What does Sup Forums think about my collection?


Holy shit.
I mean, you're still missing some others like Haze and Daikatana but still.

But I like Sonic 3D Blast

Ooh, forgot those. **And Sonic R**

>He's the type of guy that gets Sonic 3D blast mixed up with Sonic Blast, the actual bad game.

>no other M
>no sticker star
Are you even trying?

Haven't played it yet, it just came in the mail today. Heard it wasn't liked by most Sonic fans, so I picked it up. But hey [/spoiler] I liked Duke Nukem Forever too, so I might like this one also

Haha, it's funny because it's ironic.



The games in the pic are notoriously bad. What you listed are just Sup Forums's Nintendo trigger games.

Can u even spoiler bruh [\spoiler]

>no Shaq Fu

Fuckin spoilers, how do they work?

3D Blast is the good one; Blast is the abominable one. Nuts and Bolts is also nowhere near bad enough to be there. It's middling at worst, and no one cared enough about Banjo Kazooie post-Tooie to be spurred by it.

Other M is universally loathed. Not only is it shit, but is the single largest waste of potential the industry has ever seen. I don't disagree with your stance on Sticker Star, though.

Sticker Star was hated?

just ctrl-s bruh

Step up your fuckin game bro.


>Jaws NES
>not Silver Surfer
>or Jekyll & Hyde
>or Transformers
>or TMNT1
>or Back to the Future
>or Captain Planet

To be fair, 80% of NES shovelware games are terrible.

Was going to say to OP where is Shaq Fu, but thank you.

>the YouTube Reviewer Beginner Bundle
you guys need to delve into more shit

Yes, but those are the worst and most notorious ones.

They are way worse and more hated than Jaws. And Fester's Quest, for that matter.

Shaq Fu is about a 5/10. There are way worse fighting games.

People just overract to the absurdity of a fighting game about Shaq going to Japan to fight demons.

hahaha i didnt know varg actually has his RPG printed out and shit

5/10's still a little generous. It's not the worst fighting game and the animation's actually pretty nice, but the controls are awkward at best. It mostly gets hate because everyone compares it to SF2, and most early-90's fighting games looks laughable compared to that.

Don't bother it plays like shit.

>That book

I didn't know he wrote those

Holy shit, you can do that?


What the fuck

And it's worse than I thought it'd be - "Arbi" darklings that gain no favors from the gods, olive-skinned "Khemetians" with curly hair that are skilled at sneaking and mercantile skills, "filthy" and "vulgar" Weaklings with long teeth...

Like holy shit, /tg/ said shit was racist, but I didn't really believe them until I read the book for myself. I'm surprised darklings don't get +5 charisma from Watermelons, but I guess he didn't want to be too obvious.

Still, it's definitely up Sup Forums's alley.

wwwwwwwwhat is sonic 3D blast doing in there you silly willy

I could see giving it 4/10, anything lower is too excessive.

The 1-3 scores are for games like Ultraman: Towards the Future, Rise of the Robots and Dual Heroes.

And I guarantee that the reaction to it comes primarily from Shaq. Plenty of other awful fighters came out in the wake of SFII and are now simply forgotten. What sets Shaq Fu apart? Shaq's dopey mug on the cover. No one ever seriously compared it to SFII in the first place.

Oh yeah, he even wrote some companion books to flesh it out further. It's a shame I don't have the first edition - he used Papyrus font for everything.

None of you fags even have a sealed copy of Magus.

I unironically enjoyed Duke Forever

>Sonic R

Too far, man. Literally the greatest soundtrack in vidya history. Simply the best.

D-do you?

It's exclusivly God tier, so what you elitist shit.

I do, but I don't feel like taking a picture.
I guess you win.