Number of ps4 owners that won't get to play the new xbox exclusives on their pc
Number of ps4 owners that won't get to play the new xbox exclusives on their pc
>PS4 owners
>being big enough idiots to buy a PC
Fuck off PCuck. Nobody likes your shitty platform
Most ps4 owners on Sup Forums have pcs
>not just owning all of the systems
>New xbox exclusives on their pc
>xbox exclusives on their pc
>xbox exclusives pc
>xbox pc
Sure is some grasping there Xbot, can't you just accept the fact that your console is now obsolete in every way? Just build a PC
Why would you own an xbox?
>new xbox exclusives on their pc
>xbox esclisives
>on their pc
>on pc
Something's not right but I can't put my finger on what
Okay you got me. PC/Ps4/Wuu only
I bought it for a few exclusives, right now I'm only keeping it for sunset overdrive but once that one also comes out on pc I'll throw the useless thing out
All games available on the windows 10 store
Windows and Xbox are the same fucking thing. The games are exclusive to Microsoft platforms.
I can't upgrade my xbox. It's not the same thing.
>He bought an XBone
so does games like Persona and some vita-ps4 games counts as exclusives as well?
So not available, in other words.
My new pc came with it so ehhh whatever I'll buy em there
The main difference there is that there are some games on the PS4/Vita that aren't on the Vita/Ps4.
Literally nothing was announced for the XBox that wasn't also for the PC.
>PS4 owners owning a reliable PC
there's a reason they sunk to buying a PS4, user.
>PS4 owners owning a reliable PC
I have. Why are you act like having medium pc is rarity in current year ?
Number of people buying Xbox consoles from today.
Unless they do some bullshit like scanning your Xbox to your PC in order to play the xbox disc on PC.
>medium pc
did you not fucking notice that the number was 0 or what
>Being big enough idiots to buy a pc
Uhhh? You don't have a pc at all what are you stupid it's 2016.
>implying niggers can comprehend simple english.
There is a reason they post the same threads 3 times a day
I have a PC and a PS4
Thanks Microsoft for letting me play your games
Stay salty sonycuck
Microsoft is being surprisingly cool, and friendly to everyone, clearly doing their best to make people happy.
And Sonyfags are being elitist cunts as usual.
I think it's great. Now I can play all those Xbox games I've keeping my eye on,
Who PC+PS4+3DS master race here? It looking good bros