Why can't Sup Forums have civil husbando of threads anymore?

Why can't Sup Forums have civil husbando of threads anymore?
They used to be common and lots of fun but now they're full of falseflaggers and people who can't put up with others tastes and bitch until 404.
I want the old days back. Let's have a fun husbando thread. All tastes allowed.

Probably the mobile posters fucking everything up.

Because my husband is better than yours, maybe?

Prompto still looking cute in the new FFXV footage.

you fucking faggot get shot

Real best hu-
I mean, yeah, your tastes are fine.


plus being a faggot isnt really unheard of anymore on Sup Forums

but being a faggot is also fucking degenerate shit so you get shit on

Nuh uh.


Unfortunately mobile posting is almost a necessary evil now if you want to post any husbando that isnt human at all.

fucking fags

Yes huh

How many of you want to fuck or be fucked by your husbandos?
Curious what the ratio is.

I respect your tastes even if he's not best.

The best part about being a guy is that I can do both.

Yes and yes.
>not being vers


Any new Roadhog?

Even if I wanted to be a bottom bitch, I've got fuckin massive hemorrhoids

I want both.

Those arent permanent ya know.

i am the only one who actually likes kaeru

I would fug my Sup Forums husbando but I think my Sup Forums husbando would mercilessly rape me

>tfw you're an unfaithful slut

The one I have would require surgery, and I"m too lazy for that.

Is kaeru the middle one?
If so you have good taste.

>not a single boipucci thread in like two weeks
what happened?

If you dont have some kind of harem then you're a faggot

frogs a best

Not even gonna ask.

I'm not taking this.

More link pls I was never into link until I met a total qt who cosplayed as him

I'm switch but I'd give link the good fucks every morning and night

hello i am here to reserve my new husbando

Because im not a faggot like you OP

There was a husbando thread a couple days ago that started off okay but then more and more disparity started and it wasnt helped by a mod watching it like a hawk for anything vaguely lewd.

Post yfw you realise he's winking at us and the V means Sup Forums Sup Forums


Then click on a different thread.
Theres a waifu thread up too so this shouldnt be an issue.

Keep going pls

Which Link?

Robots are low tier.

E3 husbandos are go


this is perfection

Not sure really I like that kind and classic link in the green. I was never really into zelda. Never played the games either KEK

But just like link link pls. Any more that show his tight bum?

Morenatsu was the first VA I played.

Pic related is purest husbando.

What about Frog?

Shun uses you for sex like the filthy slut he is

what did they mean by this?

You're perfection

Kanji is the best male video game character overall though.

Im sorry I know this is supposed to be a thread about accepting tastes but Shun has the stupidest fucking face and hair.

fucking faggots get out of my videogame board

i want to cuddle

I've been here since the start you NIGGER

You mean Link booty I can post?

2007fag here.


Wish mine got more love

you first

he's not a robot screw you


Well whatever link you can post please post more

Then why doesnt he have eyes?

>Really want a cute boy healer in Overwatch
>Get Lucio

Good thing his frog skin makes him acceptable.

I just realized I dont have a lot of vidya husbandos. Shun is just barely video game related.


How anyone could like Shun is beyond me.


Gaku is superior in every way.


Actually that ghost guy that looks like an older version of Shun is the best.

bara a shit

kill yourself


That's not a board for posting video game characters.

Roadhog is okay right

But I like it.

i like Link too so here is more

Frog is top tier, too.
Why is every vidya frog top tier?

>get on Sup Forums
>thread at top of page has link's ass
>get off of Sup Forums

Games need more.


Hide it.

Thanks that's hot. Sadly I never hooked up with the qt cosplayer cause he was only 16 and it weirded me out

I don't see enough 76

If you're looking for NSFW of Link, there is one full of it on /y/.

I dont think most guys like masks.

...Oh, wait.

nice relatable post bro everyone posting in this thread agrees

Bloody hell! Thanks!! Love you user. I'll make you some brownies as a thank you

Inklings are the cutest

Absolutely. Playable ones especially.

Theyre gross.

his commando skin in game is 10/10

You're gross


>Sup Forums doesn't have a boyfriend
Literally pathetic

Thats ok, I have like 50 husbandos.

cutest assassin

Post yours then stud muffin
>meet lots of great guys
>would make cutest perfect couple
>they're always in the US
>none in UK
>all old men round here

Life isn't fair


Which Zero Escape man is the best husbando? Which would you rather date? Fuck?

i'm shy and only into really cute guys while not being cute myself
life is pain

I can't really see them as husbands. More like energetic little brothers that you chaperone on the train, at least until it stops off at Inkopolis.

Zero the third.