something shitty
Something shitty
Other urls found in this thread:
Amiibo Party 2
If it ain't an nice looking Metroid or F-Zero game, it won't matter.
Fresh meat for Treehouse to slaughter.
Wii U Music
>There is no confirmation on what game it is, but there is a possibility that it could be a game we already know.
Dance Dance Revolution Mario U
Fuck these faggots and fuck you OP.
The real Mother 4
Where's Amiibo Party 1?
Just barely missed quints
Skyward Sword HD
F-Zero NX
It would be the perfect name for it.
The only quints you can get on this board are 00000, user
Gexfag is a true hero. Someday you'll make through.
The Legend of Zelda
Custom Robo or fuck off.
Nothing worthwhile.
I'm hoping for whatever the flying fuck Retro's been working on for all these years though.
At least we have another platformer with a lizard protag coming out on the Wii U.
Mario maker 2. This time with hills.
Mario maker 2. This time with slopes.
Mario Maker 2, this time with more DLC fify
Mario Maker 2. This time with package AND CD assembly.
I'm so glad Nintendo is dead last at E3 now, I couldn't give any less of a shit about them and I'd be pissed having a conference I actually care about get pushed back on the schedule because of Nintendo.
Get ready for Donkey Kong!...again!...why aren't you excited?
I just hope they bring K. Rool back. He's long overdue.
melee HD?
More importantly with hotel mario maker with cusmon cutscenes
[Creepy Bowser Laughs]
[Insert IP here] Amiibo party
[Insert IP here] card game
If Nintendo doesn't announce a regular black new 3ds i'm literally going to kill myself.
Already spent 120$ on black coverplates.
When it comes to Neo-Nintendo, do NOT expect anything. Don't get your hopes up at all, because odds are whatever it is will be shit.
Beyond Good and Evil 2
Obligatory. Sorry Rob
Oh my god, i actually really want a sequel of the gamecube game, that fucking music was great.
It's Super Mario Bake Off Challenge: Featuring new characters Princess Plum and Carlo the plumber with cyan overalls.
Eternal Darkness 2
Super Mario Amiibo Bake Off Challenge, where there's a recipe for every character, but you need an amiibo to unlock it
Obviously moved to NX.
>Princess Plum
She's gonna have some great porn i bet
Tropical Freeze is one of the best games ever made and if you think otherwise you are a tasteless idiot.
Doesn't mean we need yet another fucking 2D platformer.
They perfected the formula, move on to something else already.
Way to project onto my statement. I just don't want to see another 2D Donkey Kong when I could be getting a new Prime.
This is honestly the only videogame I'm hyped for, this needs to be good.
Nothing worthwhile and it's a damn shame. Not like it's gonna be a new IP.
Fuck off with the 2D platformers already. We need a sequel to DK64.
Well it's either a Nindy or a trailer for a game we already know about.
Like half the Wii U's library is 2D platformers. They should do something different.
really user?
>tfw it's gonna be some obscure indie shit
Squid Sisters rythm game, already leaked
Fingers crossed
Meme simulator
You're living in one
Really makes you think.
Just how deep does this meme-hole go?
Super Mario baby maker.
Bayonetta's reveal was the last straw for me.
I cant get hyped for Nintendo anymore after that disappointment.
Punch Out or some shit
Probably 2 NX games
New Super Amiibo Brothers U
Most likely that amiibo-based Nintendo All-Stars title that has been mentioned by various people.
Yoshi's wooly amiibo festival
Dual functioning Amiibo dildos
Pikmin 4
Who cares about Nintendo? Whatever it is will be censored to shit, and it's obvious now why they've fallen into censoring their games.
People working with NoA browse, and like Neogaf.
Ironic too, since a majority of Gaf is Sony central and completely hates Nintendo
By "new" I assume it's unreleased. Not unannounced. They are just fishing for clicks, it's probably Paper Mario, Federation Force or other shit no one cares about because if it was Zelda or Pokemon they would just go with that instead of saying it's a "new game".
Something that will get shitposted to death regardless of actual quality.
poor rob
Nothing suggests it being Amiibo based.
Oh god, it's one of you guys. Still getting your panties into a knot because you didn't get your precious petting game in Fire Emblem.
Pick one and stay gone. You NoA shills are so annoying
something they can shit out with minimal work and reused assets. i'm guessing mario golf.
Advance Wars U
Pikmin 4 on Wii U so I don't have to buy another shitty hardware
Holy shit, it's a Nintendrone!
I honest to god haven't seen one in a while.
This. There is almost no chance it won't be something as awful as Animal Crossing amiibo festival. Nintendo has completely lost it's way.
thank you friend
This starts 9 am PST right?
What can I say?
I love petting bicthes titties
Yeah, 14.5 hours from now
>Bayonetta's reveal was the last straw for me.
Let me guess, you're pissed Shantae didn't get in to Smash?
Yes, because everything else has been splendid this E3! Truly, a new golden age is upon us!
N Stars. The amibo based RPG
yfw it's actually a proper 3D mario
What would make it 'proper', so to speak?
Less shitty controls?
Just get it on PC senpai
my dream is AW in HD with no scrolling
>it's just Color Splash and Federation Force
I'd be fucking hyped if it was DK. The last 2 DK games have been incredibly good. TF is probably my second favourite 2D platformer of all time after DKC2.
That would be awesome.
Not being like 3D Land or 3D World, those were not nearly as good as the others. They were closer to an easy Crash Bandicoot than a normal 3D Mario.
not a NSMB game with a z axis arbitrarily slapped on