What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

Why does every company pander to GAF, are they getting paid?


They want NeoFAG users to jump out the window behind the curtain.

nintendo think they slick

because the neogaf staff and moderators will bend over backwards to comply with any major video game company's wishes

Sony is buying them out

how long until the Nintendo show?



NeoFAGs will suck anyone's dick for the slightest bit of pandering.

Sup Forums, on the other hand, would just shitpost them to oblivion.

Can someone tell me what Neogaf did and how is this a diss?


Its tomorrow, m8.

Not sure that's true. The thread that Japanese Phil Fish posted in was nothing but dicksucking.

>NeoFAGs will suck anyone's dick for the slightest bit of pandering.
>Sup Forums, on the other hand, would just shitpost them to oblivion.

This is the board that sent fucking TREEHOUSE censoring normalfaggots a thank you card for shilling some shitty censored rehash games to them.


It's not pandering. They're insulting them.

It's a diss.

Seriously, what does this mean?

neogaf was banned from behind the curtain stuff
this is direct insult you witless fucks

That was 2 years before the censoring shit even happened. Stop being retarded

It means Nintendo is dead.


Treehouse were always faggots, kid. Why do you think Nintendo is dying, no one cares for their shit anymore.

This. NeoFAGs has long shilled AGAINST Nintendo.

Nintendo acting like a total boss.


>This is the board that sent fucking TREEHOUSE censoring normalfaggots a thank you card
Nintendo babies do no represent Sup Forums, please.
Let's just forget that ever happened.


>Sup Forums will shitpost
>sends fucking postcards

Fuck off.

Someone in the Zelda thread said a friend saw the Nintendo booth but it was mostly curtained, then ppl posted "I want to see the curtains"

Cus Nintendo's reply

behind the curtain: nothing

prease understand


why do people reply to neogaf as if they matter

>b-b-b-but treehouse were always faggots!!!

You're a complete moron and backpedaling already. The card was sent after they won E3 2 years ago for being the only conference that showed games. What happened after is a completely different story.

>believing some numale cuckold SJW censorers won E3

Nintendiddler confirmed.

Nah, Nintendo doesn't have the balls

What about that time they actually turned up to valve offices with a birthday card?

NeoGAF Status: Ninten-told!

No way

Fucking censorship

It's ok to send gaben "pls pay for mods we're never making a game ever" newell a card. Or Hideo "I haven't made a good game in a decade" Kojima

This looks like a still from a porno.

The Devs did. Not the treehouse people but the actually conference and 24 hours of non-stop gameplay won the conference. Are you dumb?

>Reggie in the meme room

So is there ANYTHING that Nintendo is going to show besides Zelda? Do I need to bother waking up early for their bullshit?

>Implying Nintendo gives a fuck about a forum that has always hated them.

Top KEK neoFAG

Holy shit somehow this is how I imagine how Neogaf posters actually look like.

So this is how those reddit circle jerking faggots probably look like but younger.

That's the big man in charge, actually.

Bitchoptl still not paying child support?

Neogaf thread?

Does anyone have that comp of a thread about cuckolding and all the gaffers saying they think it's fine?

reminder that it's just a big ass Zelda booth behind that curtain

I mean maybe the game will be fantastic but it's still only that, just Zelda.

So did the curtains close on Nintendo? About time.

Treehouse has always been a questionable localization firm at best, people just only noticed it recently somehow.

Probably because most of their recent localizations have been some of their shit ones and not their good ones.

Pokemon Sun/Moon tomorrow. If you don't care about either it or Zelda, don't bother tuning in.

Wednesday is going to have #FE, M&S Olympics, and assorted upcoming games for 3DS.

What is this about? Tharja? I thought neogaf was pro censorship.



what did he mean by this

>i'm sick of lollies

It used to be fun, now its a cesspool. I dont miss it

neogaf is garbage now and evilore got cucked by a turk. they were good before 2006 though

Miyamoto smokes weeb btw

Neogaf's Sony shilling is bizarre. What's even worse is the mods are cliquey as fuck and ban literally anyone who disagrees with them, like I understand the viewpoint of keeping Gamergate shit off the board, but it extends well beyond that, I got banned for saying Sony's press conference last year was boring and Shenmue is a meme franchise that nobody actually played but everyone pretends they did for gamer cred (seriously both Shenmue games were massive flops that basically killed Sega), i've seen people get banned for spouting a meme joke against Sony, but then Sony fanboys and the mods themselves spam Nintendo threads with the exact same memes and it apparently isn't an issue. (get banned for saying Vita is no games, but then they spam Wii U is no games for example)

Even on the political side, again, I understand banning GG shit and MRA crap, but they ban people simply for not being Hillary supporters, even Sanders supporters are automatically banned. I had a second account banned simply for posting a link to the State Department Clinton Email Findings. What the fuck?

First time I saw that image I thought it was talking about lollipops



>skin colors include white, green, yellow, metal, and pink-gold
>racist, ageist, sexist
>no he doesn't
>yes but it's not the only factor
>see above, also with most game characters it's not specified
>this should be ignored
>retards who don't understand game development

thanks, this is pure gold.

I think it's a reference to that time NeoGAF found out about NSMB Wii pre-conference by looking closely through a curtain.

the Sup Forums - Gaben meme died when he did an AMA at Reddit.

Giving a thank you card to some business because said business offered to sell you shit is incredibly creepy.

Sony, Kojima, and Valve fans seem okay with that

i think Capcom fans did a Fuck You card to tameem once

People will defend Nintendo no matter how much they fuck up

There are people who STILL like Nintendo after the last 5-6 years of total shit

i will buy the NX regardless of what happens if it just launches with Animal Crossing

Because when they get it right, they really get it right.

So does Nintendo have anything other than the thing tomorrow?

Just meant op is a giant faggot

i'll admit, i'll dicksuck nintendo to no ends if they give me what i want.

>proper sequel to Sunshine/Galaxy 3
>F-Zero GXHD+level creator+online+in-game collection
>Advance Wars NX
>quality localization that isn't 8-4-tier bullshit
>kill off smash bros
>a good Arena FPS game (Hunters was unbalanced shit)

>we will never ever get another battalion wars
>we won't even get another Advance Wars
Being a long term nintendo fan is suffering
Don't get me started on F-Zero

Is this the same guy who sexually harrassed some chick, or am I thinking wrong

what was neofag's reaction to the berserk musou trailer?

>nintendo pandering to gaf
isnt neogaf a sonygger site tho?

>Is Reddit a PCuck site tho
>Is GameFAQS a Nintoddler site tho

You don't expand your market by only addressing the people who already buy your games

Yeah, that makes sense