Name a better game

Name a better game.

Crash 1


Superman 64


Lizard platformers are constantly good.


Super Mario World, hands down.

Mario 64 hasn't aged very well visuals-wise and fun-to-time-ratio-wise.

oh wow, you mean to tell me a 2D game didn't age as well as a first generation 3D game? that's a shocker.

Banjo Kazooie.

I'll do it, BUT FIRST

Yoshi island

So all First-Gen 3D games don't age well?

Dang, now that I think about it, you've really got a point the-oh wait.

mario 64 suffers from poor visual design
other 1st gen 3D games like crash have aged a million times better

Mario is better than banjo and sunshine and world

Majora's Mask.

I'm sorry but I still love Mario 3, it's great. Super Mario World looked better and had Yoshi but a lot less types of power-ups.


There's nothing poor about the visual design. Everything is designed to support gameplay. Camera is questionable but miraculously good for its time. Crash played it safe and has less interesting levels in return.

Pretty much every games ever made ? ALL 3d Zelda and Mario games are terrible

ocarina of time came out two years later you underage shitter.

if a game has good visual design then it ages better, but mario 64's visuals have aged like milk.

So Ocarina of Time isn't a first-generation-of-3D console game?

That's right! It came out on the gaaaamecube!

That was the SECOND generation of 3D consoles!

You're completely correct in insinuating that Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time are not from the same console generation!

as I said, I find nothing about the game's visual design aspects poor.
Graphics are shit though.

the gamecube didn't come out until 2001 you underage shitter. and SM64 was literally the FIRST 3D game that nintendo EVER MADE

Metroid Prime Federation Force


Uncharted 2

>Nintendo is a single team of eight guys that lovingly hand-crafted every game from my childhood that I jerk off to when I'm lonely

Sorry, hunnybuns, you should've checked your silly little delusions at the door!

Ninja Gaiden Black

sorry buddy you can't just come back after saying that ocarina of time was a gamecube game. go smell your farts or your toenail clippings or whatever it was you were doing before you took a big steamy shit in this thread.

>You're completely correct in insinuating that Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time are not from the same console generation!

>You're 100% correct in insinuating that Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time are not from the same console generation!

>You're absolutely correct in insinuating that Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time are not from the same console generation!

Sonic Adventure was a more traditional Sonic The Hedgehog game than Super Mario 64 was a traditional Super Mario Bros game.

I can't.

Toe Jam and Earl 2



You are correct.

On the same note, I am not sure that SM64 was necessarily trying to feel like a traditional SMB game.

On top of that, don't play Sonic Adventure 1 anytime soon if you have fond memories of it from childhood alone, because it doesn't hold up as well as SM64 and SM64 didn't hold up too well as it is.

>this 3d game that plays like an awful 2d game is better than this 3d game that plays like a decent 3d game

Ratchet and clank going commando

I have never liked 3D mario

Best times are hacking Knuckles into Sonic and Shadow's levels in SA2.

that's not what i was insinuating. go upstairs, let the gas run, close the windows, and breath in eternity.