When he's nerfed, who's going to take care of all the double-Roadhog teams?

When he's nerfed, who's going to take care of all the double-Roadhog teams?

That's right. No one. You'll be crying about the all tank teams in no time.

> roadhog

No, user. Mei is going to be the true terror.

>who's going to take care of all the double-Roadhog teams
In theory, Junkrat

>he fell for the overwatch meme

>He fell for the shitty he fell for x meme

i dunno maybe widowmaker? hanzo? bastion? reaper? etc? maybe literally any capable player with a proper counter? mccree nerf wasnt necessary, but i guess its not unwelcome.

Reaper, like how he kills all tanks right now

Ive had no problem with them without anyone on my team using mcree especially since they just feed our team ultimates

Reaper or Tracer. They melt tanks.

It really was needed mcree is a counter to nearly everyone right now

>he fell for the hornace meme

You mean Soldier 76, Mei, Widowmaker, Tiorgbjorn, and Bastion?

here's how you deal with roadhog, shoot him

he has no shield abilities so you can just shoot him till he dies


Discord Orb enjoy you 50% increase to incoming damage.

Let's see:


I think we're good senpai

reaper can rip roadhog a new one retard

Double D.vas. D.Va beats roadhog 1v1 and is by no means a difficult hero to deal with.

Fully charged Zarya melts him.

This. McCree is the only thing guarding against far worse horrors. You'll still have reaper as a tank buster but he is so easily destroyed.

Pharah, Widow, Tracer, Hanzo, Lucio, Junkrat and anyone else who can deal consistent damage at range are perfectly capable of dealing with Mei.

tanks are useless from more than 5 feet away. How bad are you?

I'm not even sure. McCree isn't even good vs Roadhog, he can't do anything about GET OVER HERE combos. Reaper can at least try to ghost out and try again.

His fan is getting nerfed but he will still be able to shit on Mei. Hes just not going to be able to instagib tanks with his double fan roll combo.

Why would he get nerfed?

Because he's has no weakness? He kills everyone up close, he's good mid range, he can even be relevant extreme range, he can shred winston/ reinhart barriers and kill any tank in the game in a fan roll fan combo.

Honestly I think the real horror in the game is widowmaker though, mobile, mine to help avoid being flanked, extreme bodyshot damage, high fire rate, low reload time, has a good close range weapon, average health, super easy to have almost 100% uptime on wallhacks for your whole team (super underestimated part of her kit.)

Reaper counters roadhog hard. An accurate 76 can also take him out pretty fast.--and of course, widow eats roadhog.

Pharah destroys mei. Junkrat destroys mei. A good tracer can pressure a mei into running off. and naturally, Widow eats Mei.

Tell that to Roadhog's infinitely long chain.

But he also is limited by shot count. 6 shots and he's out of ammo.

Good thing he has an ability that instantly reloads if he needs to circumvent that limitation.

Also 6 shots is enough to kill anything that moves.

This the worst part about it is the best counter to Mcree is a better Mcree.

Unlike the rest of the roster he does not have a clear hard counter.

10/10 revolver ocelot reference user

As the other user said 6 ammo limit means nothing when you can instantly reload and 12 bullets will kill anyone in the game at full health.

I sure hope the enemy team doesn't have anything resembling a long range weapon!

Great widows can be terrifying but she still gets shut down by Winston and double Winston is pretty popular.

>nothing like sliding a silver bullet into a well greased chamber

Widow has clear counters though, like Winston. McCrees only problem is nobody's sure who exactly is his counter. Snipers are the only ones, Roadhog is 50/50 (if hook hits, Roadhog wins, if it misses, McCree wins), Pharah maybe because its hard to stun her.

Roadhog is annoying but manageable.We'll be fine.
Nerf Mcree into the ground. Make his faggoty cowboy ass unplayable

Yor the problem with modern gaming

This. Roadhog can be ridiculously good in some maps like defending Hanamura but as a tank he lacks the tools to help the rest of his team, other than picking off dangerous enemy heroes and removing them from a fight.

>Pharah maybe because its hard to stun her.
Not really. McCree melts Phara if he's intelligent enough to realize he has a left click.

Phara's biggest weakness is anyone who can hitscan at range. She's essentially a sitting duck for any widow/mcree/76 who want to shoot her slow ass out of the sky.

Yeah, keep playing him. I love one hit killing shit characters.


>he doesnt know about the widow nerfs

Even if she gets nerfed she'll make Zenyatta suck her fat, blue futa cock all day long. Zenny is the worst character in the game.

Good Zenyattas usually hide behind bulkier tanks, you need more than just one sniper to completely shut down a good Zenyatta.

>plays blatantly overpowered things then gloats about it and acts like its fine.

Yeah, no. You're a cunt.

>D.Va loses against a Roadhog every time.
>somehow a counter

There isn't a single character I play that I'm worried about seeing a D.VA when I play. Most of the time I'm pretty happy about it actually. Free points.

Her guns need a buff.

This is fucking reddit, don't reply like that

Roadhog can use his heal and outheal D.Va, in the middle of D.Va shooting him. D.Va is as terrible "counter" vs Roadhog as Winston.

His offense and offensive support is great. The only problem is that he dies to a wayward breeze.
He's more of an offense/secondary support, not a primary support. Widowmaker not doing 150 on bodyshots will increase his usability greatly.

What is with you faggots and cocks?

Genji is a really good counter to him.

McCree is literally the only really broken part of this game. Widowmaker, a GOOD Widowmaker, is insanely scary, but that's all player skill. Not just zoning in, pressing E and right clicking on the nearest target. Fan the Hammer should have a cooldown just like every other burst damage ability in the game.

theyre nerfing both widow and mcree in the same patch which is likely this week

For Widowmaker I think they should just nerf her body shot damage so you can't just one-shot heroes like Zenyatta with a body shot anymore..

>who's gonna take out dual roadhogs

Throw the stun at the ground, collect genji tears when he can't reflect it and gets stunned anyways.

They will probably render him unplayable like everything Blizzard touches

>Playing Zen behind Rein's shield

Enjoy getting two-shotted.

>Genji goes lolcounter
>Mccree tosses grenade on the ground

Sleep tight reap lite

Everytime I play D.va I shit on roadhogs.
Everytime I play Roadhog I shit on D.va

I think people just don't know how to play either

>getting stunned from a flashbang hitting your back
Literally why

It sucks that Blizzard in all their retardation is just going to lower his numbers so he'll do irrelevant damage, when all they fucking have to do is remove his flashbang, so he can't automatically win everyone 1v1 and actually has to flank.

>Because he's has no weakness?

Complete lack of mobility and survivability are weakness enough, did you know he is the only character without a self heal, damage block, or advanced mobility?

>literally crying about "this hero is le overpowered maymay"
>not the problem with modern gaming

dont fool yourself kid. Youre fucking shit. In fact you should probably just an hero and call it a day

>implying he needs mobility when he can deal amazing damage at any distance

Anyone with range and mobility, but junkrat works.

You're talking about Zenyatta, right?

Because surely you can't mean McReee

don't cut yourself on that edge, sport

>you will never endure ten days of the hornace

>Lucios alt fire costs ammo AND has a cooldown

it's like they reversed the strings in the database or something

How so? Mei can already counter McCree's flashbang>fan the hammer combo by either walling or cryo freezing when she's expecting him to use it (which is all the time, as soon as the McCree shows up or thinks he's in trouble). The result is him wasting his flashbang and having to deal with a moving target, thus fan the hammer is no longer an option. If she's not the true monster now, she never will be. Not to mention, most tanks can already deal with Mei as freeze doesn't last long enough for Mei to kill them, meaning Mei pretty much has to run or else the tank is gonna ice her as soon as they thaw.

I just feel soldier is pretty effective. Just hit those missles and accuracy doesn't matter on big targets.

reaper. The character that actually should be anti tank.


Widow is surprisingly effective against Roadhog
Hanzo even

Falloff makes body shots trivial, and long range headshots aren't exactly commonplace enough to be a problem

Zen self heals, 2\3 of his health is shields

Drink bleach you turbonigger

McCree is absolute fucking cannon fodder for a Soldier at mid range. All you literally have to do is avoid getting stunned and you will win fights.

>Watch Lirik and OGJosh stream
>They run Double Roadhog and shit on every pub

Eh, as long as Roadhog gets nerfed I'm fine.

There are generals for these.

Soldier 76, Junkrat, Pharah, Reaper, Bastion, and anyone else who can put out large amounts of damage on a single target.

Are you upset about something? Don't worry, it's an anonymous image board. You can talk about your family problems here.

>I just want to call others out and shitpost
>stop pointing out how retarded I am


Roll is enough mobility in a fight, since it also doubles as instant gun reload.

Roadhog is like fatter, bulkier version but the thing with Roadhog is, his weapon can miss a lot,has only 4 shots, slow rate of fire and slow reload, even when you hook someone perfectly the weapon can fuck you over and the prey can escape. Throwing the hook also comes with a delay both in the throw itself and the chain trajectory so you need to learn how to use it.

Mei is also dangerous up close, but you have solid 2-3 seconds to attempt to escape or kill her before she freezes you. And she cant take on multiple enemies at once either without dying.

Meanwhile you have to be Polygon-level of a player to miss with McCrees weapon after a stun. Oh, and Mccrees weapon is fairly accurate. And you get one instant reload per a fight. Oh yeah, and his stun has deceptively large AoE, so you can stun multiple enemies at once in a small room, kill one, then roll back to safety to wait to get the stun again.

McCree and Widow's getting nerfed this week, new contents will be at end of June.

wrong picture

I dont mind his damage getting nerfed, but the flash bang is absolutely necessary to shut down le jumping sword man and le run fast butt girl

You shouldn't be able to melt a tank by right clicking, but McCree is needed to shut down other types of bullshit

It's okay buddy. I'm here for you.

you cant even freeze your self quickly enough in response because the 20 tick wont let you. when you see it come, on mcrees end you have already been stunned. so basically you have to get lucky

Even if they gave him 175 health to not get one shot from a widow bodyshot. If I recall he had more health in the closed beta and was insanely good before they nerfed him.

The way they said it is that McCree is only going to have a nerf to fan damage. He will still be able to take out Tracers with E+M2 which probably means potential fan damage is now gonna be somewhere around 200

Widow's charge time needs slightly increased and her ulti charge needs to be slower.

It should be 100 health, 25 shield, and 25 armor.

He probably wont get buffed, maybe movement speed but thats it. Because good Zenyatta-tank duo can wreck the enemy team when they're attacking. Zen is one of those 10/0 or 0/10 kind of characters. He's either ridiculously powerful in a match, or gets shut down completely. Theres no middle ground.

Ehm... Reaper? He was meant to be the "tank counter". That's why he has 250 hp, self regen and why it's useless against high ranged enemy. (And actually he is not the only counter)

mei is easy to deal with since the retards who play her can only w+m1 and occasionally m2

He would be used very little if they removed his flashbang. His fan/roll combo will still be able to kill pretty much anyone outside of tanks.

His left click is also very powerful but I'm convinced people forgot that existed.

My father was not a nice man. He was an angry drunk. My mother was literally a prostitute. She payed for my birthday parties that nobody came to. My uncle was a kiddy diddler and he's doing time in prison. Last I heard he got nearly killed almost four times. My grandparents were dead before I was born from a murder-suicide, on both sides of the family.

I sit at home, take pills, drink liquor, and post on Sup Forums all day because I'm a mess.

But that doesn't change a damn thing. Fuck. You.

Roll doesn't even give you i-frames like Tracers blink or Genji's dash, its only useful to give McCree more DPS with the reload.

Also Roadhogs hook is hitscan, at least when aiming the hook ,the pulling animation has travel time though.