Alice is unconcious in the infirmary

>alice is unconcious in the infirmary
>ambidex game starts, sigma at 1

>pick ally
>alice rushes to the AB room
>picks betray, kills me


>pick betray
>alice rushes to the AB room, picks betray
>"w-well clearly it was the right choice since you picked betray!!!!"

seriously, fuck this bitch
zero escape thread

>ZE thread
>middle of E3
>after everyone's already bailed in fear of spoilers

I appreciate the effort, but if there's no new info, threads are just DoA.

>Clover never put out
Fuck that bitch.

please user I know it's only two more weeks but I can't take it much longer

I want Alice to paizuri me while I betray her

We've waited this long; it only gets shorter from here.
Have more Phi in the meantime.

999 was significantly better than vlr in every aspect. why didnt they keep the same aesthetic?

true op but them titties though.

Looks like ZTD is gonna be more VLR than 999 too. A shame.

>999 was significantly better than vlr in every aspect. why didnt they keep the same aesthetic?

Did you live under a rock?


Apparently. Enlighten me with privileged knowledge you posses.

Long story short, 999 did bad in Japan. Reason why was it was too dark/gory. Higher ups told Uchi to lighten the mood. VLR still didn't sell. ZE3 was cancelled. Fan feedback from the West caused ZTD to be made.

ok. so why didnt they make ZE3 with the 999 art style?


You were talking about artstyle? Could've mentioned that.

Are you talking about the pixel art? Believe it or not, 3d models are infinitely cheaper to design and animate than pixel art.

And as I said, the game is running on a non-existent budget to begin with

I like this series because it heavily caters to my girls wearing wristwatches fetish.

To be fair they all do that except Luna.
There some parts where they literally vote the opposite of you and always complain about it.

>finish Zero Escape today
>mfw Akane went from traitor in 999 to completely fucking mad with God complex

The saddest part of the entire game was finding out that Junpei literally spent all his life looking for her, throwing away everything he had, and when he finds out she is fucking nuts he gives up and go back to Earth, having his life forever ruined in that timeline.

I seriously hope he gets a better treatment in the sequel. That was way too cruel a treatment to an okay main character.

Kill yourself, one look at the trailers tells you you are waaaay off

>first ambidex game vs alice
>pick ally
>she picks betray
>"lmao obviously I pick betray. We've just met I obviously can't trust you yet. Are you stupid?"

>pick betray
>she picks ally
>"I thought I could trust you?! I feel fucking betrayed you fucking piece of shit. Kill yourself"

I know it's schrödinger's cat but she really got under my skin

Good, good...

now you can fill up the remaining void while you wait with the
Infinity Series

Go through the cyan door:

>pick ally
I can't believe you chose ally, Sigma! Choosing ally was a dumb move. It's the Prisoner's dilemma, duh!

>pick betray
What the hell, Sigma! *slap* If you just chose ally, we would all be closer to escaping. Don't you know this is the Prisoner's Dilemma!? You will pay for this!

>Everybody prevents you from escaping in Sigma and Phi's bad endings while nobody stops Clover, K, or fucking Dio in the other bad ends.

2nd worst character with Clover being the worst

>Infinity series

You mean the VNs?
I only played one of them years ago and only recently found out they were made by the same guy.
Which makes sense when both series has such convoluted plots.

>I seriously hope he gets a better treatment in the sequel.

He's already a demon.

Yeah, they're worth the effort if you really wanna delve into theory and lore

Copies ship a MINIMUM of two weeks before, LEAVE, ALL OF YOU

> Wendee Lee fell for the Clover Field meme


Yeah I will. Actually now that I know he worked on it I'm more interested.
Ever17 was pretty good.

At least he looks way cooler now with that design. Glad him and Akane are in it, but I guess I will miss Clover.


Not quite true.

Certain games, like LBX, only shipped 6 days before release (express of course).

Mind you, you're probably right about this, as with something as anticipated as ZTD, the copies have almost certainly already shipped now.

At least Lotus was helpful and not just a vindictive and possibly evil super-bitch like Alice. Mira's shaping up to be the same.

Does Uchikoshi hate girls with big tits or something?

Lotus was pretty cool.

She was pretty much Bro-Tier. Her and Seven are the two I'd rather hang out with out of 999's cast.

Alice is Schrodinger's Cunt. Until you've made your actions, she exists in a state where she's fucking you over in every possible way simultaneously.

I don't know about Seven. It was implied he was feigning ignorance the whole time and just helping out Akane and Aoi.

I don't think the way he acts in the incinerator when he suddenly looks for Akane supports that

>tfw finding out all the All Ice stuff they talked about in the first game wasnt real after all

Alice was just a annoying bitch in the end.
And she was literally shirtless during the entire game and no one even mentions it.


>Sigma wants to see her in a swimsuit after disarming the bombs
Truly the greatest mystery of the series.

Virtue's Last Reward

Good People Die

It's literally the name of the game.

>all ice

Tenmyouji also does this and I don't see you assholes complaining.

The leak isn't gonna happen for at least two more days, don't get your hopes up.

Anyway, just finished VLR again and yeah, fuck Alice.

Also, what do you guys think Diana and Luna think of each other, since Diana helped build her?

Diana didn't help build her, Akane did.

Luna was only based off of Diana.

Diana didn't help build Luna, Luna was made in the likeness of Diana because she was originally in Rhizome-9 in one of the timelines Akane saw.

Holy shit I just realized
All those times when Sigma flirted with the girls he was in a old man's body.
Like when Phi mentions showing him how she looks in a swimsuit, or when Clover literally asks Sigma on a date.

What kind of scenes do you think each song from the OST plays in?

My guesses:

01. Zero Times - main theme
02. Quondam Monitors - escape room
03. Ustulate Pathos - sad scenes (like Confession)
04. Tough Decision - Decision segments
05. Trash Disposal - escape room (the one from the 9 minute footage)
06. Glacial Solitude - escape room
07. Transient Tranquility - calm scenes (Like tranquility / placidity)
08. Unliberated Library - escape room
09. Nostalgic Scenery - escape room
10. Sacrificial Demise - bad end song (like Quietus. Shame that VLR didn't have one)
11. Extreme Urgency - Oh shit event (like Tinderbox / Strain)
12. Interminable Dilemma - ZTD's Morphogenetic Sorrow / Bluebird Lamentation

Sigma met Luna before Diana, actually.

Except no one dies in the real end of VLR. And in 999, only the bad guys die.

she and lotus are such cunts.

Sigma being old was pretty fun, looking back on it.
>All the pervy interactions with the girls
>the old man shenanigans with Tenmyouji
I'm kind of gonna miss it in ZTD.

My guess is that Diana is the girl who Sigma sacrifices both his arms and eye to save.
And Luna was probably built to look like Diana, though Sigma would have never seen Diana in the first place if he hadnt gone through the AB Project first so I dunno.


i meant clover

Good people die a lot in other timelines, including Quark

Real end was just the "everyone lives" timeline

Christ, Sigma is TALL

They're making it way too obvious, with Phi's "The two of you must survive no matter what... I love you." line, plus the retconned pupil and eyebrow color.

I swear if the big tweest does end up being that Phi is Diana and Sigma's daughter, I'm going to be really disappointed.

>no one dies in the real end of VLR

I really hope someone dies for real in ZTD's true ending. Everyone but the bad guys living is what sunk 999's true ending for me.
Didn't bother me as much in VLR for whatever reason. Probably the different tone, and the fact that everyone gets blown to fuck at least twice.

Sigma looking old since the beggining is what confuses me the most, because during the game you clearly see everyone treating Tenmyouji like a old man, especially Dio.
But when it comes to Sigma, Dio calls him "bro" or whatever, never "old fart" or anything like it.

Literally everyone else dies in 999 bad ends.

Everyone calls Sigma old at least once. Dio specifically calls him a senile old fuck.

He never attempted to escape without Quark. He isn't a self-serving asshole unlike Dio, Alice, K, Clover, Phi, and Sigma.

Phi calls you "grandpa" in the game's opening moments.
The only weird thing about Sigma being old is that he never notices his hair being long.

>stuck on the ice cube puzzle thanks to 3DS' shitty input
>try to get a block down
>the block goes up

I want to slap whoever thought this was good idea

You are now recalling all the times they called him a pervert or said he was creepy. You're welcome.

Are you Micheal J. Fox or something? It controls exactly the same as the other sliding puzzles.

Also, Ive been stuck here for like half an hour. Jesus mate. Go DOWN
>try to get it to the right
>goes to the left or straight up doesnt recognize any input

It doesnt move for my 3ds pen. I have to work with fucking moving and turning the 3ds around like some spastic retard

You can use the Dpad, you spastic.

Fuck them, at least I get my robot wife.

Clover's brother can solve it, and he's blind! Are you dumber than a blind man, user?

Hold on. I'm talking about VLR ice cube in the Pantry, ok?

The ice cubes appear in the D-pad. But you have to turn your 3ds to the left or right to move each ice cube. I can solve the problem just fine, but the input is shitting on me.

They actually look like they are sit down and Sigma is standing

>The ice cubs appear in the D-pad
I don't know what else I was expecting from you, desu

Wanna pull the lever?

I'm more worried with the fact that Clover was apparently okay with going on a date with a 67yo man...

At that point in the game I thought Phi was like 14yo so calling Sigma, who was supposed to be only 22yo, grandpa was just a teen way of offending people.

It's safe to say Clover has more than a few screws loose in VLR. Damn shame too, she was fun to have around in 999.

It's almost as if the author enjoys wordplay or something.

>he never notices his hair being long

Or the fact the he had a protruding camera instead of an eye.

Cant blame her, having been kidnapped three times already.
She still a cute though.

She may have had plenty of tight screws, but they were never in her he- they were never in her mind.

That's a mini ost, not the full thing

Well, yeah, but today was the first day I had seen titles for the 12 songs we were getting

>Clover has more than a few screws loose in VLR
Pretty sure she has them loose in 999 too, user

C'mon, Axe ending was terrific.
She had her crazy moments in 999, but she was never full-on retarded, unlike in VLR
>threatens to kill 7 people by herself when Alice is found dead
>all those ditzy moments in the Pantry, Laboratory, etc.

post Phi

>in the timeline where you're betrayed
>Sigma suggests to let the people with only 1 point decide who goes in what door

>in the timeline where she's betrayed
>gets away with it

I'm glad that bitch kills herself in almost every timeline.

>its another "Sigma gets 9BP and fails to escape" ending

Should I replay 999 and VLR?

Do I have time to finish before June 30?

Is the only worthwhile way to replay VLR with a save reset?



Not necessarily.

>Not necessarily

How would you keep track of where you can jump to when you have 100% access?

Fucking this. Phi gets 9bp? Able to escape. Quark gets out. Oldie gets out. It's fuckin bullshit that a child, little girl and old man can all escape, especially when they're often even more disliked than you by certain characters, but you're the only one who was the "Hey! None of us is allowed to escape while everyone else is trapped here!" shit pulled on them.

I mean, I get that it was necessary to restrict the mind screw to one ending, but cmon

I mean, there's nothing stopping you from playing it out linearly. You can just go through every route. If you actually want to stop at all the locks though, by all means, reset your save.

No, I mean, Aksys peeps literally told me that they would ship it a month early at most, but 2 weeks early at least. This is CONFIRMED.

oh hey they're making a ztd spinoff for ps4

>yfw you realise the name Tinderbox is actually horrifying

While you're here, do you know how/when the physical english artbooks will be available?


>Get 9 points with Phi and Dio
>Actually get to escape without (that much) bullshit
I was pleasantly surprised. I was expecting Dio to kill me right before, but nope. Sigma stepped outside.

Loving this series senpai

You can escape with Dio and Phi in one ending.