20 mins until Sony wins E3.
Other urls found in this thread:
>No leaks
>You can enter 2020 as a DoB
20 minutes until Crash fans are crying as hard as the Banjo fans.
Doesn't it start in an hour? Or is this just a preshow.
Reminder that Yooka Laylee will have mod support and the first thing that will happen is that someone will put Banjo and Kazooie into this game
Banjofags don't need shitty corporations to WIN anymore.
50 min until the show
>20 mins
you mean 50
20 minutes until Crash fans are crying like anime fans on prom night
Only bitches cry about that shit
Why can't we just let Crash be dead? Who's kidding who, the game that revives the series would probably be fucking horrible anyway.
How do you suppose Sony will manage to win E3, OP? Crash Bandicoot? That's rich. More AAA trash? What could they possibly have in their conference that will make them win E3?
>NeoGAF shits still pushing the "Crash was good" meme
You do realize all of your pathetic efforts at making "grassroots" support for a revival of a painfully mediocre franchise will come to nothing, right? All of those "GEE CRAHS WUZ KEWL, NAUGHTY GODS WHOSE COCK WE SUCK SHOULD MAKE MOAR XD XD" threads are literally the most embarrassing things I've seen on that shithole of a site outside of the Off-Topic cuckfests.
>Sup Forums hates Crash now
What happened?
underage PCucks happened
>modern crash
no thanks
Wait I thought it didn't start untill 9
Rayman once died too and had a successful comeback. It's not impossible.
Sony already won the generation with superior and a higher quantity of games though. Even if they don't win e3 it doesn't really matter.
Pick one.
30 minutes
Is there a youtube link?
>Sony already won the generation with superior and a higher quantity of games though.
The Wii U has more exclusive games worth a fuck than the PS4 and Xbone combined, and the Wii U is a bad console.
It has tons of games and it's only rolling in more. You can drop the 2006 meme it's no longer relevant, newfag.
i already cringed
holy s hit
PS4 has no games.
>Hey, who should we get for the Preshow
>Who about this guy who has the most annoying voice in the world?
That is asexy top she's wearing I would definitely fuck her
NeoGAF hates Crash kiddo. They want gritty movies from Naughty Dog.
I'll be so upset if TLOU 2 is the big reveal. Fuck naughty shit.
I'd let her give me a blowjob.
the pre show woman is so hot.
>implying crash will be announced
he will... for skylanders
These presenters are boring as fuck.
>being this desperate