What are the games that are pandering to minorities?

What are the games that are pandering to minorities?

I'm seeing a lot of complaints but no names of the actual games.

Watch Dogs 2

Blacks nd muslims are going to team up in ww3
You are obedient to state made propaganda memes that put you at war with those people

While your bitchass is going to be obedient to corporations after till you die like the slave that you are

All religions destroyed and skull and bones and illuminati are all ceos of politics head of corporations and entertainment

Thank you for enslaving humanity

Battlefield 1



>Confirmed for never having lived around black or muslim dense areas

games arent pandering to minorities they're pandering to the media, the media has to be super duper important, especially in this brutal market of the internet with zero barrier to entry.

Thus, the media is incentivized to politicize everything as much as possible, thus the rise of the progressive slant of online gaming journalism.

Thus videogame companies trying to pander to them.

Thus triggered autists thus more fuel for the culture war machine


I get the gripe about Battlefield 1, sacrificing historical accuracy just for the sake of diversity is beyond stupid.

But why is everyone mad that WD2 has a black protagonist?

Or am I missing something here?

People are just mad because we they know the decision to make him black was a bunch of suits sitting around a table looking to improve their image.

But blacks in ww1, even the Western front, are perfectly accurate history.

> #
>People are just mad because we they know the decision to make him black was a bunch of suits sitting around a table looking to improve their image.
What else do you expect from EA?


Racists pretending there's some giant conspiracy against whites to justify their irrational hatred.

>mgs1 codec screen
My autism is triggered

>Racists pretending there's some giant conspiracy against whites to justify their irrational hatred.
it's just diversity for the sake of diversity, nothing else. it's a poor decision that never works.

Every game that has any non-white character.

Makes too much sense

>America becomes one large international airport
>All politics are identity based
>cycle continues


Here we go again.

Yeah, I'm sure half of the fighters on the Western front were black.

"I don't know what WWIII will be fought with, but WWIV will be fought with memes"

Fighting Games

You are all marketing tools and an embarrassment to your respective races.

Black people only fight with each other, have you never heard the old black saying "You're making me look like a fool infront of all these good white folk."

Nobody said anything of the sort. Don't be silly, user.