cpu as well? I am afraid of bottlenecking
forgot pic
lol op, you could have gotten a 480x for way cheaper
Should I go with 480 x2 or would my CPU bottleneck it too much?
Or should I do a mild upgrade for my CPU then get a 480? Ideally I want an i5 but I dont wanna dump mobo money.
Be is shit. Confirmed for never used one
Seems a bit ridiculous.
If it has that much OC headroom AMD would have just upped the stock clock.
Stock clocks are chosen to be the maximum safe and reproducible clock a card can manage without having to bin too many chips that underperform, it would be bad business to run a value card that far under its full potential if it really can do that
There's a reason nearly every card since forever can only overclock ~10-15% on a good day with few exceptions.