Better than EA

This is the reason why slavery needs to come back

Once more. I'll be buying and playing exactly none of those games, and watching none of those movies, so they get a big fat 0.

i wouldn't mind making some mulatto babies with aisha tyler if you get my drift

Best so far


You think I'm joking? These people made AC2 and Rayman 2, I had expectations. When the hell did they start making movies?

E3 card thread?


le 0/10

fucking cringe, niggres everywhere

vote for trump

brb mastubrating to chinese cartoons

I wouldn't mind aborting them. $5.


Ending on a sports game cost them a whole fucking point.

Bethesda > Microsoft > PC > Ubi > EA


not gonna happen

Xbone > Ubi > EA

Granted they all did very shit.
Just like every year.
End this suffering.

6/10 not bad

The best out of the 3rd parties, although that's not saying much

South Park is probably my game of e3 so far

Thanks for the template


Best one so far DESU

South park was awesome and For Honor looked pretty gud.

Rest was meh

I give it a C

Steep is exactly the kind of game I've been hoping for.
Maybe it'll be shit, but I'm rating the conference.


Too much buzzwords, 'experience' and 'immersivness'. Too much memes, too much #OrlandoFaggots and too much Donald Thruss.
Every game looked shit and I won't be playing anything.

even better

>fears: ps4 exclusive
>on a sony event

you are a special kind of retard you know that

It was

>not enough meme gold
>no interesting looking games

4/10. Can't wait to get home from work, get drunk and watch the Sony show with you fags.

4/10, a little better than microsoft because it was less cringy


sounds like you might be depressed
or just an edgy weeaboo cuck trying to fit in with le internet hate machine

Just crop it

That's what I did


> F-, F, D, D-

I think its time to find a new hobby user. Video Games are not for you anymore.

oh.. yeah, I guess it is, isn't it?


would you tap dat ass?

>PS4 Exclusive
What the hell do you expect?

It was horrible. I could practically smell the corporate decisions behind Watch Dogs.
>How do we make it sell as much as possible with as little effort as possible?


for honor, south park, watch dogs and the snow game looked pretty good

No... I refuse to belive this


>it was less cringy

Holy fuck, are you fucking serious?

fuck that's good

South Park looks great.
For Honor and Tom Clancy's The Phantom Pain look okay.
Everything else was shit and cringe.

8/10, For Honor looks good and we had memes

B+ very good

Are we going to get a good conference this year?

I havent' felt this sad about gaming since 2012.



Best so far, sadly.

Literally me.

I think it's time you develop a taste.

Holy shit, that felt like 3 hours.

Ubi is still doing that fake dialogue in multiplayer, why?!

I'm pretty hyped for For Honor, hope I get into the next alpha.

Honestly if the alpha is good enough and they have a cool collectors edition I'll probably get it

Better than EA or Ubisoft

on a scale of 1-10 I say 2, maybe 3.

Peed a little/10

>Microsoft winning E3 so far

what the fuck is going on

No. She repulses me.

PC > Microsoft > Bethesda > Ubi > EA

They had a good spread. South Park, For Honor, and Ghost Recon looked solid. Best conference so far. 6/10

You get this way when these companies skullfuck your beloved videogames and/or drive them to the ground just to move on to the next
loving those implications though

6/10 could be better could be worse

EA 3/10
Bethesda 7/10

7/10 it was much better than expected and I just pre-ordered the new South Park game

Aisha not that cringy this year/10


Sony and Nintendo hasn't had theirs yet?



It was actually pretty good. I don't like shooting stuff but that's on me, it was entertaining.

>That score card

Holy fuck. If I could kill people for having shit opinions you'd be fucking dead.


South Park was the saving grace, but everything else was a cringeworthy shitfest


seriously, fuck off already


I like For Honor
that ghost recon game looked interesting but iam prob not gonna get it

in general there was a lot of game but they were all meh, also 2 fucking hours long

Ok Sup Forums just leave

The new Ghost Recon literally just looked like The Division: Bolivia


Started out alright, then they dropped the fucking ball and shit just progressively got worse

i honestly think shes getting better at this every year. definitely her best year so far

>Ghost Recon looked solid

If you liked this bland, generic shooter you should off yourself. Right now.

Fuck did you fucking say about that fuck you fucking fuck fucker

Well, what's wrong with fearing that Spider-man game might end up being an exclusive even with all laid out pointers (like Sucker Punch being owned by Sony)? I don't deny it's happening, it's just what it is, something I would not WANT to happen.

unironically 8/10

For Honor and South Park were great, everything else was terrible.

Is Splinter Cell dead?

where is #girlwood

That's a solid B.
I'm surprised, usually I hate Ubisoft and give them an automatic F for still using goddamn Aisha Tyler, but that was actually a decent showing.

Bethesda: C
Microsoft D+
"PC": F-
who the fuck is kadokawa?

It was bad
I didn't join until after what I guess was a bunch of people in costumes dancing for Orlando, but I don't think I missed much

I think I quit after the Trails of Blood Dragon, came back in for Watch_Hogs and then left.

It was still better than E3

I expected nothing and was cautious about WD2 after enjoying the first.

Watch Dogs 2 looks great and I got motherfucking Grow Home 2 as well, which I am very happy about. A couple cool new IPs too.

Honestly, as far as shit that I am personally hyped for, Ubisoft is winning for me so far this E3.

unironically kill yourself

It's been dead for 10 years son

Caw Caw/10


Fucking worst one

The most recent one was actually really good and nobody gave a shit, Jade and Ubi were probably mad as fuck

Steep was interesting.
For Honor I am cautious optimistic about. So, better than EA. Better than MS, but only a little cause announcing new hardware is always special.

do that shit/10

>gives PC F-

>gives Ubisoft B

found the sonygger

>40% has shit taste
What a genuine surprise.

Off yourself you fucking cretin.

Your card is literally
>its shit 10/10

Only cared about For Honor/10

Can anyone tell me the name of the piano song that played at the end of the skiing game presentation?

What did Ubi talk about after the movie? I had to leave to pick up Olive Garden.

A++++++++++++++++++++++++ for presentation
F----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For games.

8/10 minus 1 point for the division so 7/10
It was pretty good
South Park redeemed it entirely. More snowboarding games are always great.