Fallout 4 Copyright Email

So im completely fucked and need some advice. Currently living with my parents, just graduated college. Anyways i torrented fallout 4 a few month ago and we got letter basically saying it was copyright infringement and it was bad blah blah blah. I knew it was just posturing since they cant do anything to me in canada, but my parents still freaked. I told them id never do it again, w/e.

Then i kinda forgot about it and decided to get the newest update for the game on wednesday. We get another email this morning saying they were going to take legal action. My mom started absolutely flipping shit and now im scared.

Can zenimax do anything to me for pirating fallout 4 if i live in canada?

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Rot in prison you fucking scumbag.

I'd be very surprised if they actually took you to court. They are probably scaring you.

Prepare to get raped by Trudeau himself.

There is a thing called a 'copyright troll' that tries to make money off of fools like you


id be willing to pay for the game if it wasnt so terrible. I mean i shilled out $70 for both the witcher 3 and dark souls 3 because they were worth it, but holy shit i need 100 mods just to make fallout 4 even bearable.


Go back to playing Candy Crush then you scrub.

If I know anything about anything, they can't do shit because you're a canuck.

i dont think they are going to do anything

Literally nothing is going to happen. People troll public trackers and send extortion emails to everyone. Just delete it and move on.

>if you dont like todds newest shovelware game you should play candy crush
neo Sup Forums is so cute

Id be suprised if you didn't see the inside of court room by the end of the week. Shit sucks for you dude, sorry.

>you dude
im not a dude tho. They they'd take it easier on me for that?

I once got the email for pirating the entire pirates of the caribbean series.
Ironic, I know.
I just said yeah ok whatever to comcast and they haven't bothered me since.

serves you right for playing a Bethesda game in 2016

todd loves you

>spent all that time getting updares and installing mods
>lol the game isn't worth my time haha

Maybe if you weren't such a poorfaggot you wouldn't be shitting yourself over a letter you spineless cretin.

Shovelware? Toddeth put his soul into the game. It's probably the best RPG ever made.

Don't worry. I have dozens of copyright notices and I live in Toronto. They'll never catch you

>actually forgetting that your ISP KNOWS
You're an idiot, hope your parents get sued for a gorillion and decide to evict you as punishment.

If you igore emails they literally can't do anything

And even then, they can't actually prove it was YOU who downloaded it

I've gotten a bunch of emails and shit from movie companies threatening to sue me but they actually can't do anything

If you dont like it just uninstall it. It will probably also stop the letters from coming in.

What did you fucking pirate? Fallout 4? That's a typing error, surely you mean Fallout New Vegas.

i did uninstall it desu
they're kicking me out anyways i have 2 weeks to find a new place fml.
thats the least of my problems im gonna be homeless now
oh i pirated new vegas too but i didnt play it much, the setting and atmosphere were terrible. Felt like it was trying to be a western game too hard.

>not blaming it on the shitty wifi
You truly are retarded.

Bethesda deserves their shit getting pirated. Don't listen to the faggots here trying to whiteknight them.

Here's the thing, if everyone pirated from good devs, good devs wouldn't make good games. But this is fucking Bethesda. When is the last time they've made a good game?

>there are countries where this actually happens
Mind blowing

dishonored was pretty good. im op btw

hope you die on the street, this world has far too many stupid people in it

Fallout 4 (2015)

Next time download from MEGA.

Just send an email to Todd and ask him to back off.

He'll understand.

>have pirated 100s of games in the past few years and no one has said shit

what part of canada are u from?

Post the email you recieved

Dishonored was made by Arkane studios and only published by Bethesda.



>hope you die on the street,
wow how mean. i think il be ok but really what did i ever do to you?

im just gonna use a proxy when i torrent next time


A lawyer could help you better than this place. So call a lawyer.

that what you get for pirating such an amazing game

dont drop the soap you bitch

How often do you torrent stuff?

my parents have it and i dont know if i can get it
ok then they dont make good games just publish them.
im not poor i just dont buy shitty games. i payed full price for most of the games on my steam

as far as i can tell the email is just posturing. what are the chances they have any legal authority in canada

but im not a dude

Fallout 4 was published by Bethesda and it isn't worth the storage space it's on.

Also, never forget Brink. Never ever fucking forget.

i never said all the games they publish are good, just that they have published atleast 1 decent game.

about once a month but never again until i move out

dude I'm in calgary and I've never gotten shit who's your isp?

worst case scenario just say u invited a bunch of people over and one of them might've downloaded it

>I'm in calgary
oh shit me too i live in the south east
>who's your isp
> worst case scenario just say u invited a bunch of people over and one of them might've downloaded it
my parents are already throwing me under the bus and i think my dad is legit phoning zenimax studies tommorow to blame me.

Pfff, the autists here know feck all. They won't be taking you to court OP they're just trolling you for money. If they did they'd only be taking you to small claims court.

>Having an ISP that tattles on you

You are a fucking retard. Switch to somebody else to provide you with internet and pirate away.


Was sympathetic towards you before you criticized New Vegas, but now...

ne calgary here, fuck you

>authority in canada
america can get you aslong as you are in the 1st world senpai

>delete torrented software
>message people
>whoops was changing wifi password someone must have used my connection while it was open
>get vpn
>torrent harder

its my parents isp but looks like im moving out soon.
good to know
this is a sfw board and i promised my gf id never post nudes on Sup Forums again.

>how dare you criticize things i like!
i was jk i played it probably 3x. It was decent but i still preferred fallout 3. The atmosphere just wasnt post apocalyptic enough in new vegas.

so you're a nigger or a minority

>not using a VPN
>not getting DDL links from sketchy chink or russian forums
>not torrenting from an obscure or private tracker

Only ever use TPB or KAT for music, books or comics and never get letters from your ISP. Even torrenting porn nowadays can get you warning letters pham

also, fuck Rogers and Bell

you really think that ZENImax can though? I mean sure the FBI and NSA have authority but zenimax?

>>not using a VPN
im blonde i have no idea how to set up a vpn. teach me?
>Rogers and Bell
shaw is worse


>i was jk i played it probably 3x. It was decent but i still preferred fallout 3. The atmosphere just wasnt post apocalyptic enough in new vegas.
Oh the autists on Sup Forums are gonna throw a shitfest about that opinion newfag

I recently pirated Star Wars 7 bluray off Kat and didn't receive anything. These days I only pirate new tv shows eps when I can easily stream movies off of putlocker or Netflix.

Don't buy internet from Shaw. I don't know what it's like in Alberta, but here there are a bunch of places that sell internet for cheap and they don't rat you out or send you these emails.

Good luck on your own, you whore! Go make other threads about shit you could probably google.

this, you're being taken for a cruise OP


Post the emails faggot.

>fallout 4 is shitty
>keeps playing and updates said shitty game

the last time i posted newds was well over a few months ago and i dont know the name of the threads sorry.
im not a newfag iv been here since the rock started cooking. also i dont care about the typical Sup Forumsirgin opinion. Fallout NV just didnt have the same vibe as 3 and it felt so lackluster. You dont even know anything about the protagonist, where they came from or who their family is. You are just some curiour who almost dies and thats it. They could have ATLEAST explained where your family is.

>implying weed man wouldn't let you rape him first

I've heard of people getting v& in france for less

You live in Canada?
Bethesda can't punish you more than fate already has.

Seriously get a job and pay for things you want you filthy Canuck.

>The big bad wolf company harrassing a poor student fresh out of college still living with his parents

Trust me, it would be a PR nightmare for them should they take action and you went to the media, you're all good.

honestly the most you can get sued for is like 5 grand, no big company is willing to go to court for that much, just try to convince your dad to use the excuse I said if he does call

>you whore!
im not selling my body even if i do end up on the street
>Don't buy internet from Shaw
oh i know but my parents wont listen
il see if i can, parents are still pissed at me right now.

i keep seeing youtube videos hyping it and wanted to give the new dlc a chance. It wasnt SHIT, it just wasnt worth $70. id have paid maximum $30 CAD for it.

school yourself

and check redflagdeals for discounts

It's fake. If you get a C&D, it's basically a lawyer writing you a strongly worded letter, it has no binding authority. You didn't even get a C&D, you got a strongly worded letter without legal counsel.

It's not the company, it's probably a troll or an attempt to trick you out of your money.

>being to young to remember the music industry suing soccer moms 200k for their kids dling 4 songs

You're a grill, so you are automatically a whore. And I was saying don't buy Shaw when you get kicked out.


>I'd have paid $30 CAD for it

Ever heard of key resellers? Jesus fuck lady, I thought you weren't new

>this game is shit
>plays it anyways
>doesnt stop at the fucking base game
>plays the shitty expansion too

You are human garbage.


france is where nost servers were and blizzard shut them down. HOH SHIT.
i cant get a job right now tho :/ its complicated
>his parents
>and you went to the media,
but i hate attention
il tell him that
thank you senpai il read up on that. im not the most technologically literate but il give it a shot. can i fuck up anything using a vpn?
how can you tell if its a troll vs the actual company

dont pirate you dumb fuck

I hope it was worth it. I know for a fact they aren't bluffing. If your family doesn't have a nice chunk of money saved, you're about to go on a wild ride.

I don't understand how you could be stupid enough to do this to your parents.

Well pal, I shouldnt have to explain this to you but - we kind of live in different times now.

Comcast has sent me like, 4 of these and have never done anything.

Haven't even stopped my service or slowed it at all.

Usually it's just posturing for the sake of appeasing copyright owners. In reality, ISPs don't give 2 fucks.

>You're a grill, so you are automatically a whore.
you're a guy so you're automically a perverted rapist. see what i did there ;)
>Ever heard of key resellers?
i said i would have paid for it im not paying for it now geez. also key sellers are usually stolen and i dont like buying stolen goods.

i love you more
todd your blowjob face is better than mine, how often do you practice.

Its a scam you fucking moron. Companies dont send legal emails they send mail.

You have a fucking virus, likely a keylogger, and some russian cunt is trying to scam you

>You have a fucking virus
it was on my parents ipad i didnt get the email myself.
>ISPs don't give 2 fucks.
arent they legally obligated now tho?

>can i fuck up anything using a vpn?

I've only ever used one VPN but it's basically install and turn on and you're set. Just make sure when you torrent that your IP is actually one that the VPN provided instead of your personal IP. Check forums if your speeds slow down while using the service

>the rape hole
what modded game is that
also ty for the info.

Woopdefuckingdo. Its easy to find all incoming and outcoming infomation from a network once you have access numbnuts, they likely chose you because you are stupid enough to infect your network with viruses.

Here is your advice; ignore it and move on. Its a scam and not legitimate. All legitimate C&D letters are either emails from your ISP directly or a physical letter from a lawyer. Everything else is a scam.

>Even torrenting porn nowadays can get you warning letters pham

What a compliment.

>that face
>when you are a vegan and havent told anyone in 6 minutes

>implying he wouldn't lick your asshole while apologizing while crying and jerking off to you giving his wife a creampie.

oh todd senpai. if only you werent a manlet, werent a beta cuck, born a girl, were actually cute, and werent such a raging liar. Basically if only you werent everything you are right now. Be less of you and we will talk.

>implying he would ever let a white person touch him or his wife
never talk to him or his wifes son again.

>be me
>regularly streamed shows for a small viewer base
>recieved cnd from cartoon network
>no legal action taken

OP it sounds like someones pulling your leg


I'm pretty sure there's a precedent set making it impossible to pursue people who pirate through torrents.

The most they can do is send you warning letters as a scare tactic, but they legally can't do shit against you otherwise.