Just built new PC with brand new parts I ordered a week ago, including an amazing GTX 980

>just built new PC with brand new parts I ordered a week ago, including an amazing GTX 980
>See this


Other urls found in this thread:


you can most likely return it for a refund if it's been under a month, you might have to pay a restocking fee though

>not waiting for the Ti and/or Pascal Titan

If you bought the EVGA card, you can actually upgrade to a 1080.

my friend is looking to buy a new GPU

He doesnt have money for a 1070, so what the fuck should he buy?


Didn't LI have a big old disclaimer where they suggest waiting?

480 or the 1060


That card is DOA,

obvious troll or idiot
rx 480 will put out performance of 980 for 200$

one thing waiting 9 months the other 15 days
waiting for months is pointless since there will always be next gen
but few days is very much worth waiting